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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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Kids these days - so demanding!


The webcam will be moved eventually, because the structure for the Immelmann loop (please note spelling and capitalization for future use) will take up most of the view.


But not just yet, because then you'll complain that the shot is too wide and you can't see what brand of work shoes the construction guys are wearing each day. You know you will.


Just know that we're aware and will make it work as best we can regarding zoom, tilt and pan (as long as you do your part and work on your spelling and capitalization).

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This coaster is really coming together. I really like how close to the ground the track is on the left side of the current webcam view.


Maybe the webcam will be moved to the top of the Immelmann once it is complete! Then we will be able to see most of the construction site? Not sure, just a thought.

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That's going to be one giant inversion! Imagine the sight of the orange track poking above the trees from a distance. Looking good! My budget's set to hit one more park this season, but I'm trying to scrape up some money to also hit Holiday World one more time just to see Thunderbird!

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If I can get a Sunday off from work this October, I'll be visiting the park then. $24.95 for Happy Halloween Weekends (I believe that is the online price) is a bargain, IMO.


On a curious note, Paula, do you know if there will be any type of netting placed over The Voyage's track where Thunderbird crosses it? I was watching the animations last night and it kinda dawned on me that there might need to be some netting there. If there is, I'm kind of hoping that they build it in a way that it creates an added head-chopper effect on The Voyage.


Edit: For those complaining about the webcam right now and not being able to see anything, just check HW's twitter page every now and then. You'll find these kinda creepy, yet cool photos of Thunderbird!



Edited by ZeroGravity55
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^ My personal favorite was when Thunderbird was announced and somebody commented that Cedar Point already has a wing coaster. REALLY? That's nice to know, but does this look like Cedar Point? Also, it seems the public education system has failed some of the GP, or maybe they failed the system? Anyways, they need to go back to school and learn how to read. It says the NATIONS FIRST LAUNCHED wing coaster, not the first wing coaster.

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Being an IT person, I can tell you that moving a web camera does not take place in an instant. I don't know the way HW has set up this camera, but there is cable, power, and a mounting to deal with and that takes time to move and setup. I'm sure that Paula will make every effor to keep us as satisfied as she can, given the physical aspects of the webcam.


Just give it a little time, it is a construction site after all.

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I've been following Thunderbird's construction from over in the UK, so have naturally spent a lot of time staring at the webcam. A few days ago it would seem someone got hold of the controls and had a play with it, as it gave a nice tour of the entire park. It appeared as though they were perhaps looking at how to position the webcam once construction moves to the vertical loop, as it ended up in the position below. Thought someone on here might have noticed as well, but it doesn't look anyone did. Hopefully this provides you with some idea of what to expect when the webcam is repositioned.




But then again, it did end up like this at one point.



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^^^ Welcome to the forum! Nice to see the pathway coming together. Appears there will be some brick work and hopefully some nice landscaping, which wasn't in the concept art from what I can remember, so that's nice. As for the second picture, wish we would have had that shot back in late June/early July. Proving to some people that those were B&M footers would have been a whole lot easier for some of us.

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Here is a trip report months in the making


It's the conclusion to my HoliWood Nights trip report, with lots of behind the scenes photos of the Voyage and some of the land clearing for Thunderbird: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1505590#p1505590

Edited by Woodie Warrior
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