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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I rode TT Friday during Media Day. This is only my second RMC I have rode (Lightning Rod is the other). I love how smooth this ride is from start to finish.


You left me wanting more. What else did you like/dislike about it? How did it compare to Lightning Rod?!

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Okay, time for the elephant in the room....


Are the restraints to Twisted Timbers accomodating or restrictive to larger riders?

On my first ride, one woman had to exit the train. Now, I consider myself fat (im actual american standard obese). I am 5'8" and weight is between 255-265 at times. I had to get a push or two to get completely green light-ed but I was still able to ride. My weight is fairly distributed and I do have some muscle mass as well so I can see how it can be a problem with some larger people riding.


As far as the ride . . . I have said, even from the beginning before it was confirmed it was getting converted, Hurlers layout would be the weakest layour RMC would have to work. It's basically a coaster with 4 right hand turns and some airtime hills after the initially drop. I have to consider that while riding it and can only compare it to what it replaced honestly. I think they did a good job with revitalizing this coaster by building up on the current layout and structure. Loved the first drop-version while riding in the front, liked the 3 back-to-back airtime hiils as they were not as violent as some coasters I have been on, LOVED LOVED the middle part of the ride (from the cutback to the first 90 degree turn). Aside from the drop-verison, I didn't really feel the stomach-in-throat feeling. There was plenty of ejector air, especially on the three hills, but not much "drop tower" like air as far as my two rides went. However the two sweet spots for that, to me, where before and the drop after the photo spot. They put that in a very sweet spot!


NOW should carowinds follow suit?

Not right now. I think hurler at carowinds has a different condition and among different company than KD's. KD still has 2 more adult size wooden coasters so hurler really isnt a major loss. If I ran the world, I would ONLY convert hurler under the condition a new wooden coaster were to be built prior to it happening. And I wouldn't want both RMC hurlers to have the same layouts, but I would keep the middle section the same lol, its damn near perfect.


Well, I'm about your height, so I figure that if I lose 20-30 lbs by August, I won't have that much of a problem.


Thank you for telling me this, it actually makes my goal of riding TT seem more doable.

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Hi I was wondering if anybody has ridden "WC" and now "TT" and can compare if it is the same style seating? I love "WC" but find sometimes my feet and legs are in a bit of an awkward position.

Thanks for the info. and the reports. I can't wait to ride this in June.

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Last time I was at Kings Dominion one of the employees told me that Fury 325 was supposed to go to Kings Dominion, and they were getting a giga coaster the next season.


There aren't many people that know what's happening in 2021...

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Take it with a grain of salt, but I wouldn’t be surprised.

I'll actually take the rumor with a grain of flash-frozen ice cream, thank you.

In all honesty, this wouldn't be *that* surprising, although I might expect that this happens at the end of 2019/2020, with a new coaster in the cards for '22ish. KD just got a world-class coaster after ripping two horrible ones out, so I think this progress is inevitable but not anywhere in the immediate future.


Speculation for the win!

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I got 3 rides in yesterday and loved it. The only other rmc I have ridden in Wicked Cyclone, so that’s my only comparison. I loved WC, but I felt it did sort of drag during the last portion of the ride. After reading reviews that TT had a similar problem, I was anxious. I am happy to report that is NOT the case. It hauls all the way to the brakes. The airtime is great and relentless. It beats I305 for the best coaster in the park imo.

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It’s always fun to speculate. There’s room for spectulation and Twisted Timbers on this thread

Visual proof that coaster geeks will never, ever, ever be satisfied.

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It’s always fun to speculate. There’s room for spectulation and Twisted Timbers on this thread

Visual proof that coaster geeks will never, ever, ever be satisfied.

I’m very satisfied with Twisted Timbers, thanks . Are you done?

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I originally had no plans to ride Twisted Timbers until sometime later in the spring/early summer, but having discovered a few free hours on my Sunday (and having just purchased a shiny new CF platinum pass yesterday), I figured why not? So I got in touch with a friend and fellow pass holder in the area and we made the quick trip from DC to get there for early entry.


Unfortunately, upon arrival, murmurs started circulating within the line outside the entrance gate that TT would not be opening until "later in the day." When nearing Candy Apple Grove, the rumors were confirmed: Racer 75 was to replace Twisted Timbers as an early-entry option. A bit of a bummer, but no big deal really. Rebel Y--err, Racer 75, was running phenomenally. Does anyone know if there was more track work done this off season? I seem to remember the return run on the left side being somewhat brutal last year. This year? Glass smooth.


Also got an early entry ride on the famed Apple Zapple, which I hadn't ridden in years. Actually, it's a damn good wild mouse, name notwithstanding. Very minimal braking. I got a kick out of hearing multiple people making fun of it's re-brand throughout the day. For those of us in the enthusiast community who often play the "it's-only-enthusiasts-who-complain-about-this-stuff...normal-people-don't-care" card, I can assure you that the general public know a ridiculous name when they hear one.


After riding just about everything in the park worth riding (except for the flume...don't want to start a riot here), there was still no signs of life at TT and, having to leave at 4, my time was running out. Anticipating a possible opening, my friend and I lingered in the area. Then, as I sat comically trapped within my Windseeker restraint as the ops waited for nearly fifteen minutes to send us skyward, I heard the beautiful sound of an RMC chain lift in the proximity. What an angst-filled ride that was on Windseeker...a line forming outside of TT while I was stuck rotating around 300 feet in the air. Thankfully, we managed to get into the front of the line forming outside the formal queue, and within maybe 20-30 minutes, we were off.


Gotta say, I'm not one for pointless novelties, but it was kind of cool being on the first train of the day, especially for a ride that's three days old. Despite what's been said about this being a front-seat ride, we opted for the back, mainly because I saw those three airtime hills and felt like there really wasn't any other logical choice here. All cliches aside, the whole ride was really kind of a blur. I had mentally prepared myself to be underwhelmed because of the whole "it's 40 degrees and it's not broken in yet and it's March and the wheels are hard and wah wah wah," but in all seriousness, the ride totally blew me away. If that was how it runs when it's supposedly "not broken-in," then I'm honestly a little afraid to ride it a few months from now, as I'm not yet ready to die.


It's hard for me to compare this to anything I've ever ridden. I've only done one other RMC at this point, Twisted Colossus, and I thought it was awesome. However, Twisted Timbers, for my money, beats it out. As someone who--like many--enjoys airtime more than basically any other coaster-related sensation, I'd say TT definitively fills the hole that King's Dominion had in it's coaster line-up. Most of the ride consisted of that "how-is-this-even-legal?" airtime you might find on the likes of Skyrush or El Toro, and with a few funky bits to boot. When it hit the brakes, I kind of just found myself saying "Wow" over and over, which I think is probably a pretty good sign that King's Dominion has a winner on it's hands.


Great (but short) day at King's Dominion. I'll be back later in the season to get some more rides on TT.


Long live Anaconda

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Does anyone know if there was more track work done this off season? I seem to remember the return run on the left side being somewhat brutal last year. This year? Glass smooth.


I'm not 100% sure, but I think they I think they did the first drop this off season, and you can see a ton of new wood there as well. Nevertheless, the ride on both sides is smoother than it has any business being. It's quite amazing. And there's tons of air in the back. It's actually a really surprisingly fantastic coaster. It's waaaay smoother than the last time I rode it ~8 years ago.


Very minimal braking.


Totally agree. One of the better wild mice out there - especially since the restraints are minimal, compared to the awful restraints of the KBF one. Only wild mice better are the spinning ones.


the ride totally blew me away. If that was how it runs when it's supposedly "not broken-in," then I'm honestly a little afraid to ride it a few months from now, as I'm not yet ready to die.


Couldn't agree more. The only thing I'll say is that it's definitely a back seat ride right now. But it's really f**king awesome towards the back.


It's hard for me to compare this to anything I've ever ridden. I've only done one other RMC at this point, Twisted Colossus, and I thought it was awesome. However, Twisted Timbers, for my money, beats it out.


Me too! However, this is the only place I'll disagree. These two coasters have very different layouts, so they're difficult to compare. But they're both RMCs, and they're quirky compared to all other rides, and that makes them similar to each other. I think TC has an intensity that TT doesn't have yet. And I think TC is incredible in the front seat, and beyond belief in the back seat. I think TT is pretty damn good in the front seat, and incredible in the back seat. And for that reason, I give TC a very, very slight edge. But ranking is ultimately stupid, and nobody cares about my opinion.

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What an angst-filled ride that was on Windseeker...a line forming outside of TT while I was stuck rotating around 300 feet in the air. Thankfully, we managed to get into the front of the line forming outside the formal queue,


Wait... So the line was forming outside the queue while you were riding Windseeker... And yet you "managed to get into the front of the line" somehow! "Oh, whoops! Look as this! We just accidentally happened to cut everybody waiting in line before us!"


I'm sorry if there's more to that than it appears at first blush, because that's exactly what it sounds like from what you wrote!

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^Ha. Poor wording on my part, I suppose. By front, I mean the front compared to how the line looked twenty minutes after I was in it, not as in "I was the absolute first dude in this line and there wasn't another soul ahead of me." For context, we got on the first train, but in the back row (which is what I was hoping for, anyway), as just about all the other rows filled up first. They were not assigning rows, thankfully. It seemed to take people a while to figure out that the ride was opening/open, as there still wasn't much of a crowd after we exited.


I think TC has an intensity that TT doesn't have yet. And I think TC is incredible in the front seat, and beyond belief in the back seat. I think TT is pretty damn good in the front seat, and incredible in the back seat. And for that reason, I give TC a very, very slight edge. But ranking is ultimately stupid, and nobody cares about my opinion.


No argument from me! Both are really really good roller coasters.


Also, I completely agree with what was said elsewhere on this thread: the hill/drop before the on-ride photo was the real surprise. I honestly can't even remember where that was on the ride, only that I recall thinking in that moment, "Well, that's going to be one unflattering picture."

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Boldikus did you get your revenge on Grizzley?


Funnily enough I did not! The Grizzly was a cranky b*tch all day and we couldn't seem to pass it while it was running. With Twisted Timbers, I305, Volcano and Dominator in the same park, its not hard to not care about Grizzly lol.


Okay, time for the elephant in the room....


Are the restraints to Twisted Timbers accomodating or restrictive to larger riders?


I saw quite a few walks of shame throughout the day, more than I expected, including one immediately before my first ride that had me sweating in anticipation if I would fit. I'd been working to drop some pounds the last few months, mostly as I have problems with my chest/stomach on B&Ms with older OTSRs, but was also hoping I didn't have to get stapled on TT. I was elated to find the crew did not even have to staple me and I had plenty of room to be thrown around.


Report coming, but I didn't have any issues with any rides all weekend. I'll have more to say in the report - give me a couple days - lots of pictures and awesome moments of a completely amazing opening weekend at two of the best parks ever with a few of my favorite people ever. Still collecting my thoughts on the weekend but TT is absolutely a top 10 ride for me. I also fell really hard for Kings Dominion in general this weekend - I somehow love it more than after my first visit. What an absolutely fantastic park and one of my favorites.

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I am making plans to go to Kings Dominion this coming Sunday April 1st and Monday April 2nd. I was just curious what the lines have been like at Twisted Timbers on opening weekend? I am planning to buy a Fastlane pass on Sunday if needed as I don't get to visit this park very often. Also, how are the crowds usually during the week of Spring break?

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I am making plans to go to Kings Dominion this coming Sunday April 1st and Monday April 2nd. I was just curious what the lines have been like at Twisted Timbers on opening weekend? I am planning to buy a Fastlane pass on Sunday if needed as I don't get to visit this park very often. Also, how are the crowds usually during the week of Spring break?


It depends if they're running one train or two. If it's one train, expect ~1 hour lines for TT. Crowds have been low though, through the first three days. Everything else has had a 5 min wait or less. Don't forget Sunday the 1st is Easter; I'm not sure what that'll do for attendance, although I imagine it'll be really light for the first few hours.

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I got to visit Kings Dominion on Saturday and I gotta say Twisted Timbers is one amazing ride! Once you go through the first drop the ride is relentless all the way to the end! I thought the 3 straight airtime hill were best in the front row, however I thought the rest of the ride was best in the back row. Just like most rides, even watching the POV many times the day before their were still moments that surprised me when I rode!


It was also great running into Coasterbill, Boldikus, ElToroRyan, & Lightningloops. Get out to Kings Dominion in 2018 and ride Twisted Timbers! It'll knock your socks off!

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So how close to the station is the Fast Lane merge point for TT?


The Fast Lane merges right at the grouper, my group had fast lane on Saturday and other than waiting for the front and back rows we only waited 2-3 trains each time we rode.

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^Josh basically covered my thoughts on the ride too. What surprised me was how well the ride not only ran in the cold weather, but still picked up very noticeable speed throughout the day. Take a ride like El Toro where it feels like it was meant to run faster through the course on a cold morning, and then gets faster - this ride was having none of that. The first ride felt as though it was designed to run that speed - and then by late afternoon into nighttime (even when the temp started falling to around 40 degrees again) it kept picking up speed and intensity throughout the day!


While I loved the “mini Toro” three airtime hills, my favorite part was the third turn by the station in the back row. Super aggressive laterals with ejector airtime pulling out. Pretty spectacular, and an amazing ride.


And as said, it was great to meet some others on the forums! Catch you guys at Millennium Force this summer?

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