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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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36 minutes ago, coasterbill said:

"I don't know if I can justify going to Great Adventure because a ride may not be open" and "I'm prioritizing Nick Universe" are not two statements that usually coexist but okay.

Great Adventure's thing will not be open, but neither will Shellraiser. Plus, Sandy's Blasting Bronco is actually open right now so it's 1000% going to break again by next weekend. That's way too much time.

I am sorry if I distract from your stand up routine, but if I may ask politely, is Shellraiser down longterm? I haven't been following.

Regardless, our summer road trips are specifically about getting out to new to us parks and attractions. You could call them credit whoring trips and be 90% right. Without the new Vekoma, Great Adventure doesn't have anything new to offer us as we have been so many times. Even with the disappointment of Shellraiser being down, if it is, we would still go to Nick Universe over SFGA because going to new places and riding new to us coasters is the mission statement of these roadtrips. I'd be surprised if we weren't back for a long weekend at Great Adventure a non-credit whoring capacity within the next year or two anyway. 

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You're right, this is a stand up routine. My apologies. I forgot that this hobby is very serious.

You're right, I was kidding. Go to the American Dream Mall. It's great. I recommend pre-purchasing a dated "All Access Pass" ticket as it offers a full day of fun with unlimited ride access. I'd actually buy it now in case the park sells out for the day that you want. The website says that the ride will reopen on August 3rd so you should be all set.

Again, my apologies. I hope you have a great time.

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Oh snap. One upside to falling out of the loop is its nice to be surprised by things again. 

Just saw a new coaster is opening (no idea when I see "2024" and its already July lol) this Flash: Vertical Velocity looks pretty cool. I reckon waits will be horrendous but just more justification to go off season weekday. I still am the resident "New Jersey person who hates Great Adventure" but they got the rides, so I drag myself once a year lol 

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1 hour ago, coasterbill said:

You're right, this is a stand up routine. My apologies. I forgot that this hobby is very serious.

You're right, I was kidding. Go to the American Dream Mall. It's great. I recommend pre-purchasing a dated "All Access Pass" ticket as it offers a full day of fun with unlimited ride access. I'd actually buy it now in case the park sells out for the day that you want. The website says that the ride will reopen on August 3rd so you should be all set.

Again, my apologies. I hope you have a great time.

Nothing more serious in the world. Except maybe stand up comedy, of course. And bummer on the 8/3 reopening target. That will be a big factor as we plan out our days on the fly for sure.

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15 hours ago, JJLehto said:

Oh snap. One upside to falling out of the loop is its nice to be surprised by things again. 

Just saw a new coaster is opening (no idea when I see "2024" and its already July lol)

But, I'm guessing you're not surprised about SF's new attraction being open in July.

STL can't even get a Zamperla Discovery open by July. (or a carousel four years into refusbishment)

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Great Escape damn near had its new Gravity Group open for opening day! It was just a couple weeks late. Though I am not sure that I want other parks learning how to build coasters from The Great Escape... They might, you know, just not do it at all for 20 years at a time in that case. 

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I remember when I was very little (2009, because Bizarro had just opened), I wanted to go to the park, and I read up on all the rides, whether it be on Wikipedia or the actual site. One of them was Skull Mountain, and for whatever reason the part about "A strobe light and sound effects will help you get through the ride" piqued my interest. I tried searching "Skull Mountain" on YouTube, but I couldn't spell "Mountain." Come 9 years later, and I finally got to ride on my sophomore year trip to the park. I loved it. But then I discovered the rest of the rides (thanks, Mrs. Dougherty, for making me ride Toro!) and one ride on Batman: The Ride two days after my 16th birthday set me up for life.

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Casting of stones by the 21-year-old who talks to theme park characters. ??? Woah...

The satire "wtf" was half in response to your random insertion of a story and half of a statement I'd never heard before:


"A strobe light and sound effects will help you get through the ride" piqued my interest.

Chill on the coffee.

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Chris27 said:

When is Great Adventure gonna announce new for 2025 "The Flash"

I'm kinda hoping they open it sometime during HITP just to screw with everyone and still be able to say "we opened it in 2024!"

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Are they even doing HITP this year?  I heard maybe not.  Never seems like its crowded so is it worth keeping the park open and paying employees? 

I hope they get it open by Fright Fest's start date in Sept.  They put it up so fast but seems like its been at a standstill for a month. 

And with 1 train if it does open around Fright Fest its gonna be 2 hour waits so hoping they can get it open before then and do the pass holders preview. 

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10 hours ago, Chris27 said:

Are they even doing HITP this year?  I heard maybe not.  Never seems like its crowded so is it worth keeping the park open and paying employees?

Right now the listed hours have me taking my last ride of the year on Nitro at 8pm on January 1st. I know it's Six Flags and the hours are extremely subject to change, but I don't see it outright being cancelled. Could it be the last year of it? I ask myself that every year, but I hope it continues for many years to come because it's the best time to be at the park.

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On 7/11/2024 at 9:56 AM, prozach626 said:

But, I'm guessing you're not surprised about SF's new attraction being open in July.

STL can't even get a Zamperla Discovery open by July. (or a carousel four years into refusbishment)

Of course lol 


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It's not like it's some huge prototype either. It's a clone...they could've started building it in March and had it ready by July 1st and I just don't get how this is explainable other than they had a legit issue with the integrity of the steel or something. But the only explanation I think I can believe is "we're Six Flags."

Also shout out to Great Escape who hasn't built a new coaster in 21 years for actually remembering how to do it and do it timely. They're on a pedestal above the rest of the chain as far as that goes.

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we all knew it was coming.  We all know how slow they are, they couldnt even do last years water park slides done on time so to think they were gonna do dream street, big wheel, flume, flash, safari hotel and build new mazes for fright fest was way too much.  To their credit it looks like everything else will be done this year but atleast we have something new for next year cause they werent gonna be adding anything.


Yeah you sold people passes this year on this but this late into the season they probably figure now we can sell them on this next year rather than trying to sell passes on nothing.  So now we're one of the parks getting a new coaster.  But yeah it is crazy how slow they go compared to like Iron Menace at Dorney who announces something and then starts building and actually gets it open.  

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Guys, we all need to forgive the parks for this. Don't be entitled bigots spewing all that hate speech. We need to fiercely defend them and honor/thank them for painting benches. After all.... COVID, right?

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