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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Between that and a GCI/in house complete refurb of hurler, i'd pick the latter. I guess it's because I rode hurler when it first open and know what an airtime machine it once was before the roughness and trimming. That and coupled with riding thunder run at Kentucky Kingdom which reminds me what a complete refurb can do for the coaster is my sentiment as to why I say give the current hurler a track rennovation vs a conversion.

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The fact that this thread is debating Hurler's layout makes my head hurt. Never thought I'd see the day.

Then what would you like to discuss?


You guys realize that RMC never uses the exact layout of the old ride, right? They greatly modify the shape. I can see them adding a bit of track to this. So basically...


105 ft tall

Dive over drop

2 more inversions

55 MPH

3000-3500 ft


Actually, they do follow the ground level layout, the path, quite close as that is the reason they generally only have to add support structure to support the new elements. I haven't seen one where they added sections to the layout that deviated from what the coaster was originally. Also, historically, RMC converted coasters have resulted in shorter layouts with Steel medusa and joker being the only two that had the least impact in the length only loosing about 100ft or so of the original layout. Look, im all for RMC working their magic at KD. I just personally think it would be better executed on a new coaster and hurler stay the same with a complete restoration a la ghostrider.




Not a fan of purple, but layout is neat


10/10 approved

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Between that and a GCI/in house complete refurb of hurler, i'd pick the latter. I guess it's because I rode hurler when it first open and know what an airtime machine it once was before the roughness and trimming. That and coupled with riding thunder run at Kentucky Kingdom which reminds me what a complete refurb can do for the coaster is my sentiment as to why I say give the current hurler a track rennovation vs a conversion.


Yes, Hurler was actually a good ride when during its first season or two.

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The fact that this thread is debating Hurler's layout makes my head hurt. Never thought I'd see the day.

Then what would you like to discuss?


You guys realize that RMC never uses the exact layout of the old ride, right? They greatly modify the shape. I can see them adding a bit of track to this. So basically...


105 ft tall

Dive over drop

2 more inversions

55 MPH

3000-3500 ft


Actually, they do follow the ground level layout, the path, quite close as that is the reason they generally only have to add support structure to support the new elements. I haven't seen one where they added sections to the layout that deviated from what the coaster was originally. Also, historically, RMC converted coasters have resulted in shorter layouts with Steel medusa and joker being the only two that had the least impact in the length only loosing about 100ft or so of the original layout. Look, im all for RMC working their magic at KD. I just personally think it would be better executed on a new coaster and hurler stay the same with a complete restoration a la ghostrider.


Man you guys are going to be disappointed when it ends up being a refurbishment.

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Not me. I think that's the best option.


I'm not convinced this is getting an RMC treatment at all, but I think a complete refurbishment wouldn't even be worth it. The ROI wouldn't be there at all. Unlike at Carowinds, Kings Dominion's Hurler is by far the most unpopular coaster (possibly ride) in the park. Also, Kings Dominion's Hurler is in worse shape that Carowinds' was pre-refurb so it would be even more costly to do at KD.


I truly believe Carowinds' Hurler got the attention first because of its proximity to Fury 325 with the hope for more riders on it. I think it's fair to say Carowinds' Hurler easily gets quite more riders now than it did 2010-2013. I also think its fair to say that if KD's Hurler opens back up with the same name and look (especially after being closed for an entire season) its ridership would be even lower even if it was refurbished.


Anyways, I'm going to the park for the first time this season finally tomorrow (better late than never with Platinum season passes), so I'll be on the lookout as always.

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I know none of us truly know what is going on, and I know that not everything the management of theme parks tell us is completely true, but I'm still reminded of the interview with the PR Lady from early in the season that the work on Hurler will be an in house project. I don't remember who did the interview. Perhaps it was In The Loop?

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I know none of us truly know what is going on, and I know that not everything the management of theme parks tell us is completely true, but I'm still reminded of the interview with the PR Lady from early in the season that the work on Hurler will be an in house project. I don't remember who did the interview. Perhaps it was In The Loop?


It easily could be a lie. Theme parks do it all the time. Either that or KD found out the coaster was in too bad a shape to keep.

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^^-- or Cedar Fair is letting them have more money than they thought. Maybe the in-house refurb was a threat.


One bit of evidence is Thunder Road, its removal at Carowinds makes Rebel Yell more unique. Removal of KD's Hurler would make Carowinds' version more unique.


A refurb would be good with better trains, but to continue with the existing ones would require RMC(-style) armor plating on the track to hold up for long enough to bother.


I just think those that never enjoyed it ain't wired up right. My only disappointing ride, pre-trims, was the first because it seemed too much like same ride as the other woodies but with longer lines, being new.

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One bit of evidence is Thunder Road, its removal at Carowinds makes Rebel Yell more unique. Removal of KD's Hurler would make Carowinds' version more unique.


I can promise you without a doubt that the parks don't care about this at all and neither does anyone else except a few random enthusiasts.

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One bit of evidence is Thunder Road, its removal at Carowinds makes Rebel Yell more unique. Removal of KD's Hurler would make Carowinds' version more unique.


I can promise you without a doubt that the parks don't care about this at all and neither does anyone else except a few random enthusiasts.


Well, if by "unique" you mean "especially bad," I agree. Hurler was good--once. Then it beat itself (and riders) to death. If they can redo the ride and make it good again for, say, more than one season, OK. If not, I say knock it down and replace it.

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Unique = only one of, at least in the region, is what I meant. Although I still found the ride fun after it got more crazy.


I just noticed Mystic Timbers at KI. Well CF is still building woodies, looks to be a high speed close to the ground layout too. And working with GCI.

Edited by bill_s
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One bit of evidence is Thunder Road, its removal at Carowinds makes Rebel Yell more unique. Removal of KD's Hurler would make Carowinds' version more unique.


I can promise you without a doubt that the parks don't care about this at all and neither does anyone else except a few random enthusiasts.


Well, if by "unique" you mean "especially bad," I agree.



Unique = only one of, at least in the region, is what I meant.


I just noticed Mystic Timbers at KI. Well CF is still building woodies, looks to be a high speed close to the ground layout too. And working with GCI.


I don't even know where to begin with this post so I'll just slowly back away and hope nobody noticed I was here.

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I just noticed Mystic Timbers at KI. Well CF is still building woodies, looks to be a high speed close to the ground layout too. And working with GCI.


As is Busch Gardens Williamsburg.

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One bit of evidence is Thunder Road, its removal at Carowinds makes Rebel Yell more unique. Removal of KD's Hurler would make Carowinds' version more unique.


I can promise you without a doubt that the parks don't care about this at all and neither does anyone else except a few random enthusiasts.



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I have never ridden Balder in Sweden, but tearing down Hurler and replacing it with a coaster similar to Balder would fit perfect in that plot! I know it won't happen, but just wishing... The POV of Balder looks so much fun!

This definitely won't happen but


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Not to get too far away from this Hurler talk... but does anyone in this thread think taking a detour to SFA for a few hours in the morning (10am to noon or 1) would be worth it if it cut into my time at KD? I fly into DC early in the morning on Saturday 8/27 and was going to give KD the full day, but all the Virginia parks are new to me so, input appreciated.


I'm not really into chasing credits anymore and nothing at SFA really seems worthwhile (I've been on SFNE's Bizarro), but I know people here have opinions.

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