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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I don't get it.....I went on anaconda yesterday for the first time ever and found it smooth and fun. We sat in the back seat and there was zero head banging. Just one jolt into the butterfly turn but that was it. I love the drop into the first two loops. The corkscrew was fun too, it was like slow motion.


Shockwave was fun too. The last turn around before the brakes was the only brutal part. Loved the air time and the loop was very forceful. Operations were fine, better than apocalypse and green lantern. The line was overflowing all day, but it moved right along. Everyone seemed to really enjoy it.


Apacolypse and lantern were the only two stand ups that I have gone on before this, I found this to be better than both.


You have been brainwashed by the TOGO demon! The only antidote is to ride an incredibly smooth B&M!

B&M's have an annoying rattle to them.....


Are you high? Alpengeist, yes, but the vast majority of B&M are VERY smooth.

They are also not very exciting, the vast majority of them that is


Gentlemen, once again, we get it.


One likes B&M.


The other prefers Intamin.


Yes, we get it. There is no point to this bickering. If you wish to carry on with this pointless argument, please do so via private messages, not on the boards.


Thank you. I now return you to the KD thread, which is already in progress.


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Am I the only one who's just being confused by Cedar Fair this year? So far we have rumors of coasters here, CP, CW, VF, And WoF... Either we're all gonna be dissapointed or amazingly surprised.

Watch CP get the only coaster while everywhere else gets snubbed again

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Am I the only one who's just being confused by Cedar Fair this year? So far we have rumors of coasters here, CP, CW, VF, And WoF... Either we're all gonna be dissapointed or amazingly surprised.


I'm not so sure about VF or WoF. It seems like every year people believe that they will get a new coaster, when most of the time they just don't want to admit that it's a pipe dream. You don't know what a coaster drought is until your home park is Darien Lake. It makes the Sahara look like the Atlantic Ocean.


I wouldn't bet on more than two major coasters chain wide. It almost seems like every year there will also be a park guaranteed to get a Triotech dark ride, a few will get a family flat collection, and one or two will get gypped with general improvements.

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Which would you guys prefer KD receive (allegedly) for 2017-- a B&M wing rider or flyer? Let's assume no launching mechanism and I'm setting aside the possibility of hypers or inverteds (for now).

I've been on Gatekeeper and X-Flight on the wing rider side and Tatsu and the three Superman Ultimate Flights on the flyer side.

I think a wing rider is more likely based on overall trends in the US but Japan and China are still receiving flying coasters from B&M. My preference would be for something like Manta to replace Anaconda over the lake.

Stepping outside the confines of the original question (wing rider vs flying) and I don't know how likely it would be but I wouldn't mind a compact B&M inverted like Afterburn in place of Anaconda as well.

To sum up...let's tear down Anaconda!

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My preference would be for something like Manta to replace Anaconda over the lake.


Don't even get my hopes up unreasonably, man!


I'm not a KD regular, but something like THAT would definitely hasten my return! (Actually, who am I kidding... If I305 can't hasten my return any, it's dubious that anything else will - though a B&M Flyer over a body of water could finally tip the scale, honestly!)

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Yeah, man! If you look at the basic stats for Anaconda--2700 feet long, 128 feet high (144 ft drop)--there's no reason to think that something special couldn't be built in that footprint. Maybe even some interaction with I305 or Rebel Yell (which might even be necessary to stretch the length closer to Manta's 3300 ft length).

Between X-Flight and Gatekeeper, I just found the wing riders to be rather boring. Still need to ride Thunderbird though!

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Between X-Flight and Gatekeeper, I just found the wing riders to be rather boring. Still need to ride Thunderbird though!


I actually really like the Wing Riders, all of the ones you mentioned! But I've had a soft spot for the B&M Flyers ever since they were introduced, and have really wished somebody would build more unique ones here in the states - ones like Montu, and especially Manta!

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Between X-Flight and Gatekeeper, I just found the wing riders to be rather boring. Still need to ride Thunderbird though!


I actually really like the Wing Riders, all of the ones you mentioned! But I've had a soft spot for the B&M Flyers ever since they were introduced, and have really wished somebody would build more unique ones here in the states - ones like Montu, and especially Manta!


Did you mean Tatsu? I liked Tatsu a lot. The pretzel loop on that ride is one of the most intense elements I've ever felt on a coaster.

"Boring" may have been too harsh a word to describe the wing riders. They just didn't do much for me.

I hope the general manager of Kings Island consults with Pat Jones at KD and lets her know how glad he was that KI got Banshee over a wing rider. I think he said something at Banshee Bash to the effect that they went with an inverted over a wing rider based on customer reaction to Gatekeeper.

Getting back to an inverted over the lake--one of the things I like best about Silver Bullet is that it's over water. I think that bumps it up a few notches for me over the fact that it's not very forceful. Still I guess I've heard some rumor/speculation that a new inverted might be going near the front entrance of the park.

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While you guys are debating ad-nauseum on the merits of each coaster manufacturer and coaster style, I am sure you have worked up an appetite. Kings Dominion is holding a BBQ & Brew event for the next two weekends (Sat. & Sun. only | August 1-2 & 8-9).


This is a scaled down event similar to what Carowinds is offering. The menu includes things such as beef brisket, pork ribs, chicken, smoked sausage, and pulled pork. The meats will be prepared in a variety of BBQ styles and BBQ sauces. The park will also offer veggie stuff like roasted corn on the cob, mater/cucumber salad, and some sort of peach dessert.


The Brew part includes 4 different Virginia craft breweries for each weekend and one hard cider brewer that will be there for both weekends. I believe each brewer will be featuring several styles of beer in their production lineup.


In addition, there will be a military BBQ competition the 1st weekend of the event. There will be 5-6 military chefs competing in 4-5 teams. There will be ice carving demos under the Eiffel Tower by these teams Saturday and BBQ judging and awarding to happen Sunday.


The 2nd weekend of the event, KD's Chef Paul will be doing some stuff with the park's food truck.


The BBQ event will be located mostly in the area near the Country Kitchen Restaurant (parts of the central walkway and some areas of Candy Apple Grove. The military competition is supposed to be around/under the Eiffel Tower. The link below will take you to the park's special event section. Also, CPFoodBlog.com has a nice write-up on the event (you might have to scroll back 3-4 pages as that site is frequently updated).


KD's BBQ & Brew event

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Which would you guys prefer KD receive (allegedly) for 2017-- a B&M wing rider or flyer? Let's assume no launching mechanism and I'm setting aside the possibility of hypers or inverteds (for now).

I've been on Gatekeeper and X-Flight on the wing rider side and Tatsu and the three Superman Ultimate Flights on the flyer side.

I think a wing rider is more likely based on overall trends in the US but Japan and China are still receiving flying coasters from B&M. My preference would be for something like Manta to replace Anaconda over the lake.

Stepping outside the confines of the original question (wing rider vs flying) and I don't know how likely it would be but I wouldn't mind a compact B&M inverted like Afterburn in place of Anaconda as well.

To sum up...let's tear down Anaconda!


Stop. Anaconda is not going anywhere for at least the next several years.


Also I'd rather them keep Anaconda and give it new trains (w/o headbanging) and tear down Hurler.

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Which would you guys prefer KD receive (allegedly) for 2017-- a B&M wing rider or flyer? Let's assume no launching mechanism and I'm setting aside the possibility of hypers or inverteds (for now).

I've been on Gatekeeper and X-Flight on the wing rider side and Tatsu and the three Superman Ultimate Flights on the flyer side.

I think a wing rider is more likely based on overall trends in the US but Japan and China are still receiving flying coasters from B&M. My preference would be for something like Manta to replace Anaconda over the lake.

Stepping outside the confines of the original question (wing rider vs flying) and I don't know how likely it would be but I wouldn't mind a compact B&M inverted like Afterburn in place of Anaconda as well.

To sum up...let's tear down Anaconda!


Stop. Anaconda is not going anywhere for at least the next several years.


Also I'd rather them keep Anaconda and give it new trains (w/o headbanging) and tear down Hurler.


I don't think Anaconda is going anywhere anytime soon and I didn't say that. I do think it's in a prime location to get a pretty unique attraction in its spot. I don't see the park investing too much into it over the next 5 years other than an occasional paint job. No way they're buying new trains for it.

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^^^It's all fun and games speculating on new coasters until somebody's sentimentally classic coaster gets mentioned for possible removal!


^^I think we are both pretty (obviously) aware that what we are talking about isn't at all likely to happen. Just having some fun dreaming about the day somebody finally gets a clue and utilizes the Flying coaster concept to the best of its potential! Your park just happens to have a juicy piece of waterrific real estate that would be perfect for it...


Between X-Flight and Gatekeeper, I just found the wing riders to be rather boring. Still need to ride Thunderbird though!


I actually really like the Wing Riders, all of the ones you mentioned! But I've had a soft spot for the B&M Flyers ever since they were introduced, and have really wished somebody would build more unique ones here in the states - ones like Montu, and especially Manta!


Did you mean Tatsu? I liked Tatsu a lot. The pretzel loop on that ride is one of the most intense elements I've ever felt on a coaster.

"Boring" may have been too harsh a word to describe the wing riders. They just didn't do much for me.

I hope the general manager of Kings Island consults with Pat Jones at KD and lets her know how glad he was that KI got Banshee over a wing rider. I think he said something at Banshee Bash to the effect that they went with an inverted over a wing rider based on customer reaction to Gatekeeper.

Getting back to an inverted over the lake--one of the things I like best about Silver Bullet is that it's over water. I think that bumps it up a few notches for me over the fact that it's not very forceful. Still I guess I've heard some rumor/speculation that a new inverted might be going near the front entrance of the park.


Yeah, I meant Tatsu! I'm just going to blame the lateness of the hour, and leave it at that.


And YES, I feel the same way about Silver Bullet! I really like that coaster, and think it's severely underrated. The fact that it's partly over water is definitely a factor in that for me!

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I actually didn't mind my last ride on Anaconda but you can only slap makeup on a pig for so long.


Also, Donkey--you seem awfully unequivocal in your statements on this thread.

"0% chance it's an Intamin"

"No way it will be a B&M flyer"


You come off very arrogant and off-putting. Unless you're privy to some inside information.


While I agree the likelihood of the two things listed is very low, crazier things have happened. I pretty much thought B&M flying coasters were dead but there are more of those being produced right now than wing riders for 2015 and 2016.

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El Toro type of ride or bust as i see it


I'd love to see an El Toro clone at KD. But you want to talk about a coaster type that's been trending downward in terms of being produced...

why is that


Because there hasn't been a new Intamin PreFab built since 2008 and I'm thinking that RMC is kind of filling in that niche. Especially when you look at how the stats of Wildfire are near El Toro-like in terms of speed and length.


KD rumor time-- I believe in the early 2000's KD had plans to build the world's longest wooden coaster. Maybe if the park were to ever return to this idea they'd go with Intamin. The park did work with Intamin on I305 and I guess it's possible they might want to stick with them for a project that big. The world's longest wood coaster plans are probably long dead though as I think it would have gone where I305 currently stands.

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A flyer is not very likely. It is ten times as likely as a hyper though.


Probably. I was mainly trying to see what people in this thread would prefer--flying or wing rider.

I think I've posted my pipe dream about a B&M flyer taking the place of Anaconda 4 or 5 times in this thread.

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^Perhaps because they haven't built one since El Toro?


That being said, I'd love to see more Intamin woodies along the lines of El Toro and Balder.


You and me both! I know that RMC has really become the go-to name in wooden coasters as of late, but I would really like to see more El Toro's out there. My hope is still that somebody (preferably CP, since they could use it and are my most frequently attended park) will get and El Toro-esque wooden coaster, but with just 20 more feet, to snag the wooden height title, and cross that mythical 200 foot mark for a wooden coaster. While SOB turned out to be what its initials can also refer to, I have no doubt that a coaster of that height can be viable, done correctly. Ever since El Toro, I've thought an Intamin Pre-Fab would be the best way to do just that...

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Maybe if the park were to ever return to this idea they'd go with Intamin. The park did work with Intamin on I305 and I guess it's possible they might want to stick with them for a project that big.


Park chains are taking a break from Intamin. I don't think that we'll see another major project from them for at least a few years. Remember that their last big coaster in the US was Skyrush, and that was already 3 years ago. Until Intamin can iron out their issues, B&M has proven to build reliable, efficient rides.


It is a shame, but I'm sure that they will make a comeback. They're still busy making a handful of coasters every year in Europe, and it seems like every year we've heard less and less about any major breakdowns from them.

Edited by coasterkid124
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