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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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The fact that with RMCs restraints, unless your legs are twigs, there is no way to manipulate the zipper on the pouch once you've been secured in.

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The fact that with RMCs restraints, unless your legs are twigs, there is no way to manipulate the zipper on the pouch once you've been secured in.


Yep--the pouch is down low and between your legs. You'd have to be a contortionist to reach it.

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^ Same. Usually they open the gates so quickly and the next people are so excited to get on, I can barely get my seatbelt unbuckled before I have someone breathing down my neck to get in. Hopefully there will be plenty of reminders, and the ride ops will act as spotters to quickly let people know if they did.

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I really wish parks would just push the zippered shorts option. I've been wearing zippered shorts to parks for 15 years now and I've never had to worry about a single loose article.


They could even sell some $15 athletic shorts w/ zipped pockets at the entrance gift store. It ain't rocket science. This new reality of extreme airtime (thanks RMC and Intamin!) and everyone needing an iPhone at all times has led to a need for some creative solutions.

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I really wish parks would just push the zippered shorts option. I've been wearing zippered shorts to parks for 15 years now and I've never had to worry about a single loose article.


They could even sell some $15 athletic shorts w/ zipped pockets at the entrance gift store. It ain't rocket science. This new reality of extreme airtime (thanks RMC and Intamin!) and everyone needing an iPhone at all times has led to a need for some creative solutions.


This. A thousand million times this. There could at the very minimum be a zippered shorts or jacket exception. But parks will often simply cater to the lowest common denominator.

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The problem parks have with that isn't the zipper magically unzipping and the phone flying out: the problem is people putting their phones in their pockets, and as soon as they're dispatched they whip their phones out and start filming, and then the phones fly out of their hands.


I've seen it happen several times (people filming on rides, not necessarily them losing their phone), once it was even the person sitting next to me on S:ROS @ SFA (luckily I was able to convince him that it wasn't worth the risk before the ride began).

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"Pardon me, sir. May I check your pockets to see if you have functioning zippers?"


"Sorry, but your buttoned pants don't meet the zipper pants requirement. Feel free to purchase our $15 'Ride and Wear' pants package at the front desk, where Fastlane Plus is sold."


Yeah, sounds like a great idea.

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I've had a zipper come open more than once and had to stop using it. Some seats (I305) seem determined to push stuff around in your pockets. Velcro seems more common and isn't as automatic as it seems. And then there was the time I thought my phone was in the car.


I kind of hate this development, but also have had experiences that show it could be needed.

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We’re in line for Twisted Timbers now... it’s actually pretty clever.


If you set it off you get a red handstamp, if not you get a blue one. The ride ops check handstamps as they check the train and if you have one then they make sure you put your phone in the pouch. They get people through the metal detector quickly because you don’t need to clear it without setting it off, if you set it off they just stamp you and move on.

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They’re pretty tight but honestly I don’t think they care about anything besides phones. You can fit keys and a phone easily though.


Anyway, moving on to things that matter...



This place is the greatest. I forgive them for Volcano. Putting in a craft beer bar with massive flights where you can watch Shenandoah Lumber Company be awesome all day is amazing. I feel like the park built this specifically for me.

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We’re in line for Twisted Timbers now... it’s actually pretty clever.


If you set it off you get a red handstamp, if not you get a blue one. The ride ops check handstamps as they check the train and if you have one then they make sure you put your phone in the pouch. They get people through the metal detector quickly because you don’t need to clear it without setting it off, if you set it off they just stamp you and move on.


I was there yesterday as well. And I also noticed they are more biased to the regular line than the fastlane. The fast lane line was the longest I ever seen it yesterday at one point. Going well out of the station and down the stairs. When they switched ride ops it was alot of confusion as to who has what in there pocket and was their hands stamped before. Past the metal detector in the station it was mostly empty at points due to the one by one nature of the metal detetctor. people with phanny packs and small book bags are still handed blue sheets to put their stuff in the locker. I think the system is clever. But the wait times are gonna be horrendous during the summer .


In other news anaconda had a full queue well into the plaza at one point as well as i305. It also seems as though more and more ride ops are E-stopping all of the rides due to cell phones .


There is also a massive land clearing right behind the first turnaround on grizzly. Looks like it was done quite recently as it wasnt there opening day.

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In the middle of planning for our trip to Virginia at the start of June (both KD and BGW). We are very much looking forward to it.


General query at this point, We have Platinum Seasons Passes for Canada's Wonderland, the aim this year being to use them for entry to KD also. Does anyone know if parking, which is included on them for CW, is also valid at KD (or any other Cedar Fair park for that matter) or is this specific only to the home park you purchased them for.

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