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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Flat rides are always a great addition. This looks to be the Mondial revolution.


Mondial to CF: "Sorry about the Windseekers, here's a free Revolution for your troubles."

There are 3 ride manufacturers that currently make this type of pendulum swing ride with a 40 passenger gondola.


Does anyone know which manufacturer is providing the ride for Kings Dominion for 2016?


The Frisbee XL is just a little bit larger and swings just a little bit higher than the Mondial one, 118 feet and 130 degrees at max swing. The Zamperla one goes even higher, 147 feet.


I'm pretty sure this one's going to be made by Mondial.


You honestly think they would go with Mondial, even with the windseeker issues?

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What's the downtime (if any) like on Psyclone? Just because they have issues with Windseekers doesn't mean that they have issues with Mondial's other rides.

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I know this has essentially already been said, but let me add to the adulation for this choice of addition! I love these types of rides, and while Delirium at KI wan't as amazing as maXair to me, it's still one of the best flats I've ridden! Very strong addition to KD, considering it was all but confirmed they'd be getting some kind of flat ride there!

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There are 3 ride manufacturers that currently make this type of pendulum swing ride with a 40 passenger gondola.


Huss: Giant Frisbee - 40 / 50 passenger models (Cedar Point & Kings Island have the 50 passenger models).


Zamperla: Giant Discovery - 40 passenger gondola


Mondial: Revolution - 40 passenger gondola model (Canada's Wonderland)


Does anyone know which manufacturer is providing the ride for Kings Dominion for 2016?


There's more, Moser just built their first one in turkey, it look almost as big as the Zamperla one:


Also Intmin have there own. They even opened it a few years before Huss:



Although this could technically be a new a smaller version from Huss, Zamperla etc.. everything points to the Mondial Ride:


You honestly think they would go with Mondial, even with the windseeker issues?


It's not unheard of that new rides have big reliability issues. What matters is how the manufacturer handles them, and if the customer feels taken care of in a good way.

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I'm kinda skeptical about us getting a new coaster in 2017... Ive been on CW part of the site and all over the internet and they been complaining and been saying something about getting a launched wing rider called ziz.. then there's KI feeling left out and wanting a giga coaster in 2017 or 2018. I'm really excited about this new flat ride though.

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Don't get me wrong, I still love me a good Frisbee ride, but you can't deny that the coaster drought bell just tolled for a sixth time. This is the longest time in Kings Dominion history between coaster additions (although the Intimidator was huge, it's stil a pretty darn long time for a park of its size).


Kings Island - Diamondback (2009) - $26M, Banshee (2014) - $24M

Carowinds - Intimidator (2010) - $23M, Fury 325 (2015) - $30M

Kings Dominion - Intimidator 305 (2010) - $30M, TBA (2017+) - $??M


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Don't get me wrong, I still love me a good Frisbee ride, but you can't deny that the coaster drought bell just tolled for a sixth time. This is the longest time in Kings Dominion history between coaster additions (although the Intimidator was huge, it's stil a pretty darn long time for a park of its size).


Kings Island - Diamondback (2009) - $26M, Banshee (2014) - $24M

Carowinds - Intimidator (2010) - $23M, Fury 325 (2015) - $30M

Kings Dominion - Intimidator 305 (2010) - $30M, TBA (2017+) - $??M



Is there a strong chance of us getting a coaster in 2017?

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Woohoooo!!!! What a massive upgrade from Shockwave! This is exactly what I was hoping for.


It is not a coaster, so by definition, it is not. It's a lot cheaper ride than a new Shockwave-class coaster, however. It shouldn't exclude a coaster soon, although seeing CF lately, another may have to fall to get that.


It would be a new experience for me, however, are thse rides in any way sickening like Berserker or Bourbon Street Fireball? Unless someone can convince it is not, I will never ride. Fireball was the worst experience I've had on a ride in years, almost ever.

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Woohoooo!!!! What a massive upgrade from Shockwave! This is exactly what I was hoping for.


It is not a coaster, so by definition, it is not. It's a lot cheaper ride than a new Shockwave-class coaster, however. It shouldn't exclude a coaster soon, although seeing CF lately, another may have to fall to get that.


It would be a new experience for me, however, are thse rides in any way sickening like Berserker or Bourbon Street Fireball? Unless someone can convince it is not, I will never ride. Fireball was the worst experience I've had on a ride in years, almost ever.


I've only been on the Huss model (Maxair, Delirium) but they were not nausea inducing at all. Much better than most coasters, including several at KD.

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Is there a strong chance of us getting a coaster in 2017?


A lot of rumors out there suggesting both KD and CW will be getting a wing coaster in 2017.


Cw just got a ride why do they need it. Kd need it the most


If CF doled out coasters based on "need", and who got one last, MiA would be getting one this year, and not CP! Unfortunately (for the smaller parks), it doesn't work that way...

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