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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Usually weather forecasts are unreliable until about 3 days before.


So far the forecast appears to be holding out,Iam using accuweather via my phone to get the updates.


So who's gonna be at the park saturday? I plan to hit the road around 9am but due to multiple pick-ups plus traffic probably won't get there around noon or so but if anyone's going friday please give us a windseeker review.

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I'll be there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to kick off my 2012 coaster season! I already have booked the hotel reservations in Glen Allen.


The park has made lots of general improvements over the offseason along with Windseeker, Dinosaurs Alive, and Dinosaurs: Giants of Patagonia so I'm anxious to see everything.

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There is one really great change to the season passes that started this year. You can now pay it in 3 payments over 3 months instead of dishing out the complete price once. This works out great for the platinum pass.


I usually take advantage of the reduced costs toward the end of the season to get mine renewed.

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I usually take advantage of the reduced costs toward the end of the season to get mine renewed.


Yes, but those of us who get Cedar Fair Platinum Passes only save around 5 bucks then per pass. The 3 payment plan is definitely a great option, and it should boost season pass sales a bit.

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There is a article in the local Richmond, VA newspaper today about Wind Seeker and the Dinosaurs Alive attraction for 2012. There are 2 videos included to show off the attractions. One is an abbreviated POV on Wind Seeker and the other video is a rather extensive look at the Dinosaurs Alive attraction. After watching the DA video, I was rather impressed with what KD did to that area that contains Dinosaurs Alive attraction. While watching the video, I kept saying to myself is this KD? The DA attraction area does not appear to be "Dinosaurs on concrete with wide asphalt paths" *.


link: __http://www2.timesdispatch.com/entertainment/flair/2012/apr/05/new-kings-dominion-attractions-soar-and-roar-ar-1819474/


* Used with permission of Chuck - all rights reserved - by Chuck.

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I was able to participate in the filming of these media-day videos; and I'm now much more excited about the Dinosaurs Alive installation than I was a week ago. They really did a great job putting it in back there and keeping the area pretty well forested. The area is much more extensive than I expected, and really well done.


Definitely a must-do for anyone who's into dinosaurs, and certainly worth the $5 upcharge. When I take my kids out this summer, I'll undoubtedly be taking them.


Oh, and if you're interested, I'm the guy in the mint-green shirt and jeans through the videos.

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I was able to participate in the filming of these media-day videos; and I'm now much more excited about the Dinosaurs Alive installation than I was a week ago. They really did a great job putting it in back there and keeping the area pretty well forested. The area is much more extensive than I expected, and really well done.


Definitely a must-do for anyone who's into dinosaurs, and certainly worth the $5 upcharge. When I take my kids out this summer, I'll undoubtedly be taking them.


Oh, and if you're interested, I'm the guy in the mint-green shirt and jeans through the videos.


Just how much land did they use up in between WWC & Grizzly for the DA attraction? I hope they left some room back there for a future ride installation because they need something other than two water rides on that side of the park.

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I was able to participate in the filming of these media-day videos; and I'm now much more excited about the Dinosaurs Alive installation than I was a week ago. They really did a great job putting it in back there and keeping the area pretty well forested. The area is much more extensive than I expected, and really well done.


Definitely a must-do for anyone who's into dinosaurs, and certainly worth the $5 upcharge. When I take my kids out this summer, I'll undoubtedly be taking them.


Oh, and if you're interested, I'm the guy in the mint-green shirt and jeans through the videos.


Just how much land did they use up in between WWC & Grizzly for the DA attraction? I hope they left some room back there for a future ride installation because they need something other than two water rides on that side of the park.


There's still some space between the service road that runs up to the go-karts and the edge of the dinosaur attraction, but realistically, if they want to maintain the "woodsy" feel of both Dinosaurs Alive and WhiteWater Canyon, I don't think there's really much option for rides back there. Besides, it would be difficult to access, being that the space between the two attractions would require you to walk directly across the Go-Karts or between the Karts and the Theater to reach.


IMHO, they'd be better off trying to add flats either in the niche between the Grizzly plaza, the Sky Swing, and the Windseeker, or in the space still occupied by the HyperSonic XLC station. I'll see if I can get a rough diagram added later on.


EDIT: Here's a VERY rough diagram...


Rough diagram of the placement of the new attractions, and the new entrance plaza for Grizzly and DA.

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I just noticed by looking at Kings Dominion from that image, that they might barely be able to build a Strata Coaster or Intamin Hydraulic Launcher if they tore Hurler down. The station would be back where Hurlers 2nd turn is (back by Grizzly) and the Top Hat could be about 30 yards away from Lil' Barefoot Beach. Just an observation I made that will probably never happen

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I just noticed by looking at Kings Dominion from that image, that they might barely be able to build a Strata Coaster or Intamin Hydraulic Launcher if they tore Hurler down. The station would be back where Hurlers 2nd turn is (back by Grizzly) and the Top Hat could be about 30 yards away from Lil' Barefoot Beach. Just an observation I made that will probably never happen

I wouldn't say NEVER. I would, however, say not anytime within the next decade.

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I just noticed by looking at Kings Dominion from that image, that they might barely be able to build a Strata Coaster or Intamin Hydraulic Launcher if they tore Hurler down. The station would be back where Hurlers 2nd turn is (back by Grizzly) and the Top Hat could be about 30 yards away from Lil' Barefoot Beach. Just an observation I made that will probably never happen


Actually they could just use the old hypersonic station area,along with part of the ride's originalpath(on the outbound leg) to shoehorn an intamin hydro launcher there.


Ughh....I am sick of the spacebar on my laptop sticking & having to go back & edit my posts as a result.

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Actually they could just use the old hypersonic station area,along with part of the ride's original path(on the outbound leg) to shoehorn an intamin hydro launcher there.


The could also fit a good solid flat or two back there... realistically, they took out one flat to put in the windseeker, but it's not that huge a footprint. You could probably fit two flats in the area currently occupied by the Hypersonic Station and maintenance buildings (blue roofed in the picture).

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Actually they could just use the old hypersonic station area,along with part of the ride's original path(on the outbound leg) to shoehorn an intamin hydro launcher there.


The could also fit a good solid flat or two back there... realistically, they took out one flat to put in the windseeker, but it's not that huge a footprint. You could probably fit two flats in the area currently occupied by the Hypersonic Station and maintenance buildings (blue roofed in the picture).

They could put a lot of stuff back there. That section of the park was dead at ECB two years ago and I doubt Windseeker will be enough to bring the crowds back there. They will either need a lot of flats or a coaster to bring all the people back to that area. I honestly think an Intamin accelerator is feasible if they go a few years without a major addition. A coaster like that would be a significant investment so it's a question of would the park want to save money for a major addition that could be used for improvements or not.

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Actually they could just use the old hypersonic station area,along with part of the ride's original path(on the outbound leg) to shoehorn an intamin hydro launcher there.


The could also fit a good solid flat or two back there... realistically, they took out one flat to put in the windseeker, but it's not that huge a footprint. You could probably fit two flats in the area currently occupied by the Hypersonic Station and maintenance buildings (blue roofed in the picture).

They could put a lot of stuff back there. That section of the park was dead at ECB two years ago and I doubt Windseeker will be enough to bring the crowds back there. They will either need a lot of flats or a coaster to bring all the people back to that area. I honestly think an Intamin accelerator is feasible if they go a few years without a major addition. A coaster like that would be a significant investment so it's a question of would the park want to save money for a major addition that could be used for improvements or not.


Doesn't hurler's back end come awefully close to grizzly making a path near there unfeasible?That's thesame reason why a path connecting mind eraser to the ROS/Batwing area was & never will be done at SFA.

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