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Gröna Lund Discussion Thread

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^ Yes, it's actually that close! You can touch it if you have really long arms!


On your backseat POV footage in the video, did you have the camera mounted or were you holding it? Just wondering because it looked really stable.

It was mounted...using the same 12 gallons of whale semen that is used to secure the riders.

Edited by robbalvey
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Someone just wrote this privately to me and I felt it needed to be quoted...


When ACE is called on to provide "extras" for coaster footage, they get a bunch of heavy guys in ill fitting SoB t-shirts. When TPR calls for "extras," you get hot Swedish twins!


I think I'm going to use this to help promote "TPR Media Services!"



Can i call myself "Official Twin Supplier" now Robb? Thank you for an amazing day at Gröna Lund. Twister was awesome and i guess we'll have a winner among the swedish parks this year - Gröna Lund!

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Awesome report, video, and pictures! Looks like they made an incredible ride! Can't wait to see how those trains will do in the states. Congratulations to Gravity Group for an awesome coaster, and to TPR for awesome professional quality video....and Twister Twins!

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Yes i am! As a manager I'm also promoting the fantastic Twister Twins.

This has also earned you a new forum ranking! Enjoy!


Awesome! If i'm able to convert my wife and her twinsister from "no-coasters" to "pro-coasters" it means that my staff of coaster-twins increases by 100%. But that's going to be a hard one (except for kiddie rides and wild mouse coasters).

Edited by dubbis
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^ Yes, it's actually that close! You can touch it if you have really long arms!


On your backseat POV footage in the video, did you have the camera mounted or were you holding it? Just wondering because it looked really stable.

It was mounted...using the same 12 gallons of whale semen that is used to secure the riders.


Oh, crap--now Greenpeace is going to be on our backs!

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How they've managed to shoehorn this ride into the complete lack of space is awesome. Almost as awesome as the Scandinavian twins.


Can't wait to get back to Grona Lund, has a fab time on the TPR trip a couple of years ago. Great park, full of hot girls, and the most awesome poster ever.

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Is he doing his Nixon impression?


But seriously, this ride looks unbelievable.


Yes i am! As a manager I'm also promoting the fantastic Twister Twins.



When I'm over in June for the ECC Tour can we have Exclusive Twister Twins Time?


Congrats all at Grona Lund and GG, you look like you have a winner on your hands!

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How can anyone really describe that just by looking at it? Robb and Hanno, fantastic video and pics! Couldn't have gotten a better understanding of all the action without you guys! Time to head back I think. Looking at this stuff is just pure excitement.


Even when riding Vilda Musan and Jetline, imagining yet another coaster flossing through them all seemed to be only a roller coaster geek’s utopia at most. It’s just amazing! Johan and Matthias not only are really cool people and hosts, but are owners that truly have their hearts in the business. Congratulations to them, Gravity Group and Grona Lund!

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Wow, that coaster looks amazing. Not at all what I was expecting to see, given it's compact size. And that was a great job documenting it, too. Now I really want to go travel to ride these things.


Also, I counted four coasters in that one picture.

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Is there a lot of padding or something not visible in the pics that secures you in place?

Yes - whale semen. They use 12 gallons of whale semen to secure you in place.


I guess I just don't understand your question. How is it not clear how the rider is secured? Did you look at any of the pictures? Are you confused about the grab bar versus the lap bar? Or are you questioning if Gravity Group actually didn't do their homework and made a train that wasn't safe?


Whale Sperm? I don't know... wouldn't that get sticky?


Your pic above cleared up the problem... I was confusing the grab bar with the lap bar. I couldn't make out the lap bar in the previous shots... oh, there's my glasses! I certainly wasn't saying GG didn't do their homework. They're too awesome for that. I knew there had to be something holding the riders in... I just couldn't see it.


Thanks for the great pics and video, Robb and Hanno.

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Grona Lund


This looks like a fantastic coaster. It is really amazing what they have achieved with such little space, problem solving at its finest! This was one of my favourite parks on the Scandi '09 trip and it is really great to see it grow. I can't wait to see what's in store for the park next.

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