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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Well even though it goes against Six Flags logic to build a new structure when they already have one. I could see them build a new building for Justice League and let the old building in the boardwalk sits there and continues to rot for years on end.


Either way its a very Six Flags outcome.

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Its a really sh*tty picture but the first thing I thought when I saw it was it looks like rebar. Which could be for a new building. Or for foundations, which they would need to put in for a flat collection. The fact that its where it is only reinforces my belief whatever we're getting (I'm down to flat collection, or JLBFM at this point) its going in Old Country.


Though with the speculation starting everywhere all of the sudden part of me hopes we just get the parking lot finished or something dumb just to piss everyone off.

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Why do people always say skip green lantern? I thought it was a pretty good ride. Much better than what mantis was.


I have nothing against the ride really. The only slight flaw is that it's an ugly, painful, horrific piece of sh*t coaster with no redeeming qualities that should be melted down, poured deep into the earth and then they should salt the earth in that spot ensuring nothing will ever grow there because it's such a flaming pile of sh*t.


But besides that it's great.

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Imagine if Six Flags bought Hulks old trains (before they were scrapped) and re-furbed and retrofitted them to work with GL.


PS: I personally don't think the ride is horrible, the first half is solid. But after the break run when it gets all twisty is when the head banging comes through. I still don't understand how Stand-Up coasters became a thing. It's such awkward experience.

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It looks like framework for a new building. Perhaps for a building that would host a particular dark ride. Perhaps a dark ride themed around comic book superheroes trying to save a certain city from comic book supervillians.

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Why do people always say skip green lantern? I thought it was a pretty good ride. Much better than what mantis was.


I have nothing against the ride really. The only slight flaw is that it's an ugly, painful, horrific piece of sh*t coaster with no redeeming qualities that should be melted down, poured deep into the earth and then they should salt the earth in that spot ensuring nothing will ever grow there because it's such a flaming pile of sh*t.


But besides that it's great.


This is the embodiment of my undying hatred for Green Lantern.


Only complaint I have with this post is you forgot to say "kill it with fire!"

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If you use the bicycle seat to support you, you get off the ride with your crotch in pain. If you use your legs to support you, you get off the ride with your legs in pain. That's why I hate the ride.


I have never experienced this leg pain issue. Anyone who disregards directions and rests on the seat, deserves all the pain they get.

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I have never experienced the crotch/leg pain thing either, but I've heard that from quite a few people. My issue is not that but the headbanging I get throughout the ride. I haven't enjoyed a single stand-up coaster I've ridden, GL included.

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It looks like framework for a new building. Perhaps for a building that would host a particular dark ride. Perhaps a dark ride themed around comic book superheroes trying to save a certain city from comic book supervillians.


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The only stand-up coaster I can somewhat enjoy is Riddler's Revenge. Green Lantern is "tolerable" but still really bad, Mantis was even worse, and Apocalypse should use its fire theming effect to burn itself down. I have yet to ride either of the Vortexes or Georgia Scorcher.

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I've been on two B&M stand ups--Green Lantern and Apocalypse. Apocalypse is a mess of awful head banging and a slow ride with nothing exciting. I haven't dealt with much head banging on Green Lantern but only in the last two years I've had the previously mentioned leg pain. It feel like the entire force of the ride is on your calves and it's really, really uncomfortable and it isn't relieved by lifting your legs up. It's weird.


That said, Green Lantern is better than Apocalypse but unless I have multiple days at the park I'm skipping it. Apocalypse might be the worst B&M ever.

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Apocalypse might be the worst B&M ever.

Well it was their first ever coaster, so...

Oh I know. It's just amazing how much better they got just two years later for Batman which for me is one of the top five B&M's I've ridden. The first try doesn't have to be the worst.

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I haven't ridden Apocalypse, but Vortex at CGA is the worst B&M I've experienced. Interestingly, the Vortex at Carowinds I find completely superior and it was built just 1 year later. It's a toss up for me between Riddler's Revenge and Georgia Scorcher as to which is the best B&M stand-up, but I've definitely experienced the leg pain some are referring to. I find if keep my legs bent slightly I'm better off, but only very slightly - just so my knees aren't locked.

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I've been on all the B&M stand up's, minus vortex west and I guess I have strong legs because they don't really bother me. Now, I wouldn't mind if I never had to experience Apocalypse again but riddler, scorcher and green lantern were def at the top of the list for me. Guess i'm different?

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We should stop wasting valuable characters and forum space on Green Lantern.

Like clockwork every couple of months someone says something about Green Lantern and this thread spirals into the exact same discussion for a few pages. It's like a bad rash. It'll pass, but it'll flare up again eventually.

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