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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Apparently Intimidator 305 has been spotted testing today, so it sounds like it definitely has the potential to be up and ready for Haunt season!


Speaking of Haunt, Kings Dominion has been teasing the new mazes (Miner's Revenge and Zombie High) on their Instagram.


Meet one of the miners in our new maze, Miner's Revenge.


Meet Charlotte. She was just about to be crowned Lake Charles High School's homecoming queen when when a science lab experiment went awry. Will you be one of the newest students to enroll in Zombie High?


This is Eugene, he was the student working in the science lab when his experiment went wrong. Gene was working on an elixir hoping to make Charlotte fall madly in love with him, but his project failed. Visit the lab and see if you can save the rest of the class at Zombie High.

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From the Official Kings Dominion Facebook page:

Over the years at Kings Dominion, several popular rides, shows and more have come and gone. So answer this...


My favorite past attraction at Kings Dominion was _______.


Stay tuned for an exciting announcement tomorrow afternoon at 2pm right here on our Facebook page!


Does this mean an attraction is leaving for something new in 2014 or 2015? Ironically, the bigger better Planet Snoopy announced last year was also done on September 12.

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I bet its I-305 re-opening... It be funny if they bring back H:XLC 2.0 - an intamin Xcelerator clone one could wish! lol! If it were a new attraction hopefully something like Diamond Falls coming back... but maybe more of an Intamin Divertical/ Pilgrim's Plunge type water ride.

Edited by vacoaster09
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Celebrating 40 Years of Family Fun, Thrills and Memories


DOSWELL, VA (September 12, 2013) – Kings Dominion turns back the clock as the park announces plans for a celebration four decades in the making. This once in a lifetime event will include many surprises, the return of classic park icons and a chance to create new traditions and memories with your family. The celebration will begin next season to commemorate Kings Dominion’s grand opening in 1975.


“As a native Richmond resident, I grew up not only visiting Kings Dominion, but also started my career here as a seasonal associate,” said Pat Jones, Kings Dominion’s Vice President and General Manager. “I have 40 years of fond memories and I am thrilled to share some of these exciting moments with our guests during our special 40th Celebration.”


The central piece of the 40th Celebration will be the introduction of “Ruby”, a custom painted 40th Celebration horse. “Ruby” will be added to the park’s historic Carousel, which dates back to 1917. The Carousel has operated at Kings Dominion since the park opened in 1975.


Those who grew up with Kings Dominion will also notice the return of many original park icons next season, including:


The homecoming of the park’s classic blue ice cream, which was a hit with families for decades.


A complete restoration of the iconic International Street fountain, which will include a new LED lighting package and additional refurbishments.


Reintroduction of one of the park’s original classic midways, Candy Apple Grove. This re-themed area will include new ride lighting packages, return of the classic over-sized candy apples along the midway and other surprises.


The return of Safari Village (formerly the Congo area of the park) and will include exciting improvements to Volcano: The Blast Coaster and one of the park’s older roller coasters, Anaconda.


In the coming months, Kings Dominion will also make many more exciting announcements as part of this thrilling celebration. Follow us on Facebook and on Twitter to be the first to hear about the latest news from Kings Dominion.


Here is its website https://www.kingsdominion.com/celebration#&panel1-1



This is awesome!!! Candy Apple Grove is coming back!!!!

Edited by cfc
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I wonder if the exciting improvements to Volcano include the second station that was proposed for last year? Would be very nice!


This should all be really great - I was actually a little sad looking at some of the old Great America pictures people have been digging up, because you can tell how much more character these parks used to have. Glad to see some of that coming back!

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I wonder if the exciting improvements to Volcano include the second station that was proposed for last year? Would be very nice!


It's most definitely a pipe dream but in addition to that extra station, I would love to see some enhancements to the ride itself, like an added element. Maybe a banked curve or helix or something. The ending always seemed so abrupt.

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I absolutely love this announcement. This is exactly what the park needs before the next coaster. The Grove is the only area in the park that really needs some sprucing up and obviously this will be done for its transformation into Candy Apple Grove (maybe either Drop Tower or Rebel Yell will get paint). As for Safari Village, Anaconda will definitely be getting some paint (finally!).


I'm excited for the re-theming of the areas of the park. Thank you Matt Ouimet for actually spending money towards things like this.

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