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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Well I concluded my 2010 season yesterday with a final visit to the park for the year & good lord was it packed!! For the first time in all my years of going RY actually had a line spilling out onto the midway & don't even get me started on how 305 was last night.


On the way out I asked some higher ups manning the gate if they know what's up for 2011 & said that,whatever's coming for the remaining parks in the chain simply hasn't been released but they said to keep checking the website for details.

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I waited almost 2 hours for volcano, intimidator line was back to the tunnel at 630 ish.



By the time I headed back to 305 for a night ride(passed on it) the line was all the way up to FOF.Grizz also had a line down the ramp at around 9 pm or so.


Grizzly had a line?!



That really shows how PACKED the place was! Sheesh!

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On the way out I asked some higher ups manning the gate if they know what's up for 2011 & said that,whatever's coming for the remaining parks in the chain simply hasn't been released but they said to keep checking the website for details.


This is good news! That means there is still some hope that KD might get a little something for 2011. I really wish Cedar Fair would replace the very old and annoying Sponge-Bob 3-D movies in all of the former Paramount parks...

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I really wish Cedar Fair would replace the very old and annoying Sponge-Bob 3-D movies in all of the former Paramount parks...


I would assume that KD/CF won't want to keep paying royalty fees forever, so once the current deal runs out I bet it won't be renewed and Sponegbob will be replaced.

Edited by FeelTheFORCE
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Well, I rode it again on halloween and I have to say I like the pre trim ride better. Was even talking to some non-coaster geeks at a party last night and they even said the best part was graying out for them. It gave them a sense of disorientation then bam they are flying over the hill. The straps were more comfortable but going down the first drop seemed too controlled.


Just my opinion...

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Drove by the park today and guess what!


They are removing track pieces from I 305


They had at least 2 down from the top of the 2nd hill


Did not have my camera but will try to get pics soon.


Guess they are doing some major re-profiling to the ride to eliminate the black out turn.




EDIT:photo credit-Clint Novak


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I tihnk the park was probably concerned about the grey outs (and the trims did not stop them from happening). Since the trims seem to be easily movable, and the track being taken off so early in the season, I'd think some real profile changes will be taking place. This is an exciting development regardless of the outcome!

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