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East Coast Trip 6/21/10 - 6/29/10

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About a month ago I booked my flights for my trip to the East Coast including Six Flags Great Adventure, Dorney Park, Knoebel's, Hershey Park, Six Flags New England, Lake Compounce and Six Flags America. I am also seeing a bit of NYC and going to a Phillies game while in the area. Some questions:


1. Sort of a typical question, but what are crowds at the parks usually like at this time of year? I'm pretty convinced that I have enough time at all the parks I'm going to (well besides SFA, which I'm running into for a couple hours before my flight home), just wondering what I should expect.


2. Like I said, I have very little time at SFA. On Tuesday the 29th, I plan on getting to SFA at park opening (10:30) but I will have to get up/leave early because I'm staying somewhere near SFGAdv/half way inbetween the two parks. Then I have to leave the park around noon to catch my flight in Philadelphia. My question is, what is traffic usually like in this area (SFGAdv area to SFA - SFA to Philadelphia) so I can figure out times of when I have to leave the park. I wouldn't expect the place to be very busy on a Tuesday morning in June, but what can I at least ride in about two hours? My main priorities are SROS, Joker's Jinx and Wild One, but I would like to get the rest of the credits too.


3. Are there any kiddie coasters at the parks that require you to steal a kid or any rides you have to be under 54" for completely?


4. Pandemonium at SFNE...I have motion sickness and I'm wondering whether or not I should bother with the ride. I have ridden Tony Hawk's Big Spin at SFDK, Sierra Sidewinder at KBF and Screamin' Demon at Castle Park, but I skipped Exterminator at Kennywood. How do these spinning coasters compare to Pandemonium?


5. What is worth riding at Knoebel's besides Phoenix, Twister and Kozmo's Kurves? I've heard the Haunted Mansion is a must, anything else besides spin-and-puke flats? I'm debating whether or not I should get the pay-one-price ticket.


That's all I have for now; any additional help or answers are greatly appreciated.

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Judging by my experiences I would say that the parks up here are not as busy on weekdays in June as they get to be in July and August so you shouldn't have a problem getting everything done that you want. You might want to budget in a Flashpass for SFGadv though since there is a lot to do there and if it would be busy you could miss some things.


As long as you get to SFA when it opens and assuming all of the rides open at 10:30 you won't have any problem getting all of the coasters in by the time you need to leave. I would usually go down in early June to grab a season pass and take a quick spin on everything and then get the H out of there! We'd be gone by noon. Just don't let SFA leave a bad taste in your mouth for the ride home.


If you aren't spending the entire day at Knoebels I would say just use tickets. $20 will give you plenty of rides on the Phoenix and Twister and hopefully the Flying Turns! Plus I remember them on weekdays usually only running one train on the coasters. The lines aren't usually long so they just move a little slower. I would also ride the train, carousel and the bumper cars. The wristband doesn't cover the Haunted Mansion but that is also a must ride. Knoebels is going to be a really nice break from the big parks with the great atmosphere, normal priced amazing food, and free parking!

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That's good to hear I can probably get in the credits at SFA. Speaking of free parking at Knoebel's, I couldn't find any other parking prices on the parks' websites besides Lake Compounce. Anyone know what parking is like at Hershey and Dorney? (I have a parking pass for the SF parks).

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5. What is worth riding at Knoebel's besides Phoenix, Twister and Kozmo's Kurves? I've heard the Haunted Mansion is a must, anything else besides spin-and-puke flats? I'm debating whether or not I should get the pay-one-price ticket.


-Haunted Mansion

-Bumper cars



-Skloosh (if you don't mind being drenched)

-Merry Go Round

-Pioneer Train


Just off the top of my head. I guess the Flyers would be considered a spin and puke, but I still wouldn't miss it.

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You will not be able to ride Little Laser at Dorney, only for kids.

Lake Compounce sometimes lets adults ride the kiddie coaster solo, but generally you need a kid.


In my opinion, the must rides (that are not spin and pukes) at Knoebels are:

Bumper Cars

Flyers (My brother in-law can't do spin and pukes, but loves the Flyers)

Haunted Mansion

1001 Nachts (unless it is away on honeymoon)

Grand Carousel

Pioneer Train

Antique Cars - if you fancy this type of ride, this one is long and provides great views of Phoenix.

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Sort of a typical question, but what are crowds at the parks usually like at this time of year? I'm pretty convinced that I have enough time at all the parks I'm going to (well besides SFA, which I'm running into for a couple hours before my flight home), just wondering what I should expect.

Crowds at Gadv around that time are slightly heavy but if you get there early and stay there lat you should be able to hit everything good. Always go Toro and Ka first because Nitro has 3 trains and a huge capacity so the wait is never over 45 mins.


3. Are there any kiddie coasters at the parks that require you to steal a kid or any rides you have to be under 54" for completely?


You can ride Road Runner Railway without any problem just be careful of the last helix turn because it tends to bash your knees.

Edited by larrygator
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That's good to hear I can probably get in the credits at SFA. Speaking of free parking at Knoebel's, I couldn't find any other parking prices on the parks' websites besides Lake Compounce. Anyone know what parking is like at Hershey and Dorney? (I have a parking pass for the SF parks).


If I remember correctly they are both $10.

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I'm not a big fan of spinning stuff, although a spinning mouse causes me no problems at all. I don't think the flyers at Knoebels would be disorienting unless you're really flying well, but if you're not flying well I'm not sure what the point is. Anyway, if you're going to puke on the flyers, please aim away from the queue and spectators.

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As mentioned, Little Laser at Dorney is under 54" only but I have heard a few rare cases where someone over 54" was allowed to ride. I haven't tried asking before because it isn't worth it to me to try to get the credit. Dragon Coaster and Woodstock's Express both allow anyone over 54" to ride without a kid. Great Adventure lets anyone over 54" ride Roadrunner Railway and Blackbeard's without a kid.

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