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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I wanted to pay tribute to Shockwave, the most under-appreciated ride at King's Dominion. I figured the best way to do so would be through the traditional Japanese art of haiku.




"Oh my god! The pain!"

ringy dingy ding-a-ling dings through my head still today

Screw freaking TOGO!



Is there talks of scrapping Shockwave???

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The word filter has wrecked your haiku!


^I think there's "talk" but, unfortunately, no action.


Personally Im Not a huge fan of the stand up's but i still ride them for the expirence. So im glad KD still has there's, I feel it gives them diversity to there coasters. All they need now is a lay down flying coaster. Didnt shockwave kill someone way back when????

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I believe a (suicidal?) man was tampering deliberately with the restraint locks (whose on-board locks are not reached by accident), and jumped off of the train just before the breaks, where he died.

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It seems a lot of rides get bad reps for people doing something stupid like hoping the fence to get a hat a getting beheaded or squirming out of restraints and end up dieing. Im sorry but if dumb enough to do that crap then you kind of deserve it. Darwin at it's best

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^^ cfc is right, it was an older man that supposedly freaked out on Shockwave. The accident was in 1999.


Yeah stupidity is what causes the vast majority of all ride accidents. A man squeezed his way out of the Rainbow ride and at Elitch Gardens a few years back. That ride is now permanently shut down, but I think it was because of a similar accident on another ride more recently. GCA's Drop Zone had that accident with the kid who freaked out at the top and got out. When I was younger and went there with my parents, my mom actually forbade me to ride it because she thought it was dangerous since the accident was still quite recent. Damn the media for their slanderous reporting.


Anyways, enough with the rant. Question for the KD locals - has Shockwave been operating regularly lately? It was closed when I went two years ago and I'll be back in a few weeks for I305. Hoping to get that credit as well this time.

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"Oh my god! The pain!"

Sounds through my head still today

Screw freaking TOGO!


Fixed. That's the third word that I've found filtered!


^Shockwave is still running. I got the credit a couple weeks ago.


Also, I think a kid jumped out of the Shockwave restraints of the lift hill. He thought the restraints weren't safe so he jumped onto the walkway.

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"Oh my god! The pain!"

Sounds through my head still today

Screw freaking TOGO!


Fixed. That's the third word that I've found filtered!


^Shockwave is still running. I got the credit a couple weeks ago.


Also, I think a kid jumped out of the Shockwave restraints of the lift hill. He thought the restraints weren't safe so he jumped onto the walkway.


What word? Ringy dingy ding-a-ling? lol

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^^ cfc is right, it was an older man that supposedly freaked out on Shockwave. The accident was in 1999.


Yeah stupidity is what causes the vast majority of all ride accidents. A man squeezed his way out of the Rainbow ride and at Elitch Gardens a few years back. That ride is now permanently shut down, but I think it was because of a similar accident on another ride more recently. GCA's Drop Zone had that accident with the kid who freaked out at the top and got out. When I was younger and went there with my parents, my mom actually forbade me to ride it because she thought it was dangerous since the accident was still quite recent. Damn the media for their slanderous reporting.


Anyways, enough with the rant. Question for the KD locals - has Shockwave been operating regularly lately? It was closed when I went two years ago and I'll be back in a few weeks for I305. Hoping to get that credit as well this time.


I went tuesday and it was running did shut down for a restraint issue they had when i was next in line. A couple of hours the had it up and shocking the rest of the day

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I was at the park on Monday, and my friend ended up breaking Shockwave for awhile. He was trying to extend his seat belt but it was bunched and the male part detached from the strap. They shut down the ride while they replaced the seat belt. Sorry if anyone was stuck on the brake run around 7pm

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^^ cfc is right, it was an older man that supposedly freaked out on Shockwave. The accident was in 1999.


Yeah stupidity is what causes the vast majority of all ride accidents. A man squeezed his way out of the Rainbow ride and at Elitch Gardens a few years back. That ride is now permanently shut down, but I think it was because of a similar accident on another ride more recently. GCA's Drop Zone had that accident with the kid who freaked out at the top and got out. When I was younger and went there with my parents, my mom actually forbade me to ride it because she thought it was dangerous since the accident was still quite recent. Damn the media for their slanderous reporting.


Anyways, enough with the rant. Question for the KD locals - has Shockwave been operating regularly lately? It was closed when I went two years ago and I'll be back in a few weeks for I305. Hoping to get that credit as well this time.


No,it was a younger Asian man who was showing off on the ride & deliberately got out of his restraints....the disabled rider was a 13 year old who died that same weekend at CGA after falling out of drop zone hence the reason for the belts on all intamin drop towers now.


Aside from some opening week downtime shockwave's been running,I prefer riding in car 4,row 1 for the smoothest possible ride.

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KD always gets a bigger crowd. BG is a smaller park though. Each park will have average lines.


There have been four deaths at KD. ffirst was the decapitation on Galaxi. Second was the man would fitted his way through the "cage" at the top of the Eieffel Tower (the spot that he "landed" is still visible [square of cracks in the asphault]) third, Shockwave guy reached his foot back and push the restraint release on the coaster (more restrictive covers are on those releases now) and a fourth a man died of a heart attack in the water park a few years ago. and don't make me mention the graveyard!

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KD always gets a bigger crowd. BG is a smaller park though. Each park will have average lines.


There have been four deaths at KD. ffirst was the decapitation on Galaxi. Second was the man would fitted his way through the "cage" at the top of the Eieffel Tower (the spot that he "landed" is still visible [square of cracks in the asphault]) third, Shockwave guy reached his foot back and push the restraint release on the coaster (more restrictive covers are on those releases now) and a fourth a man died of a heart attack in the water park a few years ago. and don't make me mention the graveyard!


IIRC no official cause of the man's release from the train was given,at least not in the media.The pedals only control the seat height adjustment but not the restraint locking system as that's controlled via the PLC & the enclosure surrounding the individual pedals have always been there.


Even without the covers on the pedals you'd still have to get your foot back behind the seat by effectively stepping out of the train while it's in motion & depending on which side of the train he was on it would be next to impossible to do that with the lower lap bar preventing the leg from moving sideways.

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I've heard about that incident. It reminds be about the one that happened at the Mall of America when someone climbed out of the Ripsaw Coaster because they were afraid of the coaster itself.


I just don't get some people.


The guy on Shockwave was probably trying to impress his friends or something, or he was dared. I mean he was a college student.

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