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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I'm seriously considering defecting from Six Flags to Cedar Fair as far as passes go.


KD is a 2 hour drive for me; Dorney Park is 2 hours 45 minutes for me.


That and I haven't been to KD since a summer camp day trip in '94 (and I'm realizing KD has a better coaster collection).


I live 30min from SFA, and 90mins from KD (when the traffic is good, which is like never). I've been to SFA twice this season, and KD 8 times.


But yeah, just get both. A SF season pass is like 25% the cost of a platinum pass.

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Keep your Six Flags Pass because it’s dirt cheap but like... yeah, welcome to the dark side.

If you can swing both, you will have access to a park pretty much anywhere you go. Granted, IMO Cedar Fair parks are more consistent across the board in park offerings than SF.

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Finally got on Twisted Timbers. It's still having frequent hiccups and ran one train over the past 3 days, but I still had about 10 rides total on Wednesday and yesterday. I can honestly say I like it better than Steel Vengeance. It just does so much in so little space, and it took a good 3-4 rides before I could properly prepare for that gnarly outward-banked turn. Some of those pouches were in place behind your legs on the green train also, but not being used yet. It's virtually impossible to reach the pouch with the restraint down and the shin guard in the way, so I think they could work. Anyone that made it past the front person with a banned item was told to put it in a locker, and was also given some sort of card. A few people returned to the same spot in line, so I'm not sure if that's what the card was for.


One guy yesterday was not having it after being told to put his fanny pack in a locker. He was MF-ing the poor girl just trying to do her job, and security needed to get involved. It's a shame people need to act that way.

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Not on Twisted Timbers...it's the same policy as Steel Vengeance at CP.


Yikes. Do they pat you down or what? Or do they just ask you and hope you don't lie? (Sorry I'm asking so many stupid questions... I have yet to go to a park with such a draconian policy)

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Not on Twisted Timbers...it's the same policy as Steel Vengeance at CP.


Yikes. Do they pat you down or what? Or do they just ask you and hope you don't lie? (Sorry I'm asking so many stupid questions... I have yet to go to a park with such a draconian policy)


this is the silliest thing to be obsessing over. . . just put your damn phone in a fluffy bunny.


they are right there across from the entrance to Twisted Timbers (next to Apple Zapple entrance).


sheesh.. . it really isn't that hard.


why in the world would anyone try to sneak their phone on anyways? the way the restraints sit, you don't want ANYTHING in your pockets, zippered or not.

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Not on Twisted Timbers...it's the same policy as Steel Vengeance at CP.


Yikes. Do they pat you down or what? Or do they just ask you and hope you don't lie? (Sorry I'm asking so many stupid questions... I have yet to go to a park with such a draconian policy)


In addition to about 3 or 4 large signs, the person at the front is watching pretty closely and asking everyone if they have a phone. You're allowed keys, wallet, etc. in secured pockets, just not a phone. If you wear glasses without a strap, they'll even tell you to put them in your pocket. The ride operators MUST pull down your lapbar, and they don't allow any riders to do it themselves. If anyone does, they unlock that row and reset until the ride op pulls it down. I'm guessing that's also a way of looking for any sort of phone shaped object in people's pockets that may have slipped through.

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Not on Twisted Timbers...it's the same policy as Steel Vengeance at CP.


Yikes. Do they pat you down or what? Or do they just ask you and hope you don't lie? (Sorry I'm asking so many stupid questions... I have yet to go to a park with such a draconian policy)


In addition to about 3 or 4 large signs, the person at the front is watching pretty closely and asking everyone if they have a phone. You're allowed keys, wallet, etc. in secured pockets, just not a phone. If you wear glasses without a strap, they'll even tell you to put them in your pocket. The ride operators MUST pull down your lapbar, and they don't allow any riders to do it themselves. If anyone does, they unlock that row and reset until the ride op pulls it down. I'm guessing that's also a way of looking for any sort of phone shaped object in people's pockets that may have slipped through.


Ops pushing down the lap bar is a fairly new policy as well, I was there in July and I don't recall them doing that and I was there this past Sunday and they are very strictly enforcing the lap bar policy.

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Not on Twisted Timbers...it's the same policy as Steel Vengeance at CP.


Yikes. Do they pat you down or what? Or do they just ask you and hope you don't lie? (Sorry I'm asking so many stupid questions... I have yet to go to a park with such a draconian policy)


In addition to about 3 or 4 large signs, the person at the front is watching pretty closely and asking everyone if they have a phone. You're allowed keys, wallet, etc. in secured pockets, just not a phone. If you wear glasses without a strap, they'll even tell you to put them in your pocket. The ride operators MUST pull down your lapbar, and they don't allow any riders to do it themselves. If anyone does, they unlock that row and reset until the ride op pulls it down. I'm guessing that's also a way of looking for any sort of phone shaped object in people's pockets that may have slipped through.


Ops pushing down the lap bar is a fairly new policy as well, I was there in July and I don't recall them doing that and I was there this past Sunday and they are very strictly enforcing the lap bar policy.



I spent Memorial Day and the Tuesday after at KD, and they were enforcing the op pushing the lapbar down rule the whole time I was there.

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It's standard procedure on Steel Vengeance, Twisted Timbers and Storm Chaser to have the ops lower the lap bar. I'm not 100 % sure about the RMCs at Six Flags parks (hadn't been on those or followed as closely), but I think it's the same for all RMCs, especially since the incident with NTAG.

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It's standard procedure on Steel Vengeance, Twisted Timbers and Storm Chaser to have the ops lower the lap bar. I'm not 100 % sure about the RMCs at Six Flags parks (hadn't been on those or followed as closely), but I think it's the same for all RMCs, especially since the incident with NTAG.


Iron rattler at six flags fiesta Texas they allow you to pull your own lap bar down... They check the seat belt by pulling the exposed section of strap on the side


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Was at the park a couple of weeks ago and saw people caught with their phones given passes to leave the line and come back in via the exit once they had used a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo.


I don't break park rules and I guess if I ever went out to this park i'd be buying fastlane but hypothetically isn't this more of an encouragement almost to take your phone with you than a deterrent? If the line was 45mins to an hour and a greeter at the line entrance warned me that if I take my phone with me to use for the whole queue, I will have to leave the line at the end but get a free pass to essentially get back on with no wait v.s. a long line with no phone, I'd take that exit pass.

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NO shocker here, but Dinosaurs Alive! is going extinct October 28th. The DA store will close after Labor Day.



In 2012, guests were invited to take a step back in time to 245 million years and walk amongst 36 pre-historic creatures.


Well friends, history is about to repeat itself. Dinosaurs Alive! will become extinct October 28, 2018. While the attraction will remain open through Haunt and the Great Pumpkin Fest, the Dinosaurs Alive! store will close after September 3 as the elves begin their WinterFest transformation. To enter Dinosaurs Alive! and grizzly during your fall visit, follow the signs at the side of the old Dinosaurs Alive! store. Admission to Dinosaurs Alive! can be purchased at the attraction entrance or scan your 2018 Gold, Platinum or Pre-K Pass for admisison.


Be sure to get your final visits in before then, and grab any souvenirs (perfect time to stock up for the holiday gifts!) during our Extinction Sale this weekend, August 31 – September 3.

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IRat might be different from most other RMC's b/c it uses Gerstlauer-made trains (as does NTxG)


the restraint bar is very different too (I can ride IR with no issues whatsoever, but TC, TT, and SV all really hurt my thighs from the ejector air).

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Not on Twisted Timbers...it's the same policy as Steel Vengeance at CP.


Yikes. Do they pat you down or what? Or do they just ask you and hope you don't lie? (Sorry I'm asking so many stupid questions... I have yet to go to a park with such a draconian policy)


In addition to about 3 or 4 large signs, the person at the front is watching pretty closely and asking everyone if they have a phone. You're allowed keys, wallet, etc. in secured pockets, just not a phone. If you wear glasses without a strap, they'll even tell you to put them in your pocket. The ride operators MUST pull down your lapbar, and they don't allow any riders to do it themselves. If anyone does, they unlock that row and reset until the ride op pulls it down. I'm guessing that's also a way of looking for any sort of phone shaped object in people's pockets that may have slipped through.


Ops pushing down the lap bar is a fairly new policy as well, I was there in July and I don't recall them doing that and I was there this past Sunday and they are very strictly enforcing the lap bar policy.




I spent Memorial Day and the Tuesday after at KD, and they were enforcing the op pushing the lapbar down rule the whole time I was there.


They were heavily enforcing that on Steel Vengeance also when I was at CP way back on Mother's Day, which was only a week after opening. From what I recall, that wasn't being enforced on either Joker or Goliath when I rode them last year.

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They were enforcing the Twisted Timbers lapbar rule yesterday, too. And no matter how many announcements they made saying "don't pull down your lapbars," people pulled them down, anyway--so, they unlocked the restraints, raised them, then pushed them down again.

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They were heavily enforcing that on Steel Vengeance also when I was at CP way back on Mother's Day, which was only a week after opening. From what I recall, that wasn't being enforced on either Joker or Goliath when I rode them last year.



I've ridden Joker a number of times (closest RMC for me) and they've always had the "ops push down the lap bar" rule.


I rode Goliath last month for the first time and they had the same rule. It was also the shakiest of the five RMCs I've ridden and the only wooden one (shaky coming out of the stall). If I hadn't just ridden Steel Vengeance I would have loved it even more ...


Twisted Timbers (which I rode in May) and S.V. seem to both benefit from the extra set of wheels (double instead of single) under each car. Extremely smooth.

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We are planning to visit Kings Dominion next year as our annual park outside of Florida. I305 and Twisted Timbers are on the bucket list for sure. I have to say that I am intrigued by Volcano also, as it definitely looks different from other hanging coasters!

Early planning stage, but just had a couple of timing questions.


First, when does school break up for the summer in Virginia?

Second.....the park does not yet have the hours for 2019 yet on the website (which of course is understandable), but I am going to assume that the park is open on weekdays in June? If not, when is it safe to assume that it is open on a daily basis and not just at weekends.


Just trying to figure out leave picks at work right now, and flights to Richmond from Canada. Thanks in advance.

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I strongly suggest going at the very beginning of the season before Volcano has a chance to f*ck itself in spectacular fashion which seems to be an annual tradition. I’m not even being sarcastic.


Generally the park is in full swing on opening day aside from maybe the rapid ride. PS: Busch Gardens Williamsburg is like one hour away.

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