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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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.. I'm .. going to tentatively step on some toes... The Banks, to me, seemed far too drawn out in the beginning. It was like, "Bank, Helix, wait, what .. will we .. doo .. nooowww.. " A great deal of air time was missed. Not saying it's a bad coaster, but there was a bit of wasted track. Oh! I wore my 3D glasses to view this -- it was awesome!


.. I know it's not in 3D, but the glasses I got from Alice in Wonderland block out my periphery nicely.


Oh, and:


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By the pictures it looks like everyone is dressed for summer. Is it usually that warm in VA in April??


I also wonder how Busch down the road feels about this, and they removed a coaster and not getting anything new this year. I hope they plan something major next year to compete!

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.. I'm .. going to tentatively step on some toes... The Banks, to me, seemed far too drawn out in the beginning. It was like, "Bank, Helix, wait, what .. will we .. doo .. nooowww.. " A great deal of air time was missed. Not saying it's a bad coaster, but there was a bit of wasted track. Oh! I wore my 3D glasses to view this -- it was awesome!


.. I know it's not in 3D, but the glasses I got from Alice in Wonderland block out my periphery nicely.


Oh, and:



I'm a little confused by your post.


Did you actually ride I305 yesterday?


Or are you just going off what you saw in Robb's video?


Have no doubt the first banked turn is very drawn out but the pacing at 94 miles per hour is excellent.


Even on the trasitions or helicies as you mention, there are sudden spurts of airtime. There is no dull moment on this coaster.


I305 kicks butt from start to finish.

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^There's some nice ejector air on I-305, but not as much as you find on El Toro. That first drop, followed by the banked curve and hill, is one of the mose intense moments I've ever experienced on any steel coaster.

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This looks great.

It sort of reminds me of a Mega-Lite. The first drop, turnaround, and airtime hill look somewhat similar to the opening third of the Mega-Lite.


The airtime looks great, and while it might be ruined by the OTSR's they look very...needed. From the reverse POV's it does look like you'll get thrown around a LOT.


A couple of questions to the cool guys who were there at the Media Day: How does the first drop compare to MF's? Did the OTSR's affect the airtime? And lasty, how smooth/comfortable was the ride?


Can't wait to ride it... sometime.

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Wow...great job on the video, Robb! Thanks for all your hard work in keeping us coaster-nerds happy! I know I can't wait to get down there to ride it. This looks like a really great coaster with a bit of everything- one I definitely want to experience in the front seat the very first time I ride it. I think we might be headed down that way next month so I'm going to try to hit the park on a Monday or Tuesday when it might be relatively calm.


Can someone tell me when schools get out down there? I would much rather hit the park on a weekday before the kids are out for the summer.

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I do not understand why you call people of your own community dumb, Robb...


Just because they probably have a different opinion about the restraints ? I mean, other people have other sizes, other muscles and a different grade of sensitivity and so on...so this could be totally different to them.


(I hope a little criticism is allowed here...)



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I do not understand why you call people of your own community dumb, Robb...


Just because they probably have a different opinion about the restraints ? I mean, other people have other sizes, other muscles and a different grade of sensitivity and so on...so this could be totally different to them.


(I hope a little criticism is allowed here...)



I'm being funny. Get my sense of humor. Don't take everything I say so seriously.

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I also wonder how Busch down the road feels about this, and they removed a coaster and not getting anything new this year. I hope they plan something major next year to compete!


It probably won't affect them too much since they are more of a different style park, but they will probably lose a lot of the coaster enthusiasts this year. (even though that's not a huge loss). I have the choice between King's Dominion and Busch Gardens this summer, and I know where I'm going!

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Robb, I feel a little relieved now...


Besides...is it true that Dick Kinzel spontaneously started to suffer from Dick...Sorry, I meant penis cancer after he saw your Intimidator-Review on youtube ? Hearing that the biggest, the baddest AND the meanest coaster just opened at Kings Dominion must have ruined his maleness totally...


I mean, bad enough he totally greyed out on media day several times...WITHOUT EVEN RIDING IT...


AND : At this very moment I guess all the VIP`s at Cedar Point think about "upgrading" MF with those over-the-shoulder-restraints, cause they truely belief that those restraints make the ride at doswell that good...



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