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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Just to add a new conversation, why do you guys think Drop Zone's been having a gradual decrease of popularity? I've gone to the park 5 times this season and it's been a walk-on every single time.


My bet is that the ride is in its 8th season and most people that go to KD have been there before and already experienced it. A lot of the people that have been on it, come off terrified, atleast almost everytime I've been on it thats been the case. Also with the addition of Dominator and Intimidator 305 the Grove is getting a lot less popular (so is Old Virginia). I hope the next additions/improvements happen in the Grove (spuce up the area where XLC was and paint Shockwave!) and Old Virginia to bring some life to the areas.

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Yeah, I love it but my friends only want to go on it once and never again.


And that's my pet peeve, Old Virginia is almost completely empty, it has some nice woodies but I guess wood coasters just don't appeal to people anymore.


I do like having the ability to walk on Rebel Yell whenever I want, though!

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Yeah, I love it but my friends only want to go on it once and never again.


And that's my pet peeve, Old Virginia is almost completely empty, it has some nice woodies but I guess wood coasters just don't appeal to people anymore.


I do like having the ability to walk on Rebel Yell whenever I want, though!


OV really needs some work because other than grizzly & flying eagles there's not much to do if you don't like water rides,granted WWC is pretty good on a hot day now that I've ridden it.


I think that what makes grizz such a good night ride is the tunnel as that area of the ride is in complete darkness & you can't tell when it's coming up no matter how many times you've ridden it.

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or at least one of the newer vekoma 4 abreast inverts.

I hear those have quite the drop!


I can't believe this post went unnoticed...it's the funniest thing I've read in weeks.

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If Shockwave is removed, I could see the park putting a flat ride on the Carousel end of Shockwave's area (Giant Frisbee?), and actually expand Planet Snoopy on the other end (near Peanuts Showplace) and add a couple small kiddie rides and connect it to the path next to Flying Ace.

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If Shockwave is removed, I could see the park putting a flat ride on Shockwave's area (Giant Frisbee?)...


Hmm...now why does this idea sound familiar to me...?

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Never during the middle of the day or anything. Only time I didn't have to wait was one morning several years back when Kings Dominion's PR person at the time did a random morning walk back type thing for local coaster enthusiasts and I was operating a small coaster site at the time - I was able to walk right on the front row first train of the morning and got off just as everyone else was running to the line.

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I guess I was just lucky because I've walked on Volcano during at least two visits. Usually early summer during the week. I went with some friends last season and although Volcano had a long line early in the day, I was able to stay on for three consecutive rides (after walking-on initially) at about 4 p.m. I also walked on during a fall weekend and right after a breakdown (doesn't really count).

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I try to ride Volcano once each time I make a trip up to KD. I always go two days back to back, and try to hit up Volcano the first day, because it always has the longest line and the most downtime every single time I go... always!


It just doesn't make any since to wait 2 hours for Volcano when Intimidator 305 has a 15-25 minute wait!

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I try to ride Volcano once each time I make a trip up to KD. I always go two days back to back, and try to hit up Volcano the first day, because it always has the longest line and the most downtime every single time I go... always!


It just doesn't make any since to wait 2 hours for Volcano when Intimidator 305 has a 15-25 minute wait!


I've gone when I was the only person in Intimidator's station...

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I know it's late in the season but first trip to kd this year is now over, looking forward to many more.

Maybe its me but it felt like all the rides are less intense this season, except for the grizzly a night (still one of my fav's). I305 was great,i did expect more air time but i guess it diminished the air after slowing it down. Would have loved to ride it at full speed. Volcano was down all day....SHOCKER. Still one of my favorite parks

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I've experienced Volcano walk-ons. It was early summer of 2007 on a week day around 6PM.



last summer middle of the week we would have walk-on volcano all the time at most 15min wait. infact all last summer lines at all the parks i visited were short. the longest i remember waiting was an hour for mellenimum force and top thrill dragster but thats expected.

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I wanted to pay tribute to Shockwave, the most under-appreciated ride at King's Dominion. I figured the best way to do so would be through the traditional Japanese art of haiku.




"Oh my god! The pain!"

Rings through my head still today

Screw freaking TOGO!

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