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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Look guys, relax. LOL. All I said was it was the 2nd best drop in the park, I wasn't comparing it to other drop rides. I'm sure there is a thread buried on this forum where we can rank drop towers we've ridden lol.


Actually... Now that you mention it looks like I need to revisit an old topic!


That copywriter needs a raise.


boldikus wrote it.....


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^"Hollywood level sound effects"
That copywriter needs a raise.
boldikus wrote it.....


so many gems there tho.


utterly unique stone rock fortress
It's his job to try to frighten you
full immersive adventure world
wavy drops
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Its because its awesome. Easily the 2nd best drop on any ride in the park.




Eh, Zumanjaro just lacks that "oh S@#%!" feeling that I want from a drop tower. I feel like only 1st gen Intamins are the only ones that capture it the best. And Tower of Tower in DHS


I was fully expecting this to be my reaction as well, but honestly the ride blew me away. I imagine wind and other factors can effect this but I thought the initial drop felt very sudden and strong, being beaten only by the Larson towers, and I felt no drag on the car on the way down like I do on other drop rides. It felt more or less like pure free fall. So combine all that with the extreme height and speed, and you've got one heck of a thrill ride.


It's a purely subjective, instinctual reaction. On the super tall drop rides at King's Dominion and Cedar Point, after all the psychological anticipation, the drop started and my immediate reaction was "Oh this isn't so bad". On Zumanjaro my reaction was "HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP" and that didn't let up at all until we hit the brakes.

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Um, is this new? And what does the front car have to do with anything? And how come it seems the SM crew usually doesn't check my restraint at all? Did the Mountain finally eject a guest? Has the park become hip to our little secret? Is this real life?


*don't bother asking me why I was on the Skull Mountain page.


I don't think they really enforce that. Every time I ride Skull Mountain I make sure I'm sitting with somebody that is on the larger size (as I am very small myself) and the ops don't have a care in the world about it.

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^ Yeah that was my point. I'm a big dude so chance of someone smaller sitting with me is usually high. This has never been an issue w/ SM ops, not once. On one of my rides on closing day they didn't even check the lapbar - like didn't even touch it, and it was a good 4 inches off my legs. As they're dispatching us I'm like "Um are you guys gonna check... oh whatever BEST RIDE EVER!" Luckily coasterbills g/f was sitting with me in the last row and she's about half my size so we got ridiculous airtime over the drop.

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^ Yeah that was my point. I'm a big dude so chance of someone smaller sitting with me is usually high. This has never been an issue w/ SM ops, not once. On one of my rides on closing day they didn't even check the lapbar - like didn't even touch it, and it was a good 4 inches off my legs. As they're dispatching us I'm like "Um are you guys gonna check... oh whatever BEST RIDE EVER!" Luckily coasterbills g/f was sitting with me in the last row and she's about half my size so we got ridiculous airtime over the drop.

Can double confirm. This is pretty much the case because a lot of adults ride this with their younger kids, like me, and I think there aren't many that come close in size to each other.

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I think the best part about that ride was when you yelled that the ride ops actually stopped the train because they were confused about why someone was yelling. They were so surprised to see actual enthusiasm they panicked and didn't know what to do

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More flags, more lawsuits...


Six Flags files objections in slip-and-fall case


Jan. 5, 2016, 3:47pm


PHILADELPHIA – Six Flags Theme Parks is objecting on a number of fronts to a negligence suit filed against it, in response to a slip-and-fall accident from 2013.


Attorney Heather M. Eichenbaum filed a motion for preliminary objections on Aug. 28 in a lawsuit filed by Catherine and Robert Bentz of Wilmington, Del.


The Bentzes filed the litigation against Six Flags Entertainment Corp. and Six Flags Theme Parks of Grand Prairie, Texas; Six Flags, Inc. of New York, N.Y.; plus Six Flags Great Adventure and Six Flags Services, Inc. of Jackson, N.J.


Eichenbaum explained all of those entities, apart from those based in Jackson, have no interest in the lawsuit and should be dismissed from it – in addition to arguing that since the incident took place in New Jersey, the Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas fully lacks jurisdiction over the case. On these same grounds, Eichenbaum alleged the case is currently in an improper venue and should be heard in New Jersey.


Also, Eichenbaum raised further objections to the “vague and ambiguous” allegations made by the plaintiffs and the inclusion of any and all references to “recklessness” in the complaint, which Eichenbaum stated were an improper attempt at eligibility for punitive damages.


A hearing in this matter was set for Wednesday in Court chambers, at Philadelphia City Hall.


On Aug. 21, 2013, Catherine and Robert Bentz were at the Six Flags Great Adventure theme park in Jackson, N.J. When Catherine was leaving the women’s restroom, she claimed park staff had cleaning carts blocking the restroom door.


When Catherine tried to step down and avoid the carts, the defendants’ failure to have signs warning people of the cleaning and/or the removal of the present safety hazard caused her to fall and injure and her shoulder, she alleges.


Catherine suffered injuries to her arms, neck and back according to the lawsuit, and underwent surgery for an implant to relieve excruciating pain in her injured shoulder. Robert is also suing for loss of consortium.


The plaintiffs are seeking, jointly and severally, damages in excess of $50,000, plus fees, costs, expenditures, interest and other relief in this case.


The plaintiffs are represented by Robert J. Birch in Blue Bell.


The defendants are represented by Eichenbaum, of Spector, Gadon & Rosen, in Philadelphia.


Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas case 150703830


From the Pennsylvania Record: Reach Courts Reporter Nicholas Malfitano at nickpennrecord@gmail.com

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Did anyone see the rumor on screamscape.com posted today that says someone has seen the track for Total Mayhem and its the same color as the joker track at Discovery Kingdom? I remember it was called "Joker's Total Mayhem" during an interview once. Does anyone know anything else about this rumor? It would make sense IMO and I like it better than just total mayhem because it actually sort of has a theme now. Link to the Great Adventure Screamscape page

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God I hope so. I like the purple/green Joker colors much more than the orange/red ToteMay was supposed to get. Also the "Total Mayhem" theme works better if its themed to the Joker, even though we totally don't need anymore DC comic themed rides. But if we must, I'd personally prefer it to be Joker themed (even tho TDK kind of already is).

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^ LOL are we talking about Six Flags here? I'm sure the park tore down Fort Independence and the grandstand to make room for a new ride, not to "keep that area open and clean".

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Its things like this like that make me wish GADV was a cedar fair park.


If Great Adventure was a Cedar Fair park then we wouldn't be able to ride Nitro when it's 29 degrees and windy in January so Cedar Fair can go screw. If they keep letting us do that then I don't care if they re-name every coaster in the park "Batman's Takis Adventure The Ride" sponsored by the Jersey Boys and throw cheap props and Takis ads everywhere in the park.

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