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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I really like I305's sketch of how they could do Alien Outpost. And for those who think it's expensive; it's not as expensive as building a new coaster. The park could easily afford it and get the money back very quickly. You all make it sound like loads of people aren't driving off I-95 to pay ticket prices to get in the park. Kings Dominion makes tones of money and gets it back when they add stuff. Thats why they are able to keep us entertained each and every year. If they weren't getting any money back then the park would not be getting new stuff.


As for a new gray building, it would be better in the long run. The Alien Outpost maze could be much bigger and scarier if it had more room. With it using FoF's queue area, it limits how much they can do. They were limited on how many curves they could do because they still had to have enough room to lead you out the side of where you first walk in and around the perimeter of the queue, to continue on in the UFO. Altogether, the maze is not long enough, to consider closing down a major ride. Avalanche on the other hand is not a major ride that loads of people are standing in line for. Close that thing down and use that area to do a maze. Don't close a major ride that tones of people stand in line for, for such a short maze.


I do agree with the other comment that was made. I305's line will be much longer during Haunt, when FoF closes for the maze.

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^ Please do not turn this into a "What KD should do" thread like you did with the SFA thread. Please keep discussion to what is going on at the park. Thank you.


Sorry about that. I went off into a tangent again.


In other news, is there any word on what Kings Dominion will be doing for 2011 season. Any new attractions, to look forward to?

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^ Exactly, and if someone thinks the food isn't that great at TGI Friday's, then how is that Cedar Point's fault? It should be a matter taken up with *gasp* TGI Fridays! Not Cedar Point.


^^ That's very true, never really thought of it that way.



No one expects "5 star", just their money's worth. And I like Friday's, but I can get that five minutes down the road. No need for a 90-minute trip to CP.

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^ Exactly, and if someone thinks the food isn't that great at TGI Friday's, then how is that Cedar Point's fault? It should be a matter taken up with *gasp* TGI Fridays! Not Cedar Point.


^^ That's very true, never really thought of it that way.



No one expects "5 star", just their money's worth. And I like Friday's, but I can get that five minutes down the road. No need for a 90-minute trip to CP.


You're basically saying you'd go to Cedar Point JUST for the Fridays? It's not a requirement or something, it's there, and it has good food. I got some pretty good nachos in the park, and by your logic I could say that I won't drive 12 hours to Cedar Point because I can get nachos home.

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^ Please do not turn this into a "What KD should do" thread like you did with the SFA thread. Please keep discussion to what is going on at the park. Thank you.


Sorry about that. I went off into a tangent again.


In other news, is there any word on what Kings Dominion will be doing for 2011 season. Any new attractions, to look forward to?

Ok, WES JUST TOLD YOU not to turn this thread into a "what if?" topic. In case that didn't sink through your incredibly THICK skull that means "Quit with the pointless What If question....ALL OF THEM!!!" That means don't post things like:


- What do you think/are there any rumors about what the park should get next year?

- Do you think aliens will land at the park?

- Have you heard if any rides are haunted by angry demons?

- Had anyone ever ran across the park naked?

- What do you think the park would look like if the holocaust hadn't happened?


Seriously, dude, you are about to get banned from TPR with your incredibly stupid and terrible posts. Instead of asking dumb-ass questions and starting horrible topics of conversation, I think you should instead be asking the question:


- How can I not be an annoying poster?


This is TWO threads now we've had to warn you in. Next time you post something stupid there won't be a warning, just a much joyous banning of your account.


--Robb "Sick of your posts." Alvey


ps. and that goes for any who posts stupid crap in this thread.

Edited by robbalvey
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^ I noticed a few weeks ago that KD took down the Maze of Madness tent...


I've heard that they are moving it to a new location in the park.


I believe this coincides with the rumor I heard at the begin of this year that Big Top Terror is leaving the old Laser Quest Building.

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I haven't experiences it in it's new form (new trims and new OTSRs) but I rode it 5 times on it's opening day and greyed out each time. Pretty much what it feels like is everything is a blur and you lose your vision and all you see is black. Than once you would feel yourself fly out of your seat from the airtime on the second hill, you all the sudden got your vision back. Even with the old restraints I didn't hit my head once and it ranks as my #1 steel coaster!

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Wow, and I thought I had coaster questions! How did your SFGAdv trip turn out? I will be riding i305 at the end of the month... I am actually a little nervous about the grey/black out. I don't like that feeling at all, although I have yet to experience it on a coaster. Was Batman the only coaster you had that kind of problems with? Update us on your ride when you get the chance! All the questions, I am curious how things turned out.

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^ I noticed a few weeks ago that KD took down the Maze of Madness tent...


I've heard that they are moving it to a new location in the park.


I believe this coincides with the rumor I heard at the begin of this year that Big Top Terror is leaving the old Laser Quest Building.


That seems like a likely possibility, or the maze will go in the former KidZville Construction Company building (former Chairlift station).

Or Big Top Terror will move to the former KidZville Construction Company building and Maze Of Madness will be located in the old Lazer Quest building.

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I rode i305 back in May when it was still version 1 (no trims & old OTSRs) & I did black out 2 of the 4x I rode it. The black out feeling for me was weird. I didn't remember my 1st two rides. I was just like a rag doll unable to control or show my emotions. I finally realized what was happening to me & that I was on a roller coaster on the final turn of the ride. I was able to avoid blacking out on rides 3 & 4 because I closed my eyes from the first drop to second hill & was fine. Is this ride intense (haven't experienced it with the trims yet)? Yes, is it fun? Absolutely! This coaster quickly became my #1 steel coaster. Even if your a little nervous do it. I recommend for your first ride that you hold on & close your eyes at least until the second hill.

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Should be going sometime this week. I'll check to see if the Rebel Yell sign is really gone.


I was there yesterday. The sign is still there as of July 31.


Huh, well that was weird.


Anyone have any idea why it would have been taken down just for a single day?

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Should be going sometime this week. I'll check to see if the Rebel Yell sign is really gone.


I was there yesterday. The sign is still there as of July 31.


Huh, well that was weird.


Anyone have any idea why it would have been taken down just for a single day?


More than likely it never was.I think the OP was just venting his frustrations with the park by making that claim.

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You guys are talking about the queue sign, right?


I know that last year or the year before Grizzly's queue sign was taken down for a little while so essentially it was an "unmarked" coaster, but it got a new sign and/or put back.

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I know that last year or the year before Grizzly's queue sign was taken down for a little while so essentially it was an "unmarked" coaster, but it got a new sign and/or put back.


Yeah, I guess they figured a queue line into the woods and gigantic rock grizzly bear statue was enough for people to figure it out that it was Grizzly for a while, then they got a new sign about midway through summer.

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Anyone know what it will be like or guess what it will be like Thursday, August 5th?


Well, I warn you, the weather's scheduled for thunderstorms.


I went on a 105 degree Thursday in June, and I expected it to be light crowds, but man was it busy! I would have thought it was a weekday!


But, the forecasted thunderstorms may turn people away! So who knows!

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I was at the park both yesterday and today... lines weren't bad yesterday. Intimidator 305 was running two trains and the wait for front row was 25 minutes for my friend and I. Volcano was probably the longest wait of the day with 40 minutes - running 2 trains as well. Grizzly was running one train all day and it was practically a walk on. Overall, crowds were light and lines weren't long at all.


Today, Intimidator 305 was running one train... so I didn't even bother with the front row. I happened to jump in line after a rain delay, and fortunately waited 4-5 trains for the back row. I didn't bother with the rest of the park... since I got everything in the day before, and the crowds were a little larger.

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