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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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So...anyone seen that dead raccoon pic circulating about? Apparently, this raccoon was in the structure of Volcano, jumped out, and got severed in half during the second launch Can someone confirm this or something?


*insert Raptor'd reference here*


This is actually extremely common with Volcano. It always starts to stink in the mountain towards the end of the season.

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I've seen a better photo of it on another forum, but yikes, I would be mortified if that happened while I was on the ride.



Same here, and they really should test (Well, what's left of) that raccoon for diseases.

Edited by fraroc
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I've noticed the water in the Shenandoah Lumber Company log flume has been really yucky lately and the ride looks like it hasn't been well taken care of.


Speak no ill of Shenandoah Lumber Company. Shenandoah Lumber Company is love, Shenandoah Lumber Company is life.

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Planning a trip to the park this weekend (Friday and Saturday). I've only been twice in my life: 2000 and 2009.

We have Platinum passes and the dining plan. What advice can you guys give me? Thanks!


If you're doing Haunt on Saturday, get Fright Lane Plus, as the park will be insanely busy.

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In response to the help thus far...


- not sure if we will do the Haunts. If we do, which ones are best? (please no ones that are completely blacked-out—I broke my glasses at KI's "Blackout" by walking into a wall face-first.)


- I like log flumes, but the wife doesn't... how wet do you get?

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^^-- I saw a very close call of a squirrel on Dominator's track, but of course an inverted makes it worse.


Turns out the little buildings scattered around the park are for the Skeleton Keys, rather than tacking something on to the existing maze. I can't afford it but went in the one next to Feary Tales during a moment of confusion or something. It was very cool, might even say Busch Gardens level of detail. Not sure if there's supposed to be some action -- I think I was startle-scared by a guest not an employee.

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My partner and I are thinking about going this sunday, not really for the haunt stuff, but for the coasters. I saw the park opens at 10:30 am. That is when we were thinking of getting to the park. I know for us Floridians it will be ungawdly cold sunday. My question is, how busy will it be during the daytime ? As cold as it is supposed to get in the evening, we most likely will be gone as darkness approaches when the haunt stuff starts. It will be just way tooooo cold for us. Is the daytime packed or not ?

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^If you get there at opening, you should have no problem riding everything more than once, especially if it's a Sunday. Tip: Hit up Volcano first!


^^I remember seeing somewhere that the trains were removed, along with the chain lift. But yeah the actual ride itself is still in one piece. They'll probably start dismantling it once the season is over.

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thank you for responding. We have been to KD before and , yes, Volcano is the run to coaster at opening. I just hope the forcasted cold this sunday doesn't hamper operations. After our trip this summer going to knoebels, Conneat, Waldemeer, and Cedar Point, This would be a great ending to the "up north" season.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was on Facebook earlier and saw that Robb had posted the i305 backseat POV. I was reading through the comments and found gems like:


"Its shit"
"Rode it still boring"
"Not that impressive, needed a full barrel roll n some negative g's....just a speed coaster...i actually think millennium force is better"
"I'm a roller coaster freak but this ride looks boring as ever I need a lot of traits and turns and loops"
"is it just me or does it seem like someone put this ride together on Roller Coaster Tycoon lol like the first drop was the only good part lol"
"Not a fan of this ride. Waste of a 305 ft hill."
"Seems kind of tame."
"That was lame."
"No loops, no big drops, no speed.......looks lame lol"
"Doesn't look very exciting"


And so on and so forth...


I have to ask, is this honestly the accepted consensus in regards to this ride from the general public? Because when I visited this summer, it melted my face off and immediately leapfrogged to my #1 all-time coaster. I'm kind of shocked at the negative response.

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