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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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^Of all the ridiculous, ludicrous, horribly childish things that uber fanboys say and do, giving ANY roller coaster a nickname that involves putting a "y" or "ie" at the end of its shortened name is the one that drives me nuts the most.


For example:


"Millie" for MF. "Maggie" for Magnum. "Termy" for Terminator: Salvation. "Timmy" for either of the Intimidators. And so on. Once again, if only the e-punch were reality.



On a related note, my second year at Cedar Point when we got Skyscraper, I referred to it the entire summer as "Raper" to poke fun at the fanboys. When we operated it, we even referred to it as "raping" people. Is that bad?

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"Timmy" .... Bahaha.


^I think it's funny they were claiming to know what the restrain was based off a zoomed in image from Clint's video of the test run.


CLEARLY those red pixles make out a B&M restraint, DUH!


Actually you can see them pretty well on some of the zoomed in images on KDfansite / behind the thrills from Clint's video. Just as you can in the pic posted above^

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Wait a second...did the park not announce (to some group) a couple weeks ago that the ride would have shoulder straps, such as those found on Insane and Tornado?


If so, this is very confusing...

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Even with those restraints, the ride is basically Maverick on steroids with what looks like plenty of airtime and some wild, quick transitions. Since Maverick is easilly in my top 3 steel rides I gotta believe a 300 foot tall version is going to be pretty good...

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Even with those restraints, the ride is basically Maverick on steroids with what looks like plenty of airtime and some wild, quick transitions. Since Maverick is easilly in my top 3 steel rides I gotta believe a 300 foot tall version is going to be pretty good...

Too bad 305 doesn't have a 95 degree drop. That would have been insane!

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Even with those restraints, the ride is basically Maverick on steroids with what looks like plenty of airtime and some wild, quick transitions. Since Maverick is easilly in my top 3 steel rides I gotta believe a 300 foot tall version is going to be pretty good...

Too bad 305 doesn't have a 95 degree drop. That would have been insane!

Very true

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Even with those restraints, the ride is basically Maverick on steroids with what looks like plenty of airtime and some wild, quick transitions. Since Maverick is easilly in my top 3 steel rides I gotta believe a 300 foot tall version is going to be pretty good...



...Maverick restraints, 90+ mph, and quick transitions is a bad combination in my opinion. I have a feeling there are going to be a "few" people holding their necks getting off this ride come April. It's one thing if the transitions are more drawn out like on Millennium Force, but this ride is really pushing the envelope with this layout. I just pray that they don't trim it to death to compensate for the restraints, speed, and transitions.

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Wait a second...did the park not announce (to some group) a couple weeks ago that the ride would have shoulder straps, such as those found on Insane and Tornado?


If so, this is very confusing...


Which is exactly why people should not waste their time speculating on such things, just wait for the finished product.

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I remember Robb saying that what we saw in the animation and pics is what we are going to get in terms of trains. That should be a minor consideration since you guys now have a massive 300' coaster. That is just awesome. Would love to see one up here one day.


That is one spectacular attraction. Huge 'wow' factor, even just by looking at some of the great pics posted here. I'm so tempted to make a trip down to Virginia this spring and definitely make KD part of it, without a doubt. I guess that'll mean a Platinum Pass where the parking could actually come in handy. Out of curiosity, is Richmond Airport the closest? haha

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^ Other than annoucing the names of the rides, not really. There have been no updates. KDFansite isn't interested as half the site is content with calling John Pagel a liar, bashing the OTSR, and debaing over pointless information.


For the KDF regulars, it is getting rediculuous.


I'm glad that their is sanity in this forum.


I think the OTSR may cut your head a bit in the quick transitions but otherwise should really be a major factor in the ride.

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I still think they ruined a coaster that could have been my new #1

Same as with Maverick, if the ride had MF style lapbars, it would probably be the best one out there in my opinion.

Intamin really should design new lapbars for the US that allow bigger people to ride.

They are not unsafe or something, after all Intamin still used the old restraints on the mega lites and other lapbars on El Toro and Bizarro.

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