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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Was anything said about Winterfest other than that there will be one in 2018?


I'm still very curious to know what coasters will be open for it. Did anyone catch anything about that? Did I just miss it?

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^^ Just "some of your favorite rides" is what I've seen/heard. Similar to what KI is doing opening Mystic Timbers, I imagine it'll be most of International Street (perhaps Dominator), Planet Snoopy, Old Virginia (without water rides and Grizzly) and the southern end of Candy Apple Grove featuring rides like Twisted Timbers, the Carousel, Americana, etc.


KD's website has a photo of Americana/Carousel and the description reads "select rides and attractions will be open for family and friends to enjoy together (weather pending).

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^^ Just "some of your favorite rides" is what I've seen/heard. Similar to what KI is doing opening Mystic Timbers, I imagine it'll be most of International Street (perhaps Dominator), Planet Snoopy, Old Virginia (without water rides and Grizzly) and the southern end of Candy Apple Grove featuring rides like Twisted Timbers, the Carousel, Americana, etc.


KD's website has a photo of Americana/Carousel and the description reads "select rides and attractions will be open for family and friends to enjoy together (weather pending).

KD's website describes the rides to be open as "family rides and attractions", so that probably quashes any hope of Winter Twisted Timbers or Winter I305. Regardless, WinterFest is a great addition!

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Its a shame that I305 is unlikely to open purely due to its location so far from International Street and other areas that likely will be open for the event, as (while its an Intamin with a cable lift) I don't think they'd have to worry about it valleying due to cold weather - that thing hauls into the brake run. They could just turn off the trim on that first camelback if it was a worry.


Though I can't even begin to imagine what the cold air would feel like on your face going those speeds.

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KD's website describes the rides to be open as "family rides and attractions", so that probably quashes any hope of Winter Twisted Timbers or Winter I305. Regardless, WinterFest is a great addition!


I305 never had a chance of running anyway because of it's location, but don't read too far into that. Worlds of Fun's site says the same thing and they're running Patriot and Spinning Dragons.

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TT looks amazing! Almost reminds me of RMC's take on a Balder-type coaster. I just really hope with the new trains that it won't lose momentum like some of the other smaller RMC's (which is apparently only an issue randomly at different points of the season, regardless of weather). Either way this thing will have insane amounts of aurtime and is a perfect compliment to I305.

Edited by Nitro1118
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The facebook comments on the parks official page make me want to jump out of a window. I get like the GP doesn't know or care what an RMC is but they really have no idea how good of a ride TT will likely be and they're just trashing it.


EDIT: Sorry! Just had to vent about that for a minute. Too many angry negative hateful people on social media. Need to remember Facebook comments are essentially poison to the mind.

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The facebook comments on the parks official page make me want to jump out of a window. I get like the GP doesn't know or care what an RMC is but they really have no idea how good of a ride TT will likely be and they're just trashing it.


EDIT: Sorry! Just had to vent about that for a minute. Too many angry negative hateful people on social media. Need to remember Facebook comments are essentially poison to the mind.


I expected those comments.

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Wow Twisted Timbers looks amazing! I think it will be nice to have more of an out-and-back style RMC with all those straight air-time hills for a change.


As cool as Steel Vengeance is, I'm also really excited for Twisted Timbers due to its fairly simple out-and-back layout with lots of bunny hills. Can't wait to get on TT and SV next year! My only two RMC coasters are Twisted Colossus and Lightning Rod and both were awesome so adding 2 more is gonna be a blast.

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I thought my recent visit to KINGS DOMINION earlier this month would have been my last, but with the announcement of TWISTED TIMBERS has motivated me to lose some weight and get myself fit ( for the record I still have what it takes to ride, but only if I can fit into the restraints. I can still fit into the restraints for Intimidator 305 and Delirium and RMC coasters use lap restraints, but I want to lose twenty pounds so I can be positive I'll fit into all the seats. If I succeed I'll reward myself with a Platinum Pass!).


Besides the inversions, it's nice to see that they are keeping this coaster as a triple out-and back like the old Hurler was.

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Robb did a great job posting all the news from Kings Dominion today. Here's a look at the media event for . . .


001.thumb.jpg.9d1bf7725bff0f775675370c208c3ca2.jpg . . . and . . . 001A.thumb.jpg.3e48a378ff870ff1b4b38eed5a5332de.jpg


I'll let the photos and captions do the rest of the talking.


Always good to know that one is in the right place.


Hmm--you'd think they were announcing a new Haunt maze, based on this back story.


KD is located in Hanover County--ergo, "Hanover Hill Orchard and Market." Twisted Timbers is set in an old apple orchard that was destroyed by some mysterious force. They played fiddle-and-banjo music, periodically interrupted by rumbling sounds and blowing wind, while we waited.


'Welcome to our orchard tour! I'd like to point out this here tree. Then there's this tree. Lots of dirt too. Well, that's all."


They should drive people around in this truck.


These two locals are shocked that anyone would want to tour that old orchard, what with the horrible thing that happened, which left "timbers twisted like you'd never seen!"


This fellow is the guy in charge.


Oh no! Something has gone horribly wrong! At a theme park! How often does that happen? ;)


That was the cue for the Twisted Timbers video. As you can see, the crowd was at least mildly interested . . . that may be an understatement, though.


Scott Clemens (director of marketing), Gary Chadwick (vice president), and Katelyn Sherwood (public relations) told us about Twisted Timbers. But just before they sent us off to lunch . . .


. . . there was a blizzard and Santa arrived!


Kris Kringle was so excited about Twisted Timbers that he plans to ride it next spring himself--and stick around for . . .


. . . Winterfest!


Yes, Virginia is going to have two big theme-park holiday events in 2018.


Nothing says "Christmas" more than snow, . . .


. . . cookies, . . .


. . . and beef sliders with bacon, cheese, and a fried egg.


Hey, I'm all for starting new traditions.


Those at the event also got a free Winterfest ornament (confused-looking reindeer optional).


Of course I had my picture taken with Santa.


Er, lady, you might want to watch where you step when walking behind a reindeer.


"Hah! Her shoes are ruined! My vengeance is complete!"


Let's have a look at how Twisted Timbers is coming along.


Hmm--does the station count as a "shed"?;)


Which looks cooler--the coaster or the car?


This is going to be a HUGE step up from Hurler.


A closer look at that sweet RMC steel.


It's always nice to take in the view from the Eiffel Tower.


Another close look at the top of the lift hill.


Remember one of the old "Turns of Pain"?


More Twisted Timbers! They'll get more twisted as the days move on.


I remember holding on for dear life and grimacing in pain here--but that's going to change.


One last look. I think with Twisted Timbers and Winterfest, 2018 is going to be a big year for Kings Dominion. Thanks for reading.

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I think a lot more theming will be added to the final product. It wouldn't surprise me to see a building around the back end of the brake run (it seems like they might be using blocks). At this point with the disappointment of the shed by enthusiasts it would make no sense to hype something like that up this early.

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