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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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I know this has been discussed before, but I was surprised to see SFGADV operating dates so far into Nov and December. I know the holiday lights will be occurring, but my question is what coasters typically operate this late in the season, say first weekend of December? My apologies as I know it's mentioned in here but I can not find it. Is it worth going first weekend of December if I just want to ride the big coasters (Kingda Ka, Nitro, El Toro etc?) Thanks in advance!

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^ posted 3 pages back.



Golden Kingdom, Plaza Del Carnival and all rides within those areas will be closed after this weekend. Frontier is already closed for the season. Last chance to ride Toro, Ka and Zumanjaro is this coming weekend.

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Toro only saddled once this year on opening day (which could have been easily avoided lol). Usually it will saddle several times during the preseason, or twice during park operating hours like it did in 2015.


Honestly, I think Toro would be okay to run for a longer period of time even if it did get much colder out, I'm talking like 40 degrees or even slightly less. The only time Toro runs too slow for comfort is during the early season where all the wheel components on the trains are brand new or have been sitting around for months after being rehabbed. Maintenance gives the reasoning that the trains are tight and need to be loosened up and broken in. This combined with the cold weather means near saddle conditions for Toro unless you fill the trains with weight. However by fright fest, the trains only run slightly slower in the morning due to sitting for a night, and it often drops to 30 degrees at night. After loading up a few trains with riders, the trains start moving at summer speeds again (40+ feet per second into the brakes.) During the early season, you're lucky if you can get a fully loaded train to run above 30 feet per second into the brakes, and this is at roughly the same temeratures. Last year during fright fest, there were times when the temperatures dropped well below 40 degrees but Toro would continue to run like a champ. Basically after running all season, the trains are loosey goosey.

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Good day today, park had more people than I thought but seemed to be spread out nicely cause didnt wait on lines, Ka walked on twice, Zumanjaro walked on, Toro, Nitro etc.


Only ride I saw had a line was Joker and we waited longer for food than the rides. Overall a nice day in the park and will be going back once HITP is set up.


Ate at Nathans and boy they are slow, its like they have no urgency at all to get the food out quick, that pisses me off.

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In hindsight Six Flags should've given SFMM El Toro since it's always warm here in Cali and Gradv could've had the was-once-decent-now-crap-GCI


Six Flags could also start charging a proper price for a season pass at a park that is open all year long. And you have RMCd Colossus. Here on the East Coast we have been appreciating El Toro for 10 years. 9 years between a brand new thrill coaster. History tells me SFMM fans would have been complaining for the last eight years and not as appreciative.

Edited by larrygator
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As of noon crowds are light. One train ops on El Toro, so could not get rerides, but i was stuck on the lift hill at 11:30 for up 4 minutes. Kingda Ka and drop are down, assuming it is the wind. At Nathan to eat, only one person ahead of me, took about two minutes to order and get food.

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Went to the park today. Light crowds, longest wait was for The Joker. Everything else was walk on. Got on all the roller coasters that were open + Sky Screamer & Houdini, it's also very nice to have Skull Mountain back to normal so it's no longer 2 hours+ for a novelty.


Ended with Toro and at one point were the only people in the station waiting for the backrow



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Did Batman & Robin: The Chiller EVER run like it was intended to? (both sides racing each other)


Judging by this photo it did at least once. . . .However after going through thousands of photos this is the only one that ever had 2 trains in it at once.


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^ Not exactly. If both sides happened to be open simultaneously, one side would launch while the other side was finishing its cycle, returning to the station. Launching both sides at once drew too much power for the utility infrastructure to handle. What you're seeing in that photo is most likely one train going forward and the other going backwards.

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^ Not exactly. If both sides happened to be open simultaneously, one side would launch while the other side was finishing its cycle, returning to the station. Launching both sides at once drew too much power for the utility infrastructure to handle. What you're seeing in that photo is most likely one train going forward and the other going backwards.


Correct. And they did this version of "racing" quite often the first 3 years or so.

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I'm still convinced that the Batman side was just a decoration... maybe some weird theming for the Robin side which was actually a (semi) functional coaster. We've had season passes every year since 2000 and I swear to god I might have seen it open once.

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I started going to GADv religiously in 2006, I've been on Batman with the roll, never Robin, because of the accident. I've only been on Robin with the S-hills, but Batman's hangtime in the top hat was amazing.



I'm not aware of an accident on Robin. Could someone give me the details?

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I started going to GADv religiously in 2006, I've been on Batman with the roll, never Robin, because of the accident. I've only been on Robin with the S-hills, but Batman's hangtime in the top hat was amazing.



I'm not aware of an accident on Robin. Could someone give me the details?


"During the 2006 season, Batman reopened on May 5 and ran along with the Robin side on and off until June 2, when a wheel bogie on the third car of the Robin train suffered a mechanical malfunction. While the cause of the malfunction is still unknown to most people, it has been reported that the train came to a halt on the lowest part of the track (between the Cobra Roll and Zero-G roll) after the launch. This problem is speculated to have happened because of wheel modifications that Premier Rides made on Chiller as well as all other Premier LIM coasters. Although the train was loaded, no one was seriously injured and all riders were evacuated. Both sides remained closed for the rest of the season."

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Almost forget to mention. I saw Neal Thurman walking the park near The Joker yesterday. Since I'll probably meet him at a media event down the road, I introduced myself to him. I welcomed him to our park (I know a strange choice of words) and let him know that I'm glad to have him as the new park President, although I'll miss John Fitzgerald's demeanor at media events. That was going to be the extent of the conversation but he asked me a few questions about how my day was going. I let him know I was thrilled they were able to extend the season so I could get a few more rides on El Toro. He reminded me that Holiday in The Park would have extended offerings this year and I told him I was looking forward to it again, even though I was initially skeptical when HITP was announced last year. (Sorry, I forgot to mention all the love TPR regulars have for the Waffles)

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When I was there last weekend . . . .


I happened to look right as I was on Batman: The Ride and saw the sad boarded up state of Old Country


And I've also noticed that the Batman Stunt Arena and Adventure Theater are totally vacant. Heck, I wouldn't mind seeing a nice indoor show on a hot summer day or a nice stunt show outdoors at night.


I saw the land cleared out behind The Dark Knight (which I did like) for the Justice League: Battle for Metropolis Dark Ride. Anyone have any idea when it's supposed to open?

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