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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Shockwave just got a fresh shipment of parts from Canada's Wonderland, so I think it still has quite a bit of life left in it.


Would they do that? If I remember correctly, Kings Island's version (King Cobra) was sitting dismantled in a field for a few years... and then suddenly scrapped. I don't think they would have done that if they were planning on keeping any of their Togos around much longer. If it weren't for Shockwave's relatively new coat of paint, I'd assume it'd be on its way out with Skyrider.


If Anaconda does go, I bet they would put something else on the pond. I would hope, actually. I'm rather fond of flying over water like that.

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Dream (but realistic) scenario: Dinasours Alive is removed in mid-2015 (since no one goes to it). Speculation on a wooden roller coaster begins. Plans appear for a 200 ft tall wooden roller coaster with inversions. People think it's Cedar Fair's first RMC coaster. People remember the rumored name for Fury 325, Centurion and see the name appearing. Wooden track with steel topper appears in the parking lot, all but confirming that it's an RMC wooden hyper. In August 2015, Kings Dominion officially announces Centurion, it's 15th roller coaster and the first wooden hyper since Son of Beast


210 feet tall

87 degree drop

3 inversions (inverted top hat, snake dive al a Storm Runner)

5,000+ feet of track

Plenty of over banks, tunnels, and airtime

Collides with Grizzly in areas


Becomes No.1 in the world wooden coaster in 2016


Anoter great option would be removing Anaconda and putting a launched wing coaster over the water.

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Dream (but realistic) scenario: Dinasours Alive is removed in mid-2015 (since no one goes to it).


my two kids (6 and 3) LOVE dinosaurs alive and we go every time. I mean maybe nobody you know goes to Dinosaurs Alive but maybe you're not the target audience.


the idea of a huge modern wooden coaster for KD, now that I can get behind.

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I would not miss Anaconda if it goes. I would also like a Launched Wing Coaster over the water like Thunderbird! However I have this feeling our next coaster is going to be towards the front of the park with an entrance redo (like Cedar Point with Gatekeeper and now Carowinds with Fury 325).

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I really doubt that all arrows would be going. Some of them are still amazing rides/historic rides.

Especially when most of them have been good, reliable, popular rides for years. The loopers I assume would be the first to go but at the same time, they seem to garner decent lines most days. It's not uncommon to see Vortex's line stretch past its queue at KI. How does Anaconda do?

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Hey riders and amusement park flyers . . .

I have seen on more than one occasion when the line for Anaconda was filled up. I read years ago when Cedar Point was considering removing all their arrow looping coasters, but that was a few years ago and it has yet to happen. If Kings Dominion decides to remove Shockwave, it would only leave small footprint for the next coaster to take it's place ( unless they managed to make this next coaster go all over the place).


As for next year's coming attractions, I'm all for the expansion of Water Works and all for changing its name to Soak City, but I wish it could offer another type of slide complex, such as a mat racer. Well, at least the kiddies would be happy with Splash Island.



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Hey riders and amusement park flyers . . .

I have seen on more than one occasion when the line for Anaconda was filled up. I read years ago when Cedar Point was considering removing all their arrow looping coasters, but that was a few years ago and it has yet to happen. If Kings Dominion decides to remove Shockwave, it would only leave small footprint for the next coaster to take it's place ( unless they managed to make this next coaster go all over the place).


As for next year's coming attractions, I'm all for the expansion of Water Works and all for changing its name to Soak City, but I wish it could offer another type of slide complex, such as a mat racer. Well, at least the kiddies would be happy with Splash Island.




I have a feeling the next new coaster at Kings Dominion will be a MAJOR coaster and I don't think Shockwave's location would be enough space for it. But I still wouldn't mind them removing Shockwave, it would be a better use of that space with nothing at all than Shockwave in my opinion.

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But I still wouldn't mind them removing Shockwave, it would be a better use of that space with nothing at all than Shockwave in my opinion.



Couldn't agree more. I still wonder where they would install a new major coaster. There's a decent spot next to i305 but I don't think the park would want to cram another major ride in the back corner of the park. I think another part of the park needs a new coaster like Old Virginia, if they can make room for it.

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I could see them following in Cedar Point's/Carowinds footsteps and building a new coaster that refreshes the front of the park with a new entrance. The image here is just a thought and is more of a hyper layout. I could see the removal (or re-purposing) of the Action FX theater as a station location for the new coaster. To the best of my recollection, they have only been using half of the theater and, even at that, it rarely has a line. The park has a HUGE plaza in the front of the park which could be utilized and a nice stretch of turf that extends out into the parking lot. I think a track that encircles this entrance plaza and extends out into the parking lot could have a huge impact when coming into the park. The layout could be adjusted for a wing-rider type B&M by replacing some of the turns with cobra rolls and in-lines and such. Just an idea...


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