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Poll: GCI vs B&M Invert

B&M Invert or GCI Woodie  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. B&M Invert or GCI Woodie

    • B&M Inverted Coaster (Like Montu or Patriot)
    • GCI Wooden (Like Prowler or Evil Kenevil)
    • Dueling (Either Manufacturer)

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I would love to see another unique dueling B&M inverted coasters. GCI wooden coasters are fun, but damn this is hard for me to pick. I love invert's but B&M has kinda gotten a bit weak in intensity. GCI coaster have gotten more fun and wild. I would like to know the line up of coasters of the park before I make a decision. If there is already a wooden coaster I would probably construct a B&M Invert. If there are no woodies in the park I would probably go with a Dueling GCI.


OR...Unless B&M can give you a unique design for an Invert (new elements, layout, etc) Then I will go with B&M...

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This is pretty exciting, if true. I would go with a GCI, for every reason already stated, plus if your ballpark amount is 15 million you could make a great one, while still keeping it fairly compact and family friendly with a 48" height reqirement.

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The enthusiast in me would love to see a shiny new B&M Invert but for a new park it probably wouldn't be the best move. Most new parks, unless owned by a major chain, start out as a local park that most local families spend their weekend at.

So in keeping with the new park mindset, I vote GCI because of the low height restriction, lack of inversions to scare away younger riders, and the fact that it'd be a cheaper overall initial investment.

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Based on "wooded undeveloped land", I'd say GCI. Although the specific terrain of the site would probably determine for sure.


A B&M invert to me seems best suited to be dropped on a flat piece of land. But a GCI woody if built to use the terrain/woods would be awesome.


IMHO a B&M invert would be a waste given the situation.


Although I'd think traditional sit down coasters would be better suited to take advantage of the terrain over top of an invert.

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With that budget I'd personally go for something like a slightly bigger version Balder which would fit that budget nicely. The hypers and Intamin pre-fabs aren't as gimmicky as other coasters but my own observations are that people really want to re-visit and ride them again because of the thrill factor. I think $15 million would only get a small B & M Invert.

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Visioneer: Your thoughts are right in line with our thinking, glad to know others have the same mentality!


I'm glad to learn that! I'm looking forward to your future announcement ... even if it may be quite some time from now. Failure is not an option. Adapt, and you'll succeed.


These responses have been fun to read too.

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Now if you wanna spend that much on one coaster then I suggest going for gold with GCI or The Gravity Group.


What I mean is $15 million can get you a World Record wooden coaster!


It cost 8.5 to build The Voyage, and the new Timberliners wont eat up the track like a PTC will. So 10 to 15 million could get you a record breaking coaster, whether it be speed, height or length! and the GP will eat it up, just because it will hold a record!

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With that budget you'll probably get more out of a GCI than a B&M.

As it has been said I would consider something like a Mega-lite by Intamin as a possible solution.


I was also thinking that there are already a lot of B&M inverted coasters out there and not so many B&M flying coasters. I'm not totally sure if you can get a flying at the same price as an inverted but in my opinion a flying coaster would look better in a new park.

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