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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Holy Crap! Apparently TPR"s Intimidator 305 Video on YouTube has been doing quite well! Check out these stats...


#13 - Most Discussed (This Week)) - Travel & Events

#47 - Most Discussed (This Month)) - Travel & Events

#19 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Travel & Events - Germany

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#7 - Top Favorited (This Week)) - Travel & Events

#42 - Top Favorited (This Month)) - Travel & Events

#25 - Top Rated (This Week)) - Travel & Events


Thank you to everyone who watched and favorited the video!



That's good.


I'm still working on getting my 305 video on youtube,I edited it down last night from 97 MB to about 40 MB so it should upload to my page now.

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Rode this bad boy 5 times yesterday, and i have to say out of those 5 times i don't remember traveling up the second hill even once! I'm not one to usually brown out (or whatever it's called) on coasters but this ride got me every time!!! But it is such an amazing coaster, and im not sure how much more intense it can get! The first drop was breath-taking, plenty of ejector air, the lift hill is quite fun and really shoots you up there , and i really love the "twisty" as Rob calls it. But you have to know how to ride a coaster cause the "twisty" can give you a little whiplash due to the over the shoulder restraint (my dad complained all day because he was at the right height where he would get sucker-punched in the jaw when we were in the back, front seat a much better ride) which is a good thing because the coaster is so intense, but can you imagine in a few years riding the coaster when it's not silky smooth opening day rides? And i wish KD would easy up on the airtime hill trims just a bit, because although there is a good amount of airtime on the last two humps, they seem very tame compared to the beginning of the ride. But, overall it is an AMAZING ride, a must ride, and one not soon to be forgotten! oh and by the way very nice POV Rob!!!

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Rode this bad boy 5 times yesterday, and i have to say out of those 5 times i don't remember traveling up the second hill even once! I'm not one to usually brown out (or whatever it's called) on coasters but this ride got me every time!!! But it is such an amazing coaster, and im not sure how much more intense it can get! The first drop was breath-taking, plenty of ejector air, the lift hill is quite fun and really shoots you up there , and i really love the "twisty" as Rob calls it. But you have to know how to ride a coaster cause the "twisty" can give you a little whiplash due to the over the shoulder restraint (my dad complained all day because he was at the right height where he would get sucker-punched in the jaw when we were in the back, front seat a much better ride) which is a good thing because the coaster is so intense, but can you imagine in a few years riding the coaster when it's not silky smooth opening day rides? And i wish KD would easy up on the airtime hill trims just a bit, because although there is a good amount of airtime on the last two humps, they seem very tame compared to the beginning of the ride. But, overall it is an AMAZING ride, a must ride, and one not soon to be forgotten! oh and by the way very nice POV Rob!!!

You should see my keychain photo from my third lap(in the front row) because I got slammed into the restraint pretty good but not really any pain though.


I'm gonna have to start wearing goggles on that thing because the resulting wind generated by the speeds of the ride left me with a bad case of pink eye in my left eye after that last ride....has this happened to anyone else?

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ok well im pretty sure i didnt "brown out" as my pants are still intact, so that means i "greyed out" then? and i think that might have been me who gave you pink eye cause i let one rip on the head rest when i got off... sorry . But i can see how that could happen cause my eye lids were like parachutes in the front row and i dont think they touched my eye once after the first drop Still love intimadator tho!!! Great ride!

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ok well im pretty sure i didnt "brown out" as my pants are still intact, so that means i "greyed out" then? and i think that might have been me who gave you pink eye cause i let one rip on the head rest when i got off... sorry . But i can see how that could happen cause my eye lids were like parachutes in the front row and i dont think they touched my eye once after the first drop Still love intimadator tho!!! Great ride!


By any chance were you in line for I305 around the time that fight broke out between two people in the station & security had to bring in the big guns? I was in the SRL at the time wearing a black I305 T-shirt,blue fannypack & filming with my blue sony handycam & my friend was wearing a shirt similar to mine but just grey instead of black.

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Rode this bad boy 5 times yesterday, and i have to say out of those 5 times i don't remember traveling up the second hill even once! I'm not one to usually brown out (or whatever it's called) on coasters but this ride got me every time!!! But it is such an amazing coaster, and im not sure how much more intense it can get! The first drop was breath-taking, plenty of ejector air, the lift hill is quite fun and really shoots you up there , and i really love the "twisty" as Rob calls it. But you have to know how to ride a coaster cause the "twisty" can give you a little whiplash due to the over the shoulder restraint (my dad complained all day because he was at the right height where he would get sucker-punched in the jaw when we were in the back, front seat a much better ride) which is a good thing because the coaster is so intense, but can you imagine in a few years riding the coaster when it's not silky smooth opening day rides? And i wish KD would easy up on the airtime hill trims just a bit, because although there is a good amount of airtime on the last two humps, they seem very tame compared to the beginning of the ride. But, overall it is an AMAZING ride, a must ride, and one not soon to be forgotten! oh and by the way very nice POV Rob!!!

You should see my keychain photo from my third lap(in the front row) because I got slammed into the restraint pretty good but not really any pain though.


I'm gonna have to start wearing goggles on that thing because the resulting wind generated by the speeds of the ride left me with a bad case of pink eye in my left eye after that last ride....has this happened to anyone else?



Perhaps someone sharted on the seat before you got on the coaster. (It is intense after all.) Then you touched it with your hands and rubbed it into your eyes.


Guy "I'm told this happens all the time. That's why I bring germ killing handiwipes with me and allways clean the seat before I sit down." Koepp

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ok well im pretty sure i didnt "brown out" as my pants are still intact, so that means i "greyed out" then? and i think that might have been me who gave you pink eye cause i let one rip on the head rest when i got off... sorry . But i can see how that could happen cause my eye lids were like parachutes in the front row and i dont think they touched my eye once after the first drop Still love intimadator tho!!! Great ride!


By any chance were you in line for I305 around the time that fight broke out between two people in the station & security had to bring in the big guns? I was in the SRL at the time wearing a black I305 T-shirt,blue fannypack & filming with my blue sony handycam & my friend was wearing a shirt similar to mine but just grey instead of black.


Was it on thursday? cause i was there when it opened then left around 12:30 than came back at like 2 ish. i dont think so though because when i was there the SRL wasnt open. so did they shut down the coaster for the fight? good entertainment i assume

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Intimidator 305 is really having problems with the anti-rollbacks. It went down today around 3 and didn't come back up until 7:30 and then it went back down. The magnets on them apparently don't work right and they actually drag instead of floating there, which makes a ridiculous amount of noise.

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Intimidator 305 is really having problems with the anti-rollbacks. It went down today around 3 and didn't come back up until 7:30 and then it went back down. The magnets on them apparently don't work right and they actually drag instead of floating there, which makes a ridiculous amount of noise.


Redback seems to be having the most problems with this while silverback climbs the lift rather silently.


That fight broke out last saturday afternoon(4/3/10) around 6 pm or so just before the ride went down again.

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Intimidator 305 is really having problems with the anti-rollbacks. It went down today around 3 and didn't come back up until 7:30 and then it went back down. The magnets on them apparently don't work right and they actually drag instead of floating there, which makes a ridiculous amount of noise.


I don't think It is the Anti-Rollbacks but more of a problem with the Red Train interacting with the roll-backs when its not suppose to. I rode Red and Silver yesterday and couldn't understand why the Red train was sporadically interacting the roll backs.

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Intimidator 305 is really having problems with the anti-rollbacks. It went down today around 3 and didn't come back up until 7:30 and then it went back down. The magnets on them apparently don't work right and they actually drag instead of floating there, which makes a ridiculous amount of noise.


I don't think It is the Anti-Rollbacks but more of a problem with the Red Train interacting with the roll-backs when its not suppose to. I rode Red and Silver yesterday and couldn't understand why the Red train was sporadically interacting the roll backs.


Sorry if this has been asked, but are these fairly unique anti-rollbacks? I haven't been to KD yet this season so I've not seen them yet.

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Intimidator 305 is really having problems with the anti-rollbacks. It went down today around 3 and didn't come back up until 7:30 and then it went back down. The magnets on them apparently don't work right and they actually drag instead of floating there, which makes a ridiculous amount of noise.


I don't think It is the Anti-Rollbacks but more of a problem with the Red Train interacting with the roll-backs when its not suppose to. I rode Red and Silver yesterday and couldn't understand why the Red train was sporadically interacting the roll backs.


Sorry if this has been asked, but are these fairly unique anti-rollbacks? I haven't been to KD yet this season so I've not seen them yet.


Nope they're Intamin's standard eddy-current anti-rollbacks. That's why Intamins have silent lift hills.

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I was wondering if anyone can tell me how they handle people with disabilities at KD. Mom and I will be flying in for a weekend trip in June for some I305 love. She has MS and can walk only short distances. She requires a wheelchair for a long day at the park. I looked at their website and it states that the non disabled person waits in line, then once they make it through the line the disabled person can then ride. To me thats kind of a dumb way to do that, considering she wouldn't be able to roll herself up the exit to meet me. (Unless I'm just a dumb dumb and misunderstanding it) I know parks like Six Flags and Hershey have like a fast pass system..sort of. We had a piece of paper signed for that coaster and a time to come back. Any advice is appreciated!

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THANK YOU Millinnium for the video - it was GREAT and a lot of fun to watch, with a great song in the back ground. I went opening weekend and had a great time (looks like you did too). For me, it's in the exclusive league of Bizzaro/RoS (#1), El Toro (#2) and my personal #3, Intimidator 305 - WOW.


And to all those Intamin bashers, Intimidator 305 proves Intamin can open a ride on-time and free of down-time (for the most part). On my second ride, we got stuck (or stopped on the lift, 75 feet from the top) for about 2 minutes during the charity auction rides.

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Sorry if this has been asked, but are these fairly unique anti-rollbacks? I haven't been to KD yet this season so I've not seen them yet.


Nope they're Intamin's standard eddy-current anti-rollbacks. That's why Intamins have silent lift hills.


Yep, and just something to add to that. They are used on Darien Lake's Ride of Steel, which opened in May of 1999, so they've been around for a while.

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