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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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For the most part, I didn't have a problem with Coaster Studios. He posted on the boards for awhile but has since disappeared.


I think what really irked me was when he reported his so called "opinions" as facts for awhile. Like after the incident with Raptor at Cedar Point, he guaranteed that Valravn was going to be renamed and that he had several sources he'd consider reliable that told him. When people questioned him on it saying that no one else was reporting that the named would be changed, he just responded with "They don't have the sources I have". Folks like that just irk me sometimes. And that turned out to be 100% false (some reliable sources). A lot of folks (on TPR and not on TPR) would laugh when someone would cite his videos as official sources (not 100% his fault because there a lot of morons on the internet that will believe anything they see. But for awhile it seemed as if he was reporting things as fact)


I will say, however, that I have watched some of his videos since and he does seem to have kind of stepped away from doing things like that. He states in his speculation videos that they are his opinions and just speculation (unless he has hard proof that everyone already knows at that point). So he has changed the way he operates. Most of his review videos now also come from parks he has actually visited and he will grade rides he has ridden. Overall, he has done a lot of maturing.


Personally, I have nothing against him. He's a kid who is passionate about coasters and amusement parks. More power to him! I'll still watch his videos occasionally because he really has changed and matured a bit.

Edited by Coasterguy21
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No one snaps on half the people on this site (who are far worse) like they do on him.


I do. It's my job.


And regarding Coaster Studios I have no issue with him at all. I just don't consider him a useful source for information because obviously he's not exactly an insider. His videos aren't really my cup of tea but he seems like a cool kid.


This. Geez i make one joke and step away from the computer to go to the Subway Series and all hell breaks loose. I don''t have anything against him, probably a really nice kid tbh. His videos just stink and they should be taken with a grain of salt.

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I think it would be a GCI re-track if anything. It proved successful at Kentucky Kingdom with Thunder Run, even if Kings Dominion "deserves" better than every park in Cedar Fair that's better than it.


Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk

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I have watched CS's videos from time to time, for kicks and giggles, and I think my kids have watched him some too. My biggest issue, honestly, is his voice, and delivery. It's just not very good for speaking or presentation, which is what he's doing amounts to. He's not a professional though, so it's not a big deal. I respect anybody, to a certain extent, who takes valuable time, and uses whatever skills they have to create something. Even if it's not excellent or professional. The act of creation is impressive in its own right. Many people with potentially greater skills sit around and judge and criticize others' work, all the while contributing nothing of value themselves. So at the very least, he gets props from me for putting himself out there, and taking the time and effort to do so!

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I think it would be a GCI re-track if anything. It proved successful at Kentucky Kingdom with Thunder Run, even if Kings Dominion "deserves" better than every park in Cedar Fair that's better than it.


Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk

RMC retracked Thunder Run...

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I305 was down all day yesterday and was down the evening before. Anybody know anything about this?


Right after I book a trip to VA to ride it for the first time, of course...

Eh, it will probably be back up when you go. Even if it isn't, you still have Dominator!!! (It's much better than people say)

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Gentleman... start your engines. According to a very reliable scholarly source (twitter, lol), I305 is back open.

Let's hope it stays that way until the 27th!


On that note... any advice for a first-timer to VA parks? Planned on doing KD on 8/27 and BGW on 8/28.

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You don't really need a ton of advice for those parks. Lines shouldn't be a problem, ride Volcano first at KD. Eat a Bavarian pretzel at BGW (over by Verbolten) and ride Apollo's Chariot in the very back row. Don't miss Escape from Pompeii at BGW. You barely get wet and the theming is great.


That's about the extent of it.

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You don't really need a ton of advice for those parks. Lines shouldn't be a problem, ride Volcano first at KD. Eat a Bavarian pretzel at BGW (over by Verbolten) and ride Apollo's Chariot in the very back row. Don't miss Escape from Pompeii at BGW. You barely get wet unless someone is using Water Cannon # 1 and the theming is great.


That's about the extent of it.



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Gentleman... start your engines. According to a very reliable scholarly source (twitter, lol), I305 is back open.

Let's hope it stays that way until the 27th!


On that note... any advice for a first-timer to VA parks? Planned on doing KD on 8/27 and BGW on 8/28.


The advice I can give you is that try and go on Volcano first before anything. Lines for Volcano can potentially go out the queue while there is a walk-on for I305. Flight of Fear is pretty iffy, sometimes it's complete walk on and the ride ops will give you double-rides because of it, other times, it can get extremely long.


Anaconda isn't as horrible as people say, but it is best to brace yourself during that weird helix...


I personally found Grizzly to be better than Hurler, even though they're both pretty rough woodies.


Backlot Stunt Coaster is actually a pretty solid ride if you want my opinion. It's perfect for families, but those helices in the beginning sometimes pack a good punch.


Dominator is pretty solid too, although people do point out the B&M rattle at some points of the ride.

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Dominator is an excellent coaster, especially in the back row. The front row is fun for the floorless effect but really this ride is all about the back with the first drop and drop off the mid-course. Unless you're literally pressing your ears or cheek against the side of the restraint there's never an issue and I find it incredibly smooth for how large and relatively intense it is. It's for sure my second favorite coaster in the park.

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