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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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I did notice a little bit of a vibration in the C train last week. Nothing compared to how bad it was last year though, still great. What Nitro really needs is a paint job, she's looking pretty worn out and should have got painted a couple years ago it seems.

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I agree that Nitro could use a paint job, but I doubt the park will do it. Besides the turn out of the station and the lower portion of the lift, the ride is out in the woods. They probably aren't willing to paint a ride structure that can't be seen by the public.

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Rust? What are you guys talking about that. That is just theming.

To be perfectly honest the only part of that entire area by Nitro that looks good is Congo Rapids. Nitro needs a repaint bad, Batman is okay but getting a little smudgy, the pavement and Nitro's area looks terrible, and Wiggles World needs to chill. The colors are too much and it's weird how Skull Mountain exits into four-year-old land.

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I am currently at the park. Its pretty quiet for a Sunday in August. I managed to sit on the brake run of Bizzaro for about 15 - 20 minutes while the ride went down.


Got a ride in on Skull Mountain as well. Believe the hype. Its a highlight of the park's line up. First drop in the back row is 10/10 airtime.


I dont know if it has been reported yet, but there is a giant demolition machine-truck standing outside the stadium. I'd imagine that serious destruction will ensue as soon as weekend operation begins in September. Possibly sooner as I'd imagine that Six Flags is renting it and wouldnt have it unless they were using it.


Big Demolition Machine

Edited by woolandmammoth
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Got a ride in on Skull Mountain as well. Believe the hype. Its a highlight of the park's line up. First drop in the back row is 10/10 airtime.

And it actually sustains ridiculously well for a coaster/drop of that size. I was dragged down the drop the entire way, pushing into the lap bar for a solid two seconds. The more I think about it the more I realize how insanely fun this coaster is. It honestly should not be that fun.

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I don't get some of the comments from people on the fan sites. Some a little sad, some very sad, and some who are legitimately angry the park dare remove such a "treasured" piece of its history. Honestly, it's just bleachers. BLEACHERS. People are getting up in arms over a friggin' set of BLEACHERS.


Edited by michaellynn4
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Well between that wording ("unchanged in four decades") and actual demolition finally happening I'd say its pretty close to confirmation that the coaster is going in the lakefront, not in Old Country. I can still hope with all my might that its not a free spin! (though I know it is... )

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