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Coastermania! 2010

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I thought Cedar Point did an excellent job with Coastermania this year. The Friday evening appetizers were tasty, as was the lunch on Saturday. Got a cool new Coastermania hoodie and of course best of all, rode a bunch of great coasters.


GP crowds both days were moderate light, the line for Dragster was actually shorter right before 10PM than at the start of ERT. Maverick at 9pm on Friday was about 30min.

Never waited more than 10 minutes for Magnum and Wicked Twister .


I would think that most that attended will agree that it was well done by Cedar Point.


I actually left after the lunch on Saturday to drive back to Columbus as my daughter and I had ridden everything we wanted to, several times and we were rather worn out.


I did not take many photos, but here are some of Coastermania and some random photos of Columbus Zoo's recent addition.


First stop was Wicked Twister. I know I know this is not the quality of Zach's recent photos, but i am pretty sure his lenses cost more than my car. By the way Zach, awesome photos in your recent TR.


The beach and Magnum in the distance. Rode in the last car of Magnum exclusively on this trip. I think it it is best seat for the ride.


My daughter and the bestest coaster riding buddy in the world.


I recently watched Bill and Ted.


I think I captured Iggyace in this blurry photo.


MMMMmmmm Raptor. One of my faves


Saturday morning around 7am.


Trash Can Trivia: If you wanted to deposit a piece of trash in every trash can in Cedar Point, it would take you 23.5 year.


Trash Can Trivia:


The volume of all the trash cans combined in Cedar Point is greater than that of the Grand Canyon.


I heart ERT


I really do love ERT. I mean I actually want to marry it.


My daughter and me wearing my TPR shirt. Do I get free stuff now? Free stuff is cool. Well usually, unless someone tells you 'let me give you some free advice".... that usually sucks.


Mean Streak, keeping chiropractors and orthopedic surgeons employed since 1991.


Aww, my daughter and a huge Snoopy that she wanted. I managed to say no.


New addition to the Columbus Zoo. Bears are cool.


They have a rather cool underwater viewing area for the bear


Final Picture, Kayla likes Woodstock too.

Thanks for reading. I really should have forwarded these pics to Natalie and let her come up with the captions.

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Nice TR. A little short, but still good. I was at the Point on Friday, lines were great! 15 mins for Mil-F! I tried to get into the Convention Center to see Mr. Bolliger talk, but no dice. Speaking of which, any photos of Walter?

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Thanks! I did not go to hear Walter speak. Lines were way too short that night!


I wish I had taken more pics. I am sure others that went on the MF and Maverick tours will post some great pics. I did see several Club TPR shirts on Sat.

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