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New Zierer Coaster for Schwabenpark - Germany

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The small German family park builded a Zierer family coaster the last months: Force One

It will open in two days and the Layout looks really intresting. Maybe this park is something for your Europe-Trips.

There are three family credits and other cool stuff... so here is the link to their homepage:



And there is an intresting video of the first test runs with people on it:


EDIT: The onride video is in the last post on the bottom of this page!



Edited by Kooky
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I pulled the specs off of rcdb.com:


Roller Coaster: Force One

Amusement Park: Schwaben Park (Kaisersbach, Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany)

Classification: Roller Coaster

Type: Steel - Sit Down

Status: Opening 5/23/2010

Make / Model: Zierer / Other / ESC


Length: 1738' 10"

Height: 72' 2"

Inversions: 0

Speed: 40.4 mph

Duration: 0:38

G-Force: 3.7


Trains: Single train with 8 cars. Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 16 riders.


Looks like a fun family coaster if nothing else.

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It looks pretty cool. Nice looking trains, fast lift, interesting layout, and decent speed for whats supposed to be a family/kiddy coaster. I'd definately check it out....if I was ever in Germany.

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Zierer coasters really look better and better,maybe we will see a really big coaster from them in the near future. And i think there could be a little bit floating airtime on the little hump.


what maybe intresting for you, is that this park even has an old Schwarzkopf -Wildcat called "Himalyabahn":

Image source:http://www.schwabenpark.com/Schwaben_Park/Attraktionen/Seiten/Himalaya_Bahn.html#0

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Zierer coasters really look better and better,maybe we will see a really big coaster from them in the near future. And i think there could be a little bit floating airtime on the little hump.


what maybe intresting for you, is that this park even has an old Schwarzkopf -Wildcat called "Himalyabahn":

Image source:http://www.schwabenpark.com/Schwaben_Park/Attraktionen/Seiten/Himalaya_Bahn.html#0

I guess you don't consider Wicked at Lagoon a Big Coaster?


- Sid

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Wow, that's a great little coaster, fun for the whole family.


I'm sure that Six Flags would like to add that to their parks (if they do, please choose Six Flags America; they need rides badly), but I can also see Cedar Point getting one as well.


"Until that happens, you can always dream."

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The coaster is running and it seems seems to be much fun and develops very nice forces in the helixes... they just had some little problems that they installed to less brakes so that the train could not be filled completely at the moment because then the train is to fast and stops outside of the station and had to be driven back by the operator, but they will fix this the next days.


There are new videos from the coaster:





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Here you find more nice pics of the coaster.

And i have to agree with you, its really the most intresting family coaster i have ever seen. It seems that it really has some strong forces but in a really fun way, so it seems that the name was choosen correctly. One guy in the german forum called it lovely "Intimidator72" i like that name!

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I can't wait til they move those airtime-hill killing trims to the first drop and ruin the ride for all teh fanb0is


Anyhow, that looks freaking AWESOME! I love Zierer's kiddie coasters and I'm not quite sure I'd call this a kiddie coaster it looks pretty intense.

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The homepage of the park says that it has a max speed of 85km/h (52mph), that the train takes the rest of the course with a speed between 60-75 km/h (37-46 mph), the average speed of the entire ride is 68km/h (42mph) and end speed when it hits into the first brakes was 53 km/h (32 mph). Very fast in my opinion.


the original text from http://schwabenpark.com/Schwaben_Park/Neu_2010.html:

Die Höchstgeschwindigkeit (max. 85 km/h) wird bei der Liftabfahrt erreicht.Die restlichen Kuppen werden dann ungefähr mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 60-75 km/h überfahren.Die Einfahrtsgeschwindigkeit in die erste Reduzierbremse beträgt ca. 53 km/h.Die Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit von Liftkuppe bis Einfahrt Bremse (freie Fahrt).beträgt ca. 68 km/h d.h für 530 m Strecke benötigt der Zug eine Fahrzeit von ca. 38 sec...Schienenlänge beträgt ca. 530 m / Lifthöhe ca. 22 m Liftsteigung 34 Grad.Bremssystem: Es befindet sich 1 Zug mit 8 Fahrzeugen a 2 Personen in der Bahn. Kapazität pro Fahrt 16 Personen


But even with this speed it seems that its a ride for everyone, small kids as well as coaster fanboys

Overall the reactions were very positive, just two little minor issues:

- it seems to be a little bit shaky, but not in a way that it is no fun.

- it seems to be to fast on hot days to get braked correctly... like i mentioned before it sometimes passes through the station on hot days, and has to be driven backwards... but as a coaster fan its not an issue, its a good omen

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I'm quite pleased to see this gem, and thanks again for posting the onride/offride footages, Kooky.


no prob... but i have to mention that i havn`t filmed the footage, i just linked it! I thought you had to see this little "gem"... so hopefully this kind of coaster gets more publicity so that more parks build this nice family ride.

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