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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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I applaud HW for the payment plan on the season passes. I know I'll be buying my first season pass to Holiday World this year just because of Thunderbird.


Also, I apologize for any snarky remarks I gave anyone with a negative opinion on the ride announcement. Just as I thought your opinion shouldn't matter, I shouldn't have let it bother me. You're entitled to your opinions no matter how much I disagree with them. If I don't like it, I can simply ignore them. Last words on this subject (feel free to ignore), Thunderbird is perfect for HW. I've been reading comments on local media's Facebook pages and the GP can't wait to ride Thunderbird. That's what a ride is supposed to do. Not be extreme or intense or fast, high, long...whatever. A ride is supposed to get everyday people excited to want to spend money on something that is nonessential to their lives because they now believe the feeling they will receive from that ride is essential to their lives. Because that ride makes them an overly excited child again. Not because it's a B&M or Intamin or Mack or a launch or anything specific but because it's an awesome ride to them. That's the best part.


Now back to the conversation.


I really like the idea a few have been throwing around about a chair lift from the Christmas Section to Thanksgiving. Honestly, I've always been wishing for a miniature railroad but with all the hills, I highly doubt that will ever happen. A chairlift would be great, especially the gondola type that allows for more than only two passengers (I'm thinking of families with small children here).


I think the lift would fit perfectly starting out by Rudolph's Reindeer Ranch then going diagonally to the North side of Raging Rapids on the Thanksgiving bridge turning to continue North towards Thunderbird. The lift would go through the area between the Christmas Section and Halloween basically following the path that cuts between HallowSwings and Lewis & Clark Trail. Once reaching the north side of Raging Rapids, the lift would then turn North and either follow the Thanksgiving path over Voyage's break-run or go slightly East of Voyage's last turn (the one into the break-run) and over the restrooms to then continue North but also avoiding the task of crossing over Voyage's track. Either way, the lift would end (or start) somewhere on the South side of Thunderbird's track. This would be a fantastic way to quickly move guests to the back of the park and near to Splashin' Safari's entrance and back again at the end of the day. Of course, HW just bought a brand new ride so speculating about future developments should maybe wait. Maybe the near future holds a convenient way to shuttle guests from the front of the park to the rear.

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Has this thread cooled down yet?


Thunderbird looks like a lot of fun (much like other recent B&Ms) but I feel like the capacity will be a nightmare. Short trains work with shorter launched coasters like Xcelerator and Storm Runner but this one looks like it lasts as long as a normal coaster would.


Holiday World claims that Thunderbird can reach 1,140 people per hour. The layout is fairly short, and there is no lift hill, so I think it should be okay. I guess it really all depends in the efficiency of the ops, though.

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Has this thread cooled down yet?


Thunderbird looks like a lot of fun (much like other recent B&Ms) but I feel like the capacity will be a nightmare. Short trains work with shorter launched coasters like Xcelerator and Storm Runner but this one looks like it lasts as long as a normal coaster would.


Holiday World claims that Thunderbird can reach 1,140 people per hour. The layout is fairly short, and there is no lift hill, so I think it should be okay. I guess it really all depends in the efficiency of the ops, though.

There's nothing to worry about capacity-wise. The ride ops at Holiday World are some of the most efficient in the business.

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Given the location of Thunderbird it may be safe to assume that a lot of its riders will ride the Voyage on their way. Considering this factor, this is the perfect addition to Holiday World. I can imagine a hypothetical scenario where they instead decided to build a coaster like the Smiler at Alton Towers, because that would certainly raise a lot of questions.

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Think about it as when the Thanksgiving area first opened. At first, it was only Voyage, Gobbler Getaway, and Turkey Whirl (the restaurant wasn't opened the first year). Then they added Pilgrim's Plunge, Mayflower, and now Thunderbird. Granted, PP was removed but its clear that will be replaced. Thunderbird will feel as included as Voyage after a few years of smaller rides added.

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Kind of fun & ironic watching the Construction Cam tonight. Santa Claus is in a Severe Thunderstorm Warning and is presently getting slammed by the storm. Seeing the "Thunderbird" construction site lit up by lightning flashes matches perfectly.

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Lightning was also dancing like crazy all around the Louisville area tonight, and storms are supposed to continue through tomorrow. Maybe the legends are true and the Thunderbird has truly risen (or maybe it's rainy season again... I prefer the legend!).

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^ lol can't really help what the paper decides to print and put on the front page.


I have an idea of how they can sort of avoid Hyena Falls being right in the way and keep the Thanksgiving section and Splashin' Safari separate. I drew up a picture. It would involve removing all the concrete from PP. They're probably gonna have to do that anyways. The only thing they would keep would be the walkway tunnel to get to PP from Splashin' Safari. They would use this pathway to get to Thunderbird.


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Wow...this wasn't what I expected at all for Holiday World - congratulations to them on this big investment! That says a lot for the parks commitment to expansion by adding something of this proportion - especially a first of it's kind coaster. I am sure that this will be a big hit and something that I look forward to riding someday in the future.


I also have to agree about the chair lift idea....especially the comment about the walk up the hill at the end of the day. When we visited last year (it was about 95 degrees), my partner (he has mild COPD) had a rough time walking the hill in the scorching heat when we decided to leave.


We did stop to take plenty of rests and got a bottle of water, but he even admitted that the walk was quite rough in that high heat - and he rarely complains about anything.


He would have been the happiest camper in the world had they had a sky ride, train or tram system and I'm sure other senior citizens and families with young one's that are exhausted at the end of the day would agree...this would be awesome if it comes to fruition someday!

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Kind of fun & ironic watching the Construction Cam tonight. Santa Claus is in a Severe Thunderstorm Warning and is presently getting slammed by the storm. Seeing the "Thunderbird" construction site lit up by lightning flashes matches perfectly.


I told the Club TPR group this morning that was part of our theming for Thunderbird.

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Enthusiasts freak out about B&M finally making a launch coaster

Enthusiasts freak out about it being a wing coaster



Looks cool. I've never done a wing rider so IDK, but I like the looks of it. Just a bit more motivation to finally do HW next year

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I'm excited to see that track delivery tomorrow!


Looks cool. I've never done a wing rider so IDK, but I like the looks of it. Just a bit more motivation to finally do HW next year


Holiday World is definitely worth it to go there. It's one of my favorite parks, and the have the best waterpark in the world not to mention Raven and Voyage. (Legend is just kind of rough) I can only imagine what the park will be after Thunderbird takes flight.

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I'm excited to see that track delivery tomorrow!


Looks cool. I've never done a wing rider so IDK, but I like the looks of it. Just a bit more motivation to finally do HW next year


Holiday World is definitely worth it to go there. It's one of my favorite parks, and the have the best waterpark in the world not to mention Raven and Voyage. (Legend is just kind of rough) I can only imagine what the park will be after Thunderbird takes flight.


Yeah, I've been wanting to for years. Never had a "real" reason to get out there but I may just say screw it and take a road trip, (or hope TPR makes a visit there!)

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^ Track delivery at 8am CDT tomorrow (Monday). Some will be viewable from the ConstructionCam.


Awesome! I'll have to wake up early to see it - totally worth it. Thanks for letting me know, Paula!


I'm excited to see that track delivery tomorrow!


Looks cool. I've never done a wing rider so IDK, but I like the looks of it. Just a bit more motivation to finally do HW next year


Holiday World is definitely worth it to go there. It's one of my favorite parks, and the have the best waterpark in the world not to mention Raven and Voyage. (Legend is just kind of rough) I can only imagine what the park will be after Thunderbird takes flight.


Yeah, I've been wanting to for years. Never had a "real" reason to get out there but I may just say screw it and take a road trip, (or hope TPR makes a visit there!)


You totally should come! You'll thank yourself once you're there. The employees are really nice, you get free soft drinks, the park is super clean, the food is amazing ( Plymoth Rock Café), and the rides are phenomenal!

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You totally should come! You'll thank yourself once you're there. The employees are really nice, you get free soft drinks, the park is super clean, the food is amazing ( Plymoth Rock Café), and the rides are phenomenal!


If only that could be said for all theme parks.

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^^^ Ditto what he said. I"ve been to Disney World a few times and I never had nearly as much fun as I do at Holiday World. The Friendliness at HW is real too... it isn't forced and bizarre and over the top like at Disney.


Also I"ve been trying to figure out how that Newspaper article is offensive to anyone. I REALLY don't get. ::clueless look:: Is it something in the article, because I didn't really read past the headline?

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