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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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If it's a wing coaster, I'll be happy. It'll probably be a more laid-back ride to complement the more dynamic I305 and TT.


Theming/landscaping will make or break the ride. It needs to have the physical presence Volcano did. Seeing RailBlazer vs. Wonder Woman, I have faith in Cedar Fair.

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I'm not a fan of Wing coasters overall, but I like Fenix at Toverland, and haven't tried Holiday World's Thunderbird yet.


Totally agree. Fenix's is by far the best wing coaster I've ridden. Probably cause it focuses more on speed and forces than slow manoeuvres. A wing coaster will be a solid investment for the park probably. Guests will love it, they're good capacity rides and are reliable. Sure, I would love to see another crazy ride e.g TT and I305, but I think they already catered to that crowd. The new ride will take the eyes of TT and make its line shorter. So, no matter what it will be, it will do something good anyways.

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The GP will love it, it's better than an empty field, and I'm sure fans will be less upset when Anaconda leaves if they have a shiny new coaster that wasn't a hand-me-down.


Please pull more of the crowd away from the flume, Drop Tower, Twisted Timbers, and the precious Apple


I really wish they could make it something more like Falcon at Wuxi Sunac Land. These wing coasters seem to be better when they're bigger... and have a mountain to work with.


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A B&M wing coaster would be great over the water where Anaconda is. Anaconda might have its fans but I doubt it would be missed much. It would also free up more space than the demise of Volcano. I agree a less crazy ride than i305 would be very popular.


I thought X-flight was the second best coaster at Six Flags Chicago (after Goliath) and I liked it more than Wild Eagle (great views) and Gatekeeper (graceful but didn't do much for me).


I hope the rumored "no competition" clause that B&M supposedly had with Busch Gardens is either not true or is expired, so KD could get this if they want it.

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I love GateKeeper, I love Thunderbird, and I really like both X-Flight and Wild Eagle! So I'm definitely on board if this does indeed end up being a B&M Wing for KD! I would have liked to see something a little larger, given the magnificence of the coaster it's essentially replacing, but I understand that the small Wing coasters pack a nice punch, so I'm excited to experience that! I also think it's a good fit for the park, and the area, and gives it something unique (and reliable) compared to BGW, and a different experience while BGW is launching people all over the place with their new Intamins. I will say, given its location in the Safari Village, that it gets a theme to go along with that, and offers an homage to Volcano, as well as great fly-by elements. I know that expecting CF to theme this much is foolhardy, but it'd be a nice surprise if it does have a mini-volcano it flies through or something. Regardless, it'll be interesting to follow this over the next year-plus and see what comes of it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Winterfest Preview at Kings Dominion


Lights, crazy characters, Snoopy dressed as Santa . . . looks like it's time for Winterfest at Kings Dominion.


TPR was invited to a preview of this year's event last night. This was essentially a "dress rehearsal" for the opening lighting ceremony by the Eiffel Tower, so it involved food, music, and, of course, lots of lights. The event officially begins tonight (Saturday, November 23), so this amounts to just a "taste" of Winterfest.


But there was plenty of of food, ugly sweaters, ice skating, and other such holiday fun to be had--and the rest of the park (except for Safari Village) will be open and lit up tonight.


Here's a look at the preview. You just might see Santa lurking about, so be on your best behavior.


NOTE: Well, just noticed on Facebook that the park is closed today because of inclement weather. It's supposed to pour rain there later today.


Twas the night before Winterfest . . .


. . . and all through the park . . .


. . . the sun hadn't quite set, so the Tower was still dark.


So, this is that place that no other place is like.


Nice hat.


Oh, the Hallmark Channel is on. I wonder which archetypal character is going to find his or her true love in a small New England town this time.


"We're gonna get Dickensian on your a**."


The dinner included cannelloni, carved ham, and (of course) turkey and stuffing. It was good.


Anyone for a donut bacon-burger slider?


Almost time to light up the tower. And, yes, you can buy the official Winterfest sweater like Maggie Sellars, the park's PR director, is wearing


Let the merriment begin!


Of course, Snoopy has to be in on this.


After a countdown, the Eiffel Tower was lit up!


I like how the colors change all night.


It's pretty underneath the Tower, too.


The show featured a medley of Christmas hits, but included Three Dog Night's "Joy to the World" (interesting choice).


"Am I not festive?"


"I'm even more festive!"


Old Virginia wasn't open, but it was lit up.


The car ride is themed to the "Twelve Days of Christmas."


Looking down the path behind the Eiffel Tower--this is the quickest was to get to Twisted Timbers.


Yep--I'm making a snow angel.


Nothing says "Christmas" like Snoopy on a Zamboni.


I like the huge "old-fashioned" lights in Planet Snoopy.


The Claus: Accept no substitute.


Who wants to decorate Christmas cookies?


Here are our creations (my friend Brenda's on the left, mine on the right).


I like how they rethemed the shop to Mrs. Claus's Kitchen.


Merry Christmas! Thanks for the look at Winterfest, Kings Dominion!

Edited by cfc
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  • 2 weeks later...

For adult coasters, it's just Twisted Timbers and Dominator. You need to click on the "Winterfest" button at the top of the page.

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I was thinking that if there is a b&m wing in the pipeline then it would be as a replacement for anaconda. The scale of that wing in the video would fit nicely over the lake. I don’t know if they’ve said it was going to go in Congo for sure. Especially since we didn’t know Volcano would be removed. It’s likely anaconda was going to be closed first.


I wonder who they’ve approached with replacements for volcano and timeframes. I want them to just get a 200’ wing. Seems like an easy record to take.

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