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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Kingda Ka was running two trains today...But with a one-two train wait for any row except first, it didn't really matter. Also, Kingda Ka's fourth train that was in pieces by the left station, has been mostly rebuilt out on the transfer track. It looks to be only lacking the shell.

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Hm - it's a large parking lot attached to the park with a peculiar gap in the treeline leading to a marked road.


I don't know, it could be a trap.

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Quick update on the Safari, apparently they are removing sections of the log flume to work on new buildings for the Safari.


I didn't even think to walk over to that area last week. I thought it was strange the flume wasn't running but now I know why. I think they generally run it in October, I know it runs in April.

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This year they even kept the rapids open for at least the early part of Fright Fest when it used to close after Labor Day. There are signs up saying it closes at 6:00 with the Fright Fest logo under it.


The Log Flume wouldn't be so bad to ride in cold weather if they turned off the sprayers at the end of the ride since you don't get soaked without them. I'd like to see the sprayers off the first few and last few weeks of the season.

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This will definitely good for overall ridership, but as someone who actually enjoys RT in it's current form it'll certainly be weird. A Rolling Thunder that doesn't rattle your teeth and actually brakes smoothly? I'll believe it when I ride it.

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Rolling Thunder isn't terrible. There is only one reason why it's my least favorite roller coaster - the insane jolt on the right track at the first turnaround.

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Interesting rumor from Screamscape:

Park News - (11/19/12) I’ve posted a few rumors lately about how parks in both Six Flags and Cedar Fair may have been asked to each pick an older coaster for possible future removal. In virtually every case so far, the rumored ride selected for future removal has been a steel coaster, but in the case of Six Flags Great Adventure, I’m hearing that the park decided to put Rolling Thunder on the chopping block. What makes this interesting, is that the location of Rolling Thunder also opens up a large piece of park property for future development, stretching all the way over to the Kingda Ka tower. Makes more sense if they want to open up a big pathway down to the Kingda Ka tower to eventually put in a giant drop ride mounted to the back side.

Just a remainder… this does not mean Rolling Thunder is being removed now, or anytime soon. This is just a rumor that the park may opt to remove this older coaster at some point in the next five years or so for any number of reasons. Just a possibility… nothing more at this point.

So, each park in both chains might have to remove a ride in the coming years.

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