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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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There's a little outdoor bar in Candy Apple Grove near Windseeker that serves cocktails, wine, and beer. KD has their own line of beer brewed by Center of the Universe Brewery in nearby Ashland.


Unfortunately, I think that bar was only temporary.


KD could definitely improve their alcohol offerings. I would just absolutely love if there was an indoor spot with an actual bar that served drafts for any amount under $10.

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Interesting news, but not overly surprising about Volcano. Great idea, totally original, but a maintenance nightmare over the years.


I agree with those that said that the launches and theming were both great, but the barrel rolls were somewhat boring and even a bit uncomfortable when they slowed the launches down.


I can see them tearing down the mountain/coaster and the top spin and completely re-theming that area.


As much as the old Paramount "jungle theme" for that area seemed cool, it seemed quirky with those two rides, a bobsled and Outer Banks all mixed together. LOL

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Just gonna put this out there:


Take a look at the shot of the Volcano in the news report posted above about 55 seconds into the video.


I'd be very surprised if the mountain stays.

I am not seeing anything that would make anyone come to that conclusion . . .


Is the Volcano supposed to look like this or is it just a weird angle?


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Even from the "correct" angles it always looked a little... off, this was taken in 2015 and it looked "off" then too.

Probably has something to do with the giant yellow roller coaster coming out of the top.


That's one of the things, I love, about Kentucky Kingdom. They have Taco Tequila Bar and a Craft Beer pavillon with Bourbon Shots and you can walk anywhere around the park with your drinks.

Kentucky Kingdom is pretty much a beech bar in the middle of the Midwest that has roller coasters. It's like the cool version of Holliday World.

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I'm really sad to hear about this closing down and that I never got to ride it but it seemed like it was inevitable with all the downtime it was having. It would be cool to built another launch coaster into the volcano like a Mack or even a B&M invert but I'm guessing the volcano was a big part of the maintenance issue so it will probably go. The saddest thing is there are so many horrible SLCs out there that have outlived this unique invert.

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^ As much as we make fun of SLCs, I have to give them credit that they're insanely reliable. I can't recall a time I've ever seen one break down and SFNE's was able to run in single digit temperatures back in 2017.


You can say the same thing about a school bully who beats you up everyday during lunch: "Boy, that hurt, but at least he's reliable."


Getting back on topic, I'll miss Volcano. It was unique, if problematic.

Edited by cfc
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^ As much as we make fun of SLCs, I have to give them credit that they're insanely reliable. I can't recall a time I've ever seen one break down and SFNE's was able to run in single digit temperatures back in 2017.


You haven't seen Kong break down at SFDK. I have - on more than one visit too. But I agree in general SLCs are pretty reliable and that's one of the only coaster types where I would consider that a negative thing.


You can say the same thing about a school bully who beats you up everyday during lunch: "Boy, that hurt, but at least he's reliable."

SLCs are like the school bully of rollercoasters - kinda like that verbal bully you see on TV or online every day who's very reliable on insulting people every day.

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^ As much as we make fun of SLCs, I have to give them credit that they're insanely reliable. I can't recall a time I've ever seen one break down and SFNE's was able to run in single digit temperatures back in 2017.


When I went to Wild Adventures some years ago, Twisted Typhoon went down numerous times throughout the day for various issues. They had to evacuate from the brake run at least twice while I was there. Even with that, I still risked getting the credit. It went down again on the next train after I got off (the 2nd time I noticed evac from he brake run)....lol



I hate I never got a last ride on Volcano. It was the 2nd invert I'd ridden and first launched one. I was fortunate to have ridden it shortly after it opened, back before I kept track of new coasters. I've still had it as my favorite coaster there since I hadn't been since before I-305 was built.

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