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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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While i sympathize with your frustration, In the first weekend of Fast lane, this was to be expected. Hopefully they'll find a better balance on Volcano, but in the meantime, the age-old advice still applies: if you want to ride Volcano with a minimum of wait, you need to hit it FIRST THING when the park opens.


We did go there FIRST THING at opening both days and that's when all of this happened.


Wow. That's the only response I have. Wow.

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While i sympathize with your frustration, In the first weekend of Fast lane, this was to be expected. Hopefully they'll find a better balance on Volcano, but in the meantime, the age-old advice still applies: if you want to ride Volcano with a minimum of wait, you need to hit it FIRST THING when the park opens.


We did go there FIRST THING at opening both days and that's when all of this happened.


Wow. That's the only response I have. Wow.


All the more reason why they need a B&M invert & to get rid of fastlane.


Funny thing at KD is that all of their launchers have poor capacity to begin with.

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And to think we almost made it another page without a B&M invert comment...


I can see how there's no place for FL users to merge in the Volcano line, so they have to let them in at the exit. It would be nice if they could build a small staircase or something up to the point where the regular line enters the volcano, but I highly doubt that'll ever happen.

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I think they rope off rows on Volcano sometimes when it is having problems clearing the first inversion. I hope it doesn't stay like that for long, but that sounds like an absolute cluster F. Especially waiting in the cramped ass walkway above the station.

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I think they rope off rows on Volcano sometimes when it is having problems clearing the first inversion. I hope it doesn't stay like that for long, but that sounds like an absolute cluster F. Especially waiting in the cramped A$$ walkway above the station.


This is correct. And as for the Volcano issues, I was in line Saturday morning and they weren't letting all the Fast Lane people come up at once as they would only take each group of people and make the next group wait for the next train. I do feel like they need to figure something out to merge the line for Volcano like they have done so for Intimidator 305, Dominator, and Flight of Fear as I thought those were working well and were fair to those using the FL and those not using it.

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^Unfortunately, to create a Station Merge like some of the other rides would require them to cut, pave, and theme another opening through the mountain to reach the loading station. If it happens (and I'm not yet convinced it will), it probably won't be until the offseason (wait... didn't that just end...?). That's gotta be the hardest of their rides to find a satisfying (for all parties) solution on this issue.

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^Yes. Unless they sort of repurpose the gift shop. You know how there are those two gates by the unloading platform? Well, maybe they could add all the Fast Lane people there somehow. The only problem with that is the nasty surprise when the train comes "preloaded" to the loading platform.

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I agree that Volcano would be the toughest of KD's rdes to adapt to Fast Lane. It's always been a problematic (if fun) coaster with lousy capacity.


It'll take some time for KD to work out the "kinks."

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All the more reason why they need a B&M invert


How the hell is a B&M invert gonna decrease lines for Volcano, especially if the capacity for that thing is already pretty bad to begin with? Unless Volcano is ripped out for a B&M invert, I don't see how getting another one is gonna make much of a difference.

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If Volcano is that much trouble, KD could decide to remove that particular ride from the Fast Lane. At least until another solution is devised.


The same can be done for any ride at any park where the logistics were not fully thought through by management.

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If Volcano is that much trouble, KD could decide to remove that particular ride from the Fast Lane. At least until another solution is devised.


The same can be done for any ride at any park where the logistics were not fully thought through by management.


This is my thoughts on the whole Volcano issue exactly. Just make it fair for everyone and eliminate the ride altogether.

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Park Management was all throughout the park Friday and Saturday looking at what needs improvements. I saw Pat Jones (GM) and her group of "upper workers" with ties and such at Windseeker, Dinosaurs Alive, Dinosaurs: Giants of Patagonia 3D, and other places throughout the park. Because they saw how popular the new Dinosaurs 3D movie was, they changed each show to every half hour instead of every hour. I was amazed at how well KD was operating this opening day/weekend compared to past years.

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I agree that Volcano would be the toughest of KD's rdes to adapt to Fast Lane. It's always been a problematic (if fun) coaster with lousy capacity.


It'll take some time for KD to work out the "kinks."


With that in mind they should just select a different ride to add to the system since volcano would be too hard to adapt.


I was checking out KD fansite's facebook & it seems backlot had a rollback/valley just before the 2nd launch area,I seem to recall volcano also having a rollback saturday as it was down most of the day.I guess the winds coupled with stiff bearings can be contributing factors in today's rollback situation.

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Went to Kings Dominion today. WindSeeker is a GREAT ride! The wind speed up at the top of the tower is really heavy, which causes you to swing back and forth which is pretty scary. And a lot of rides were down. Volcano was until about 2:00, and Drop tower and Backlot never opened. And I was "okay" with the Fast Lane.. But, it being put on WindSeeker was a HORRIBLE idea in my opinion. It causes the regular line to stretch out all the way to Skyflyers loading station. And I think they have reserved seats for the Fast Lane users, so only half of the carriage was being filled which ticked all of us in line off. Oh and I got to see the famous Clint Novak of KDFansite while in line for WindSeeker

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Was at the park to day as well watched Windseeker go up about the 150 foot mark and come back down a few times.Saw Drop tower run 2 or 3 times then shut down for the day. Volcano did finally run a few trips then go down then as said before came back up around 2 pm . It's been about 3 years since I was down at the park and I like the changes that have been done as well. Besides back row on Hurler causing my stiff neck to finally pop ( Thank you Hurler I needed that for a week now) was a great day. Also found out I am not in shape nor 29 anymore......

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Was at the park to day as well watched Windseeker go up about the 150 foot mark and come back down a few times.Saw Drop tower run 2 or 3 times then shut down for the day. Volcano did finally run a few trips then go down then as said before came back up around 2 pm . It's been about 3 years since I was down at the park and I like the changes that have been done as well. Besides back row on Hurler causing my stiff neck to finally pop ( Thank you Hurler I needed that for a week now) was a great day. Also found out I am not in shape nor 29 anymore......


I here ya on the age thing & some rides taking their toll on the body,both Dominator & flying eagles sure did a number on my stomachsaturday afternoon.

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