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Gröna Lund Discussion Thread

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This park looks awesome, as does the new coaster from Gravity Group. I've been on 2 of their coasters (Voyage and Ravine Flyer II) and loved 'em both!


I just think it's amazing how much Grona Lund has packed into a relatively small area. Someday, I'd love to take a trip (TPR trip perhaps? ) to Europe and experience some of these great looking parks!

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^Elissa, a tour with Holiday World, Liseberg, and Gronalund would be fine thanks.


Great park and Stockholm is a beautiful town. I love inside the park, they not only have the amusement park but clubs and pubs as well. So you can be an adult and child in the same place. But I don't think I'll do Insane after a bottle of wine again.

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Time for another update

Pictures from rcdb.com

What Twister looked like a couple of weeks ago. Photo by Urban Almqvist


The view of the brakerun, lifthill and turn over the station. Photo by Mattias Banker


The rest of the pictures from Gravity Groups Facebook

A camel back and a bunny hop.


The station.


From below the lifthill.


And we'll finnish of with an overview from the Jetline coaster.


That's it for now, oh, if Gravity Group reaches 2000 fans by wednesday they'll post a tour video from the construction site, so please join

!!The Gravity Group!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Justin Garvanovic, founder of ECC has taken some pictures offering some nice views from the construction site.

Pictures taken a few weeks ago though so pretty much all of the supporting structure is done since then (not sure about the hill over the entrance vault to the Blå tåget building though) and work is now being concentrated on building the track.




A picture from Gravity Group's facebook. http://www.facebook.com/#!/album.php?id=45279469027&aid=241457

Here we can see the future boardwalk and the camelback hill.


And a couple of pictures from Gröna Lund's facebook. http://www.facebook.com/#!/album.php?id=343591900666&aid=199882

The carpenters continues to work hard in the cold.


We haven't seen much from inside of the Blå tåget building but here's one rare picture from the construction.


And finally Gröna Lund has done an interview with Korey Kiepert from Gravity Group. (some in swedish, some in english)

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Hello! long time since I was here!, but follow the construction every day through facebook and webkameran.DEt this card I think is very good, then it shows the first hill, down the cliff! Looks like you're going into the water almost!


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Hey Tompa, yes that first drop is going to be nice, that's for sure. Korey writes a little bit about how they have tweaked the profile on the first drop to make it more airtime friendly for the riders in the back of the train. Can't wait to try it out for myself.

Gravity Group has added some new lovely pictures.



The arches for Blå tåget are finally up! Twister will be running over this arch soon.


Tracking the first drop.


On the roof looking back at the entrance arches.

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Oh I'm not the guy to ask about when the trains arrive as I'm neither a staff member of Gröna Lund nor Gravity Group. But I can make a guess. I would guess we'll be able to see trains in first half of april when the track is finished, the lift hill got some chain installed and when the coaster is ready for some testing.

I might visit the park this spring but I don't own a good enough camera to use, might be able to borrow one, we'll see.

Anyway, we got some new pictures on facebook and rcdb.com


First a few from gravity group's facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/album.php?fbid=438094194027&id=45279469027&aid=241457

Camelbacks and turns


The roof is done and the bridge over it is ready for the last bents to be raised.


Well... the picture speaks for itself.


And the last picture is taken by Doug Ekström-Ahlby.



And on the web cam after sundown you can see some testing of a few light bulbs on the first cammelback. This is gonna look beautiful at night when all the lights are installed.

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  • 2 weeks later...


THIS is one of the Must-See Parks in the world I know everybody should get to at least once in their lifetime.


And I hope I can get to go there again in the next few years, with another TPR tour, hint hint, LOL!


They are so creative and amazingly talented in how they fit everything together and around each other.

Grona Lund is a very cool park to visit and enjoy.


And this new coaster will certainly be a hoot to add to my coaster credits, I'm sure, heh heh.

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If you look at the first drop from different angles on the facebook page...MAN, depending on how long those trains will be, that could easily be one of the most intense moments of ejector air on the planet in the back seat. AMAZING !!!

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