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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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Thought some of you may find it interesting, just a shame Hex will be SBNO this season.


Is this true? How accurate are the sources that have said this?


There were articles quite some time ago about rumours that 6 rides would not be open this season. These rides were Ripsaw, The Flume, Nemesis: Sub Terra, Hex, Driving School and Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. As we have seen already Ripsaw has been removed, The Flume has been confirmed to be not open this season as is being removed. So it is very likely that the other rides on that list will indeed not be opening this season.


Hex isn't going to be removed but looks like it is going to be refurbished, and will be closed for at least part of the season if not all of it.

This briefly appeared on the Hex page of Alton Towers website before being removed shortly after.

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Nothing worse than a themed old-looking attraction actually start to get... old looking.


Good to read HEX is getting some TLC. Much deserved. It's a great attraction, one of Altons' best, in my humble opinion.

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Oh it's looking amazing! The station looks brilliant too. Am I the only person who is more excited about the TLC project than Galactica? So many things are getting a much needed facelift.


I thought this yesterday! I'm not going to be able to make it there this year but I'd be more looking forward to seeing Nemesis looking awesome than some VR which may or may not be any good. Infact half the time I keep forgetting they've even done it.


Is it still the case they haven't repainted the Galactica track then? Its seems really weird if they haven't given the effort they seem to be putting into everything else, you'd think if a ride was being completely rebranded they would TLC that before a lot of the other things. Although maybe they have and I've not been paying attention....

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Yeah, I don't mind the Galactica thing, but I'm not excited about it really, but seeing Nemmie looking great, all the food outlets getting repainted and everything getting cleaned up, it makes me really happy I don't think they've repainted Air/Galactica but I think they've jetwashed the track so it probably looks a lot better. I'm a bit surprised they didn't repaint it in a different colour just to emphasise the fact it's a "different" ride though.

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Thought some of you may find it interesting, just a shame Hex will be SBNO this season.


Is this true? How accurate are the sources that have said this?


This briefly appeared on the Hex page of Alton Towers website before being removed shortly after.



Hopefully putting the site back to what it was is a sign they can finish this next off-season; a shame if they need to do this work during the season, especially with all the bad press they've been getting for almost an entire year.



Twitter picture:

Seems Alton won't have Smiler ready just yet. Hopefully they can work quick to get it ready for Easter crowd.


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I notice they say "full 2016 lineup" as opposed to "full lineup" - does that mean their 2016 lineup doesn't include Hex, or am I being a crazy cynic?!


Yes I would assume it will not include Hex, or the other rides I mentioned. They are still yet to reveal the full 2016 ride lineup.


^It actually seems they've just told someone it'll be open on the 19th for the start of the season


Yes it has been confirmed by Alton Towers on Twitter that The Smiler will reopen with the park on 19th March.

Edited by thedazza
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Full ride line up...Wait, except the flume...and Ripsaw...and Hex, but that is it!


...Sorry, also there is The Smiler...AND Galactica...and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


That is NOT a full line up how can they say that. Are there any I have missed?

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I was thinking of going to Alton on my England-Holland trip before I realized how expensive Alton is.




For like three or four unique coasters and basically no flats?

You're right, it is expensive. There are normally buy one get one free offers available in the UK, and sometimes 50% off offers too, so maybe see if you can track some of those down before you completely write it off. If you're looking for something better value in the UK, Blackpool Pleasure Beach is cheaper and their coasters are far more unique. A lot of people seem to forget there are non-Merlin parks in the UK.

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I was thinking of going to Alton on my England-Holland trip before I realized how expensive Alton is.




For like three or four unique coasters and basically no flats?


If you book more than 5 days in advance it is a lot cheaper, more like 45€ depending on the exchange rate. If its your only chance to visit, then it would be worth it. While its not the best year for Towers with the ride closures its still worth a visit, as it is a unique park and the rides that are open are still great. Having said this if you'll have the chance to visit in a year or two, then maybe hold off until they've finished off their renovation plans and hopefully have installed something new.

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Best to grab hold of a 2 for 1 voucher and pair up with someone that will save you some serious dosh. Also as KarlaKoaster mentioned Blackpool isn't too far from Alton and offers arguably more unique rides for a lot cheaper. I booked my tickets for the Coasterforce Live at Blackpool and have paid £15 pounds for an all day wristband. Much much better value than the Merlin parks.

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Sorry to see the flume closing, that duck scared the crap out of me when I rode.


I know right!

Never shat myself over a rubber duck so much in my entire life!!


Me too! And the worst thing is that you could hear it throughout the ride, which only built up tension.

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