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Adventureland (Iowa) Discussion Thread

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After doing some research it appears the only difference is the trains allow for higher capacity.



Yin is right, the Infinity Coaster is not simply a Euro Fighter with higher-capacity trains. Euro Fighter coasters were designed with a specific kind of layout in mind. A slight bit of speculation here - it likely wasn't until parks like Hansa Park and Fuji-Q Highland asked for a big (literally) variation on the design that Gerstlauer considered designing a track and train system from the ground up that could handle more intense forces, much larger layouts and multiple train configurations without any trouble, hence the classification "infinity coaster". They're pretty different.


The infinity coaster's trains appear to be designed around a different center line than the Euro Fighters' as well, meaning that you won't be seeing rides like Spongebob adopt that style of train (likely also why they have started to fit T-bar restraints to the compact Euro Fighter car, Iron Shark et al).

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This could be pretty huge for Adventureland. Considering that they haven't added a coaster in 20 years, I think it will be a major draw for people to come back to the park. Plus there's nothing like Monster anywhere near Des Moines and this is going to be one of the tallest Euro-fighters.


After adding a new looper, I think Adventureland ought to replace Dragon with a new log flume. Dragon is good for its two intense loops and the rest is plain awful. I think it needs to go.

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Now this is an INFINITY coaster not a Eurofighter. Completely different apparently.

I too think that this will be a home run for the park. With no other park in the region (VF, WOF, SFGAM) adding a coaster next year they should do well. Their last addition (Storm Chaser) had the unfortunate opening of the same year as WOF's Windseeker...um, SteelHawk so that large addition was rather negated.


Excited to try this out next season

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will be visiting Adventureland for the first time on Saturday. Does anyone know how crowded it will be? I know it's a Saturday, but since Adventureland is a smaller park, I'm not sure what to expect. Any other tips for conquering the park?

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I will be visiting Adventureland for the first time on Saturday. Does anyone know how crowded it will be? I know it's a Saturday, but since Adventureland is a smaller park, I'm not sure what to expect. Any other tips for conquering the park?


If it is nice weather like last weekend expect it to be super busy. If you are planing on going to the water park arrive before park opens and go straight to it or you will have to wait in a long queue just to get into the water park. Last Saturday the water park queue was over an hour long to just enter it at noon. If you are going mainly for the coasters the lines will shrink dramatically at the end of the day.

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I will be visiting Adventureland for the first time on Saturday. Does anyone know how crowded it will be? I know it's a Saturday, but since Adventureland is a smaller park, I'm not sure what to expect. Any other tips for conquering the park?

It will be pretty busy. Go straight to the water park. Once you get there do all of the tube slides first. After that do whatever you want in the water park and enjoy your time there. The body slides lines are always manageable. I would actually recommend the wave pool after doing the tube slides as it is a pretty nice one and will get full later in the day. As for the regular park everything won't be too bad besides the log ride and raging river. All other rides should be 20mins or less for wait time.



When does the State Fair start? It gets stupid busy at the park during that.

Maybe try this cool new feature on the internet called GOOGLE

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I don't plan on visiting the water park because I'll only be able to stay at the park for a few hours and I'd rather ride the coasters.


Is Dragon really as bad as people say it is? If so, then I might end up skipping it because it's not worth it to get a huge headache.

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I don't plan on visiting the water park because I'll only be able to stay at the park for a few hours and I'd rather ride the coasters.


Is Dragon really as bad as people say it is? If so, then I might end up skipping it because it's not worth it to get a huge headache.


I rank it in my bottom 10. I absolutely refuse to ride it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
TBQH the park has been doing nothing but large additions lately.


2016 - Monster

2014 - Storm Chaser

2012 - Adventure Bay Phase III

2011 - Rebuild of Main Street

2010 - Adventure Bay Phase II

2008 - Adventure Bay Phase I


I wonder what's next? The future looks bright! Getting too far ahead of myself? I should calm down and just soak this one in.

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  • 1 month later...

Tomorrow's the last day for the log ride.


It's too early to tell, but even though they are taking out a water ride, I feel that they've been building up Adventure Bay so that they don't have to add another water ride to replace the log flume. I'd love to see them finally get a Larson Flying Scooters next. Can't believe they still don't have one.

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