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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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2032: Shockwave closes. replaced with a virtual reality ride that simulates a ten minute process of strapping yourself into a machine that promptly smashes your dangly bits.

2033: Dippin' Dots: The Ride opens to rave reviews

2034: KD fixes the helicopter and flame effects on Backlot Stunt Coaster (breaks down permanently one month later).

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I posted something in the BGW thread. I'm hoping for a little advise. Thanks, guys:


Hey guys. Next week I'm knocking two parks off of my bucket list, being KD and BGW. I'm trying to decide which park to visit first. My original plan was for my wife and I to go to KD on Tuesday and ride the long awaited I305. We were going to take a day off to check out the Williamsburg area or maybe drive to Virginia beach, before going to BGW the following day.


My initial reasoning for this is because my not-so-enthusiast wife enjoys parks/coasters only a fraction of what I do. Two parks in three days is a little much to keep her interest and not burn her out. I wanted to get as many laps in on I305 the first day and really explore KI's sister park, since KI is our favorite park. I originally planned on going to BGW on our last day, because I think she will enjoy it more, especially after going coaster nuts at KD. BGW will mostly be reserved for casual riding in between drinking good beer and eating good food. This will also be our "cheat day," since we're big health/fitness junkies. I have a feeling she'll enjoy BGW a lot more than KI since we can just relax and take it easy at our own pace, where as I'm more goal oriented at KD.


I thought I had it planned perfectly until I started to think about it and read a few TPR side conversations. I'm concerned that with my first park being KD that I305 is going to make me enjoy any of the great coasters at BGW less than what I normally would. Some people say I305 makes them kind of numb to other experiences. I really wanted to stick to my original plan, but not if it's going to make BGW almost obsolete. I'd love to end our trip with a more pleasurable (park)experience for my wife, but not if it means the potential for ruining our trip to BGW in general.


Does anyone have any insight on this? Maybe the one day off will help or am I just thinking too much into it? Any advice is appreciated, as these are a couple of my most anticipated parks and I'd like to get maximum enjoyment out of them.




Bumping this for you, because some people here are too worried sbout what they dont know. I too would love some advice as I am going the week after him.

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Prozach - you should be fine. I think your initial plan works the best. I'm sure your wife will enjoy KD, but she'll most likely LOVE BGW, so leaving it for the last and leisurely day sounds best.


I-305 is insane, but it didn't make me appreciate other rides any less (besides maybe Milennium Force, but that's because they are both giga's and both Intamin.) Although I love I-305, it just exhausts me . It isn't something I can marathon, which I can on every coaster at BGW so there is enough of a difference that you won't be affected.


Last Summer we did KI, then Cedar Point, then Kings Dominion and then joined the TPR Northeast tour to do Hershey, Knobels, Dorney and NYC. The I-305 rides did not change my feelings about any of the other coasters on our trip, and I actually liked SkyRush better.


Hope that helps!



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I agree with others...do KD first and then take in BGW at your leisure.


KD is best for I305, Volcano and Dominator along with some decent beer selections here and there. If KI is one of your favorite parks, you shouldn't be too disappointed with KD as they both have about the same amount of decent/sucky coasters and flat rides.


BGW has better beer, better food, better themed rides and is unbelievably beautiful and hilly so you are both sure to get in a good workout just walking around - especially if it's in the 90's like it was when we were there!


I am sure that you and your wife will really enjoy both!

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^^We're speculating until 2025 now? Cool... Why stop there?


2026: General improvements, new parking lot that can accommodate flying cars is added given the increase in the popularity of flying cars.


2027: Snoopy's moon expedition ride added, the ride will take guests to the moon because that's all the rage in 2027. This ride will open a few years after Moon Force opens at Cedar Point but Cedar Point's version goes 5 feet higher into space, enthusiasts speculate that the Kings Dominion ride intentionally goes 5 feet lower into space as to not break Cedar Point's records. Complaining ensues.


2028: Hurler gets new wood on the lift hill which really annoys enthusiasts who are complaining about why they haven't done a Rocky Mountain conversion yet, they speculate that the new wood on the lift hill means that they're stuck with the ride for awhile... they're right.


2029: Dinosaurs alive updated with actual dinosaurs who are really alive because by 2029 the technology is in place to have Dinosaurs that are alive. Despite the fact that Kings Dominion has ACTUAL FREAKING DINOSAURS now which is awesome, enthusiasts complain that they would have rather seen a Hurler RMC conversion.


2030: The moon ride is re-skinned as Space Ghosts for Haunt but the park is forced to change the name of the ride after it's deemed offensive due to the recent outbreak of space terrorism on Mars (which by now is inhabited by the way, mostly by hipsters and the previously noted space terrorists).


2031: Flight of Fear closes because it's kind of dumb to have a space themed ride when they actually have a ride that actually goes to space now. Enthusiasts complain that while they understand the move they kind of like the ride as it's nostalgic and Kings Dominion hast lost it's charm over the years, plus if the park were to remove a coaster it should really be Hurler. Hurler is not removed, enthusiasts continue to complain.


What do you guys think?


Post of the month.


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I appreciate the trip suggestions, guys. I'm going to stick to the original plan and do KD 1st and BGW 2nd. I also checked out the park calendar and BGW closes at 9pm, instead of 10pm. That extra hour will help us get on the road quicker the following morning.

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^^-- that's bad in that AC at night is one of the best things in the park, but maybe you can grab a twilight ride, but if you'd be leaving early anyway ... KD's good late too. The one thing is if going to BGW first might help get your wife into big coasters, or if that's just too much of a stretch to hope for.

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^Oh, she'll ride any coaster, but sometimes it's too much for her to where she doesn't want to do it more than once. She gets bored of all of it very quickly. She wouldn't care if she ever rode another roller coaster again, but she does so for me.

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Sorry if I'm just noticing things now...but on the website for Kings Dominion...the little slideshow they have on the Home Page...the backdrop looks nothing like Kings Dominion. It actually looks like Dorney Park to me.


It definitely is Dorney Park since they are using the same one on Dorney's website. They have unique ones for the other parks so maybe it's a mistake.

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Hey guys, Kings Dominion is my home park and like every year I get a gold pass, but this year I'm taking a trip to Carowinds in July and Knotts Berry Farm in August, is there anyway that I could upgrade my season pass to platinum so I could get into those parks as well with my season pass? Or should I just buy day tickets?

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Hey guys, Kings Dominion is my home park and like every year I get a gold pass, but this year I'm taking a trip to Carowinds in July and Knotts Berry Farm in August, is there anyway that I could upgrade my season pass to platinum so I could get into those parks as well with my season pass? Or should I just buy day tickets?

Give them a call. I couldn't find anything on KD's page, but CP's page says this (I bet it's the same)...


Yes, you may upgrade a Regular Season Pass to a Platinum Pass at the park's Season Pass Center by

paying the difference between what you paid for the Regular Pass and the cost of a Platinum Pass at

the time of upgrade. The Season Pass Center will open in mid-April with limited hours. The Season

Pass Center will be open during regular park operating hours once the park opens for the season on Saturday, May 11.

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^ Beat me to it. ABSOLUTELY YES YOU CAN UPGRADE. I did it for Carowinds and Dorney this year. As long as you'll be visiting more than one day at non-home CF parks, it'll be well worth it. Go to the front window of the sp processing center later in the day once lines have died down to do the upgrade.

Also, if you got your passes on a discount, you will have to pay the difference between what you actually paid and a full-price Platinum Pass, so keep that in mind ($204-what you paid). PRO TIP: In the future, I'd recommend getting a Platinum pass in the fall of the previous season, since it's usually $20-50 off then.

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Made it back from a very good trip to KD today. Minimal crowds, very few hiccups, and great opportunities for re-rides. I'll post more in depth thoughts on my visit in the next few days, but a few quick notes...


-Got my first rollback on Volcano today--that was an experience! Very unique and my first time on a breakdown

-Woodstock Express is my new favorite wooden coaster at Kings Dominion. Seriously.

-Dominator was a walk on, even for the front row all day after early entry. Weird.

-Intimidator 305 jumped up a notch in my rankings to overall number three after ten rides--the last row is noticeably more intense than the front/middle. And I mean *considerably* more intense.

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^Concerning Dominator, I'm one of the ride-ops up there (I'm back after a few years away from the park), and what you saw today is pretty normal for most weekdays, even going back as far as 2009. We sometimes have lines out to the entrance (without opening any of the switchbacks) around noon or so, but usually knock it down to walk-on levels by 2 or 3, and it'll stay that way for the rest of the day.

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