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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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Always with the rust. It won't have rust. It never had rust.

The track is the "creature". It shouldn't have rust. It's not supposed to have rust. It can't have rust. :p



This is the original paintjob. Notice the absence of rust:





And it had those colors until a few years ago "blood" was added to it... Bright red blood. Not rust. ;)





Some more 1994 pictures...











Edited by BDG
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Always with the rust. It won't have rust. It never had rust.


The track is the "creature". It shouldn't have rust. It's not supposed to have rust. It can't have rust.


This is the original paintjob. Notice the absence of rust:


And it had those colors until a few years ago "blood" was added to it... Bright red blood. Not rust.

Wowie, do you want some salt to go with that chip on your shoulder? No need to be so preachy about it, I didn't realise. You knew what I meant, I'm just talking about the paint effect added to the track, and rust or not my point is still valid. There's no need to be so condescending.

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Always with the rust. It won't have rust. It never had rust.


The track is the "creature". It shouldn't have rust. It's not supposed to have rust. It can't have rust.


This is the original paintjob. Notice the absence of rust:


And it had those colors until a few years ago "blood" was added to it... Bright red blood. Not rust.

Wowie, do you want some salt to go with that chip on your shoulder? No need to be so preachy about it, I didn't realise. You knew what I meant, I'm just talking about the paint effect added to the track, and rust or not my point is still valid. There's no need to be so condescending.



Quite. The fact is that maybe that it wasnt supposed to be rusty, but it was actually quite rusty, which I personally thought suited it but obviously isn't ideal. Plus thats not blood on the track they 'painted on' is it? Thats the original primer coat showing through the weather worn top coat, see the circle in attached photo showing another section of this 'blood' paint you speak of. So before going on such a condescending rant, perhaps you should get your own facts straight first.


I didn't bother circling the rust as there is so much of it


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thats not blood on the track they 'painted on' is it? Thats the original primer coat showing through the weather worn top coat





Are you sure about that? These always looked like paint strokes to me...






No wonder Merlin likes the "apocalypse" theme so much.


They can just neglect the ride, while we start admiring the "rust effect" and "fake blood".




Wowie, do you want some salt to go with that chip on your shoulder? No need to be so preachy about it

My apologies.

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Pretty sure, if you look at the photos (specifically the corkscrew) you can see it's only the upward facing sections that show the red where the rain and hail hits it the most. The face with the red on isnt red on the back end as you look at the photo if that nakes sense. If it was intentional it would be a lot more evenly painted (or they did a horrible job). It did suit the ride but last time I went it looked pretty bad so glad they have decided to sort it out, white, rust or otherwise.

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^That's certainly red paint and not just an undercoat, it just wouldn't look like that and be on the supports too if it was. I agree that it did suit the theme and i'm also glad they are repainting it. The things they're doing under Towers Loving Care should make the park look much better overall.

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It looks brushed because you're seeing the thinner parts of the brushed/rolled on topcoat wearing off, not the red being brushed onto the white. It's most likely a red oxide primer which is a very common primer for metals, put on by B&M at manufacture which would explain why it's on the supports too.


Anyway it's doesn't really matter and I think we can all agree any painting is a much needed improvement!

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Is that blood paint again?


No its not its just all the blood, sweat and tears that Merlin have drained out of their staff over the years


On another note I'm SO glad they are rusting up the ride. I hope it looks good and not just random paint chucked over the ride but we shall see. I still dont understand why they haven't repainted Air as part of Galactica. I remember when Air opened and that blue looked so good, I would love to see it look like that again.

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^As i said though, from the Ariel photos that part hadn't been painted white yet anyway. You can see it's still the origional color, so it's unlikely to be scenic paint


Agreed, that track isn't being 'rusted up', it's the original track colour on the spine and it looks like they've slapped a bit of red primer on parts of it. Plus the rails look grey in areas. From their earlier tweets I believe they shotblasted some of the track back to steel, so maybe thats what we're seeing. I think the photo being referred to might be BEFORE the white was put on? Its the same red primer look on the joints that you can see on the supports in the image below:


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So I figured I would just ask them. I did tweet the TLC account last week but got no response. Its not conclusive but suggests the white isn't the final colour..


Your mind works in the same way as me, I asked and got this reply:

Alton Towers:

Hi Henry, our team of scenic painters are still working on Nemesis track and station. The colour shown in photos will not necessarily be the ride's final appearance - stay tuned for 19th March!


They must be getting fed up of people like us asking.

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So I figured I would just ask them. I did tweet the TLC account last week but got no response. Its not conclusive but suggests the white isn't the final colour..


Your mind works in the same way as me, I asked and got this reply:

Alton Towers:

Hi Henry, our team of scenic painters are still working on Nemesis track and station. The colour shown in photos will not necessarily be the ride's final appearance - stay tuned for 19th March!


They must be getting fed up of people like us asking.


Possibly, I bet they're more fed up of being asked when The Smiler will open! I look every now and then just incase and see 3 or 4 replies near the top saying that they don't know yet.


I wonder if they'll just open it quietly on opening day and not really say anything. No idea if they're allowed to open it yet even.

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