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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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12 hours ago, prozach626 said:

Oof. That's dirty. I never considered that variable.

I mean if I went to guest services maybe they would give me a refund in that situation, but obviously not worth going to bitch over 2 dollars. But this very situation happened way too many times at Kingda Ka and is just a general annoyance. And in this case there's a much better B&M hyper 200 feet away that doesn't require you to get lockers, so sometimes I just say forget it and don't even bother.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Based on the latest Coliwood Studios post...

Green Lantern is just a lift hill at this point. And the first track removal of the Kingda Ka airtime hill has taken place. I believe the top hat detonation is scheduled for 2-3 weeks from now. Also the demo on the Lakefront Skyway Station is beginning.

Oh and Cyborg is gone if anyone cares.

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Make it EIGHT rides...Dare Devil Dive will be torn down this off-season as well according to new demo permits.

I can't help but wonder if they have a plan for Superman. It is one of the more popular coasters in the park from a GP perspective (it's been there for 22 years but people are still mesmerized by the fact it DAGUM FLIES!!!) but the throughput sucks and it isn't the most reliable coaster in the park. Plus it is really out on an island surrounded by many vacant plots of land. The Boardwalk section of the park is a little worn out at this point. I wonder if they build a new section around Superman (including whatever Kingda Ka's replacement is), or if Superman will also take a hike.

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Not really worried about DDD, but man, I really hope they have a truly solid plan for upcoming changes and new additions. They're gutting some really big / important stuff from this park.

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All said and done, they're clearing out a truly incredible amount of land with these removals, most of which are around the Boardwalk section.  Considering they've teased something huge for 2026 it makes me think they have something truly special coming that's going to be massive and sprawling.

Or we'll just get the CGA scraps.  That's probably it.  Either way, I'm not crying over any of these removals.

Green Lantern - Trash.

Twister - Only ever runs on the trash program.  The only time this ride was worth a look was when I ran it 22 years ago and changed the program to something that was, you know, thrilling.  Instead it was just used as a weird ferris wheel with brakes.

Dare Devil Dive - Upcharge trash.

Cyborg - Trash squared.

Kingda Ka - Always has been a one-trick pony, but recent years have seen it become an inhospitable one-trick pony that would love to give you Shaken Baby Syndrome as an adult.  Bye, Felicia.

Zumanjaro - Nice for a quiet stroll through the trees, the actual ride was shockingly ineffective as a drop tower, though.  If you were lucky enough to be at height when Ka launched it got funky but honestly I'd take literally any other drop tower over this one. Any.

Skyway - This has been unreliable for so long I actually forgot it existed between visits. No loss.

Parachutes - The only removal I'm feeling a modicum of sadness about, and that's only because it's been there since before I was born and it was the first tall ride I ever had the chutzpah to go on.


Now bring on whatever the future holds and hopefully we can dethrone Saudi Arabia.

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Sounds like the park is working with Intamin to give El Toro a full retrack over the next three offseasons. I fully anticipate the new Six Flags investing huge in this park, so hopefully this is the turning point away from this inefficiency scrapping mini-dark age into a new golden age for the park. I can dream, anyway. 

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On 1/31/2025 at 5:07 PM, KBrylczyk said:

All said and done, they're clearing out a truly incredible amount of land with these removals, most of which are around the Boardwalk section.  Considering they've teased something huge for 2026 it makes me think they have something truly special coming that's going to be massive and sprawling.

Or we'll just get the CGA scraps.  That's probably it.  Either way, I'm not crying over any of these removals.

Green Lantern - Trash.

Twister - Only ever runs on the trash program.  The only time this ride was worth a look was when I ran it 22 years ago and changed the program to something that was, you know, thrilling.  Instead it was just used as a weird ferris wheel with brakes.

Dare Devil Dive - Upcharge trash.

Cyborg - Trash squared.

Kingda Ka - Always has been a one-trick pony, but recent years have seen it become an inhospitable one-trick pony that would love to give you Shaken Baby Syndrome as an adult.  Bye, Felicia.

Zumanjaro - Nice for a quiet stroll through the trees, the actual ride was shockingly ineffective as a drop tower, though.  If you were lucky enough to be at height when Ka launched it got funky but honestly I'd take literally any other drop tower over this one. Any.

Skyway - This has been unreliable for so long I actually forgot it existed between visits. No loss.

Parachutes - The only removal I'm feeling a modicum of sadness about, and that's only because it's been there since before I was born and it was the first tall ride I ever had the chutzpah to go on.


Now bring on whatever the future holds and hopefully we can dethrone Saudi Arabia.

Thank you!! Finally I don't feel like I'm losing my mind!

Ka look I get it...but people were reacting like their puppy was murdered. I am sorry, it was long a worse version TTD and worsening over time. If ya never did it, OK I get it, get your experience, but if you did it once, you're good. A few times? You're very good. I always said you can get the same experience having a car crash on the highway. I never even bothered to look at Ka the last several times I went. 

As for the others, agreed everyone hated Lantern, I heard nothing but dislike, why pretend to be sad now its going? Most the others were indeed not anything special. Its like OMG they're gutting this park its evil! Nah not really lol I'm with you, Parachutes brings a twinge of "aww" I also recall it from my childhood, but even that like....we aren't really gunna cry over this? 

I say this as a born and raised NJer who has spent most of my life here: This park hasn't been good in ages. When I was in HS in the stone age of the early/mid 2000s we made fun how the park was kinda dumpy, half assed etc and its gotten progressively worse over time. So many rides were removed over time, granted I recall many never operating, its felt worse and worse, eventually it got to the point where I'd go for a few rides and leave. I used to tell people, IRL and on forums, I'd not be sad if they took the few good unique coasters, moved em to other parks, levelled this place and made it a state park (or bc this is NJ...apartments lol)  

So yeah Im actually glad investments are coming. It will take a while but maybe this park will become GOOD and not just a big area with a few good and unique rides, of which all will remain except Ka which struggled to run and felt like car crash. This is not a hot take or edgelording I've long felt this, and I am truly glad that hopefully investments are coming to this place and just bc its a gem in the SF chain doesn't mean lots of these meh, poorly/rarely running rides should be missed. 

Ya know it makes me chuckle, so many people saying "This park doesnt care about its guests!" yo I (and others, its true) have felt this for like 15 years lol 

So that out of my system I too am curious what the future holds. I'd have little faith in SF handling big investment well, with Cedar Fair involved, I am more hopeful. On a rare positive note: I do think Flash looks cool.  I'll go for that, on a weekday off season, assuming it does indeed open this year XD 

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2 hours ago, JJLehto said:

Thank you!! Finally I don't feel like I'm losing my mind!

Ka look I get it...but people were reacting like their puppy was murdered. I am sorry, it was long a worse version TTD and worsening over time. If ya never did it, OK I get it, get your experience, but if you did it once, you're good. A few times? You're very good. I always said you can get the same experience having a car crash on the highway. I never even bothered to look at Ka the last several times I went. 

As for the others, agreed everyone hated Lantern, I heard nothing but dislike, why pretend to be sad now its going? Most the others were indeed not anything special. Its like OMG they're gutting this park its evil! Nah not really lol I'm with you, Parachutes brings a twinge of "aww" I also recall it from my childhood, but even that like....we aren't really gunna cry over this? 

I say this as a born and raised NJer who has spent most of my life here: This park hasn't been good in ages. When I was in HS in the stone age of the early/mid 2000s we made fun how the park was kinda dumpy, half assed etc and its gotten progressively worse over time. So many rides were removed over time, granted I recall many never operating, its felt worse and worse, eventually it got to the point where I'd go for a few rides and leave. I used to tell people, IRL and on forums, I'd not be sad if they took the few good unique coasters, moved em to other parks, levelled this place and made it a state park (or bc this is NJ...apartments lol)  

So yeah Im actually glad investments are coming. It will take a while but maybe this park will become GOOD and not just a big area with a few good and unique rides, of which all will remain except Ka which struggled to run and felt like car crash. This is not a hot take or edgelording I've long felt this, and I am truly glad that hopefully investments are coming to this place and just bc its a gem in the SF chain doesn't mean lots of these meh, poorly/rarely running rides should be missed. 

Ya know it makes me chuckle, so many people saying "This park doesnt care about its guests!" yo I (and others, its true) have felt this for like 15 years lol 

So that out of my system I too am curious what the future holds. I'd have little faith in SF handling big investment well, with Cedar Fair involved, I am more hopeful. On a rare positive note: I do think Flash looks cool.  I'll go for that, on a weekday off season, assuming it does indeed open this year XD 

I'm with you on a lot of this but saying you wouldn't be sad if the park was just leveled is just silly talk. The park has its up and downs but it's still always been a fun place to go that is local and it would be absolutely horrible to have it ever close.

I know we have other parks semi close to us but most of them turn into trips that are miserable to do there and back in the same day. 

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23 hours ago, JJLehto said:

When I was in HS in the stone age of the early/mid 2000s we made fun how the park was kinda dumpy, half assed etc and its gotten progressively worse over time. 

That's the impression I left with, as we were tripping over the booze bottles littered throughout the parking lot, while smelling weed everywhere.


23 hours ago, JJLehto said:

if you did it once, you're good.

Good to know my wife and I played KD well.

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