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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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^Upon construction and further development of the concept for Great Adventure, Warner LeRoy altered the plans due to time constraints and major budget issues into one park with separate "lands." One of those lands is still known today as the Fantasy Forest.


True. It is ignorant for people to blame Six Flags, when the park's founder altered the plans before the park opened and years before Great Adventure became affiliated with Six Flags.

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^Upon construction and further development of the concept for Great Adventure, Warner LeRoy altered the plans due to time constraints and major budget issues into one park with separate "lands." One of those lands is still known today as the Fantasy Forest.


True. It is ignorant for people to blame Six Flags, when the park's founder altered the plans before the park opened and years before Great Adventure became affiliated with Six Flags.


That explains a lot. Thank you. It would of been cool to have a park like that up here in the north.

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Soooooo now that our off season is really real and beginning to sink in this thread is sinking down the first page lol so how about everyone rates their current favorite rides at the park or something? LOL I thought it would redundant & stupid to start a whole thread about it, so let's have it, geeks. Let's stick to existing rides? I know Toro will come out tops for most but curious what everyones current rankings are now that 2015 has come to a close. Any Looping Diablo fanatics among us? I'll get the ball rolling....


1. El Toro

2. Nitro

3. Zumanjaro

4. Batman: The Ride

5. Bizarro

6. Skull Mountain

7. Superman: Ultimate Flight

8. Runaway Mine Train

9. Sawmill Log Flume

10. Skyscreamer


Maybe if I finally do Ka in the front row this year it'll crack my top ten, but as of right now it sits lower than The Dark Knight haha.

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El Toro


Batman: The Ride


Sky Screamer


Safari Off Road Adventure


Jolly Roger

HiTP Waffle Cart


I know that Total Mayhem will jump into my number 2 or 3 spot next year. And then the next year I hope to add Justice League to my Top 5

Edited by larrygator
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God that's tough because I don't know where to put SORA. It's really hard to compare that to other rides. This is the best I could come up with, no sarcasm. I resisted the urge to put Tango #1.


1) Skull Mountain

2) Pointsetta Peak

3) The Waffle Cart

4) Skyway

5) El Toro

6) Safari Off Road Adventure

7) Batman

8) Nitro

9) Kingda Ka (Front Seat)

10) Saw Mill Log Flume

11) Zumanjaro

12) Bizarro #1 (Get twisted)

13) Superman

14) Sky Screamer

15) Choo Choo

16) Dark Knight

17) El Diablo

18) Parking Lot Off Road Adventure

19) Root Canal

20) Getting hit by a truck

21) Green Lantern


My list is actually serious except the Top 3.

In reality I'd put Skull Mountain and Skyway between

Superman and Sky Screamer, this is the real list...


1) El Toro

2) Safari Off Road Adventure

3) Batman

4) Nitro

5) Kingda Ka (Front Seat)

6) Saw Mill Log Flume

7) Zumanjaro

8) Bizarro #1 (Get twisted)

9) Superman

10) Skyway

11) Skull Mountain

12) Sky Screamer

13) Choo Choo

14) Dark Knight

15) El Diablo

16) Parking Lot Off Road Adventure

17) Root Canal

18) Getting hit by a truck

19) Green Lantern

Edited by coasterbill
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Assuming everything was equal. meaning lines, wait times, and not taking into consideration if the rides are located near each other or not, here would be my choice in ride preferences....I tiered my list from "Every Visit" to "If I Have the Time" to "If I Must"


Every Visit If I Could:

1. Nitro

2. El Toro

3. Zumanjaro

4. Kingda Ka

5. Batman- The Ride

6. Dare Devil Dive (yeah, yeah, yeah- I get it, it's an upcharge!)

7. Bizarro


If I Have the Time:

8. SkyScreamer

9. Skull Mountain

10. Saw Mill Log Flume

11. Congo Rapids

12. The Dark Knight Coaster

13. Runaway Mine Train

14. Houdini's Great Escape

15. Parachute Training Center: Edwards AFB (had to make sure I got the full name so that there'd be no confusion on anyone's part!)

16. Skyway


If I Must:

17. Blackbeard's Lost Treasure Train

18. Buccaneer

19. Superman- Ultimate Flight

20. Green Lantern

21. All Other Rides (if it is not list here, that means I didn't go on it in 2015!)

Edited by strz
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^ OK.


11. Buckaneer

12. Blackbeards

13. Skyway

14. The Dark Knight

15. Houdini

16. Kingda Ka

17. Congo Rapids

18. Road Runner Railway


I've done all of the existing coasters, but only some of the flats. I have never ridden Tango, Twister, Jolly Roger, Deja Vu, the Tea Cups or El Diablo. Also none of the upcharges. And I haven't done the safari since I was a kid and monkeys tore up my dads stationwagon. #greatadvconfessions

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1. El Toro

2. Batman: The Ride

3. Nitro

4. Zumanjaro

5. Safari Offroad Adventure

6. Bizarro

7. Kingda Ka

8. Skull Mountain

9. Superman: Ultimate Flight

10. Runaway Mine Train

11. Green Lantern

12. Blackbeard

13. Buccaneer

14. Skyway

15. El Diablo

16. The Dark Knight

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Alrighty let's see...


1) El Toro

2) Nitro

3) Kingda Ka (front row only)

4) Batman

5) Bizarro

6) Zumanjaro

7) Skull Mountain

8) Kingda Ka (anywhere else)

9) Saw Mill Log Flume

10) Superman


I think if I rode Kingda Ka more often I would probably dislike it more outside of the front row. The front row itself is amazing and worth waiting for (I'd wait an hour for it easily). Boldikus if you liked Dragster just get yourself up front on Ka--it's ridiculous how much better it is.

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Soooooo now that our off season is really real and beginning to sink in this thread is sinking down the first page lol so how about everyone rates their current favorite rides at the park or something? LOL I thought it would redundant & stupid to start a whole thread about it, so let's have it, geeks. Let's stick to existing rides? I know Toro will come out tops for most but curious what everyones current rankings are now that 2015 has come to a close. Any Looping Diablo fanatics among us? I'll get the ball rolling....


1. El Toro

2. Nitro

3. Zumanjaro

4. Batman: The Ride

5. Bizarro

6. Skull Mountain

7. Superman: Ultimate Flight

8. Runaway Mine Train

9. Sawmill Log Flume

10. Skyscreamer


Maybe if I finally do Ka in the front row this year it'll crack my top ten, but as of right now it sits lower than The Dark Knight haha.


Kingda Ka in the front row is a totally different animal...it's like the difference of riding Skull Mountain in the back compared to 3rd row. Besides El Toro in 2nd to last row, KK in the front, especially at night, is the best experience in the whole park. Anyway, my top 10:


1) El Toro

2) Nitro

3) Kingda Ka.

4) Batman

5) Bizarro

6) Superman

7) Zumanjaro

8) Skull Mountain

9) Houdini

10) Green Lantern (over-hated, front row provides a very solid ride)

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1. El Toro (of course)

2. Bizarro

3. Nitro

4. KDK Front Row

5. Tea Cups

6. Blackbeard

7. Superman

8. Zumanjaro

9. Runaway Mine Train

10. Swashbuckler


** Edit: Ugghhhh how did I forget BTR. I'll put it right above Tea Cups, bonus points for BTR Backwards (RIP). I guess Swashbuckler gets bumped down to 11, but it's still one of those rides I ride every time I'm at the park. I'm a sucker for the old classic flats.

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