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My Park- "Millenium Heights" [RCT2]

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So everyone works on parks with all these themings, and so do i, but i wanted to try something different for a change. i just wanted a park submerged in trees, like a forest, and then some of the individual rides have their own theming. my only problem with the park is that it's HUGE, and I still have empty land to cover. here's some screenshots.

Here you'll see some roller coasters. Right in the center is "Obliteration", a ride that's more focused on speed than height. The orange one is a Mini-Suspended Coaster. Top left is "Blackbear", a woodie in the middle of a dense forest. And the red coaster on the bottom is a power-launched looping coaster. And hidden in the trees is a log flume, can you find it?


Here is "Knight Watch", my Hyper-Twister Coaster that speeds you through battling castles, and through medieval villageds. (Largest Drop- 167ft, Max Speeds: 75mph)

And next to it you'll see my 100-ft water ride.


My Wild-Western Inverted Vertical Shuttle is a western-themed ride (duh), which focuses on turns that swish you close to the scenery around you.


Majority of my park. As you can see, the back of the park seems more empty, because I'm not done completing it yet...


"Accelero": Twister Coaster with a Launch Lift Hill.


My Hyper-Twister Roller Coaster, one of my favorites.


370ft-Tall Giga Coaster, "guests love this one th emost, has an excitement rating of 10.26!)


128 attractions with 25 roller coasters, I'm still adding to this park's full potential, which could be a lot! Tell me what you think and give me feedback Thanks!

Edited by braztaz
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You'll notice my park rating is pretty low, too, because i haven't been paying attention to the guest's needs lately, just expansion of the park, so I'll get it back up to the usual 700 in a while.

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First off, welcome to TPR!


The park looks nice - sure has a lot of potential.

I'd suggest you to add more trees and foliage, and maybe do a bit of landscaping/terraforming.

Terraforming in RCT2 is a pain in the a$$, but it'll pay off.


Also, Gionovala hypers don't have vertical drops - but I don't suppose you are going for absolute realism?


Good job!

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Thanks, glad to be here!


I'm in the process of doing that now, I'll post some update pics soon.


And I figured that was the closest thing I could get to what I imagined it, but I guess my thought was if Top Thrill Dragster could have a vertical angle with a lap bar, so could my ride (though i didn't think through the technical stuff )

And thanks, it means a lot!

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A few pieces of advice. Overall the park is quite good, but a little land raising and lowering would go very nicely with the rest of everything. Also, I HIGHLY recommend trying to build with the in game scenery. You are using it, which is good, but I would suggest creating some custom buildings with in game scenery. Keep it up though, it is nice so far and it looks like you are having fun.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm done with this park pretty much. All it really was was a bunch of rides packed together. "Millennium Palms" is far better. And looking at this I realize how much I've improved in such a short time... But heres some pictures to send this park off.


I still like the layouts of these rides, but the execution is horrible. Maybe I can put some in my newer work.


Knight Watch. I still like this coaster, im thinking I could put it into my new park.


Wooden Roller Coasterr. Again I like the layout.




Small Dive Coaster "Hornet's Nest"


Suspended Swinger.


Quite a few rides packed into this shot.


As with this one (sorta)



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