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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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^To be fair, if the Sexual Orientation thread is anything to go by, then statistically there is a 1 in 5 chance that he may indeed like smoking blue veined cigars. Not my bag but to each his own if in the 20%.


But I digress, looks like the trackwork is complete but they seem to have a phobia about updating the blog, major events like the top-off and completion of the track don't seem to warrant blog entries. Hopefully the coaster actually opening might wake the PR department from their slumber.


I'm amazed at how low to the ground most of the coaster is, not that that is a bad thing, I think Maverick showed how good that can be. Will GeForce and Bizarro have a new challenger?

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^^I agree, I definitely think the trend towards low to the ground coasters has at least been done partially out of cost considerations - I could see Intamin pitching ideas to parks on that basis. Fortunately the results have been pretty exciting as well.


Hopefully we'll see some more Intamins of the like in 2011.

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With almost every piece of track in place, are they going to remove the 'temporary support' or is it turning into a permanent support now? It doesn't really detract from the ride, not to mention it was painted to look like every other support on the ride itself.


it's now supporting part of the first airtime hill.

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With almost every piece of track in place, are they going to remove the 'temporary support' or is it turning into a permanent support now? It doesn't really detract from the ride, not to mention it was painted to look like every other support on the ride itself.


The temporary support was reused as part of the supports for the second hill and has been gone for month now.

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This thread needs to stay on track please.


On the subject of Intimidator305...it actually seems much smaller than I anticipated. I haven't followed plans or construction at all, but I just expected a 300ft coaster to take up some more room or do something more.


Hope it exceeds my low expectations!

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^Agreed. While it has significantly grown on me, the ride really needs to be longer. A ride that's 300 feet tall really shouldn't be less than a mile long, hell, the 120 foot tall California Screamin is longer. The only advantage to a shorter layout would be better pacing and more force, but it should've been around as massive as MF.

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On the subject of Intimidator305...it actually seems much smaller than I anticipated. I haven't followed plans or construction at all, but I just expected a 300ft coaster to take up some more room or do something more.


Hope it exceeds my low expectations!


I thought it would be a giant Megalite but it looks less hilly than a megalite.


I hope the ride totally sucks because KD is really hard for me to get to and it would be nice to have no compulsion to return to KD because I will have to go if I305 is awesome (note: if you don't like my statement read the disclaimer at the bottom of the page).

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^ Kings Dominion has always had a history of VERY short "meh" coasters that are really more gimmicks than anything. Don't get me wrong, Volcano is great, as was Hypersonic (although extreme shortness), but you never felt as if the rides there are meant to be over yet when you get to the end.


I305 I feel will be similar to these, although some of those unbelievable turns, a few airtime hills..including that stealthy little tiny hill after the first big airtime hill may make up for it all. On this ride there seems to be non stop action, tricky turns, and surprises, but I feel this thing will take many by surprise. I was a *little* upset by the design on paper, but seeing it come to life now, I think we all will have to say we underestimated after we ride it.


^Downunder..... Sorry buddy, but you will probably have to make that trip to VA next year LOL.

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^Agreed. While it has significantly grown on me, the ride really needs to be longer. A ride that's 300 feet tall really shouldn't be less than a mile long, hell, the 120 foot tall California Screamin is longer. The only advantage to a shorter layout would be better pacing and more force, but it should've been around as massive as MF.


A big reason for the short track length is the fact that it's so low to the ground and doesn't have many hills. Hills use more track and therefore increase track length. It's still about a 45-second ride from the crest of the lift hill to the brakes, which isn't bad at all. Millennium Force is about 58-59 seconds from crest to brakes, and it's about 1,500 feet longer, so the pacing is pretty similar.

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snowboard83 I agree with and couldn't have said it better. I have always felt that Kings Dominions rides were way too short. I was excited about this ride but a little taken back when i saw the length and finding out that it would only have 2 trains. Knowing Kings Dominion and its huge lines, it just so unfortunate that its sorta end at their climax. Volcano is a good example of this. I still vividly remember my first time riding coming out of the last in-line twist and diving back into the volcano expecting all hell to break loose in the darkness but instead I felt brakes. I was still in doubt thinking that we were in for a surprise around the corner but Nope we were back in the station. FoF is the only ride I feel offers a full ride with suitable ride time. I305 will be Just the same. It will end before you know it. All I can say at least its more than just a gimmick like Kingda Ka or TTD and H:XLC. On the bright side with the ride being so short at least we can expect the trains to be cycled constantly versus waiting for a train to finish its course. I just hope there's never a case were one train is broken thus leaving only one train available to operate. I fear for capacity. If this ride gets anywhere near the response that Kingda Ka, Diamondback, Behemoth, MF got then the park is in trouble. Even Kingda Ka has 4 trains. This ride only has 2. Anyone else foresee trouble?

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. Volcano is the biggest example of this. I still vividly remember my first time riding coming out of the last in-line twist and diving back into the volcano expecting all hell to break loose in the darkness but instead I felt breaks.


OK, we interrupt this topic for a brief spelling lesson:


Break (verb)--"to separate into parts with suddenness or violence; fracture."


Brake (noun)--"a device for arresting the motion of an object or preventing the motion of a mechanism, usually through friction."


Please choose the correct spelling (in this case, "I felt brakes"). This error occurs far too often among posters of all age groups.


Thank you.


We now return to our previously scheduled topic: Hey, how about that Intimidator? I have high hopes for this ride, myself.

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I do think it'll be a pretty intense ride. Some of those turns (especially the first one) are taken at heinous speeds and will get some serious positive G's going. With the airtime hills, there's no way to know for sure just how much airtime they'll provide until we start riding it. You have to think that a 150' hill at almost full speed has got to be ejector air. Looks as if this could potentially be a very Maverick-ish ride, just bigger and faster.

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. Volcano is the biggest example of this. I still vividly remember my first time riding coming out of the last in-line twist and diving back into the volcano expecting all hell to break loose in the darkness but instead I felt breaks.


OK, we interrupt this topic for a brief spelling lesson:


Break (verb)--"to separate into parts with suddenness or violence; fracture."


Brake (noun)--"a device for arresting the motion of an object or preventing the motion of a mechanism, usually through friction."


Please choose the correct spelling (in this case, "I felt brakes"). This error occurs far too often among posters of all age groups.


Thank you.


We now return to our previously scheduled topic: Hey, how about that Intimidator? I have high hopes for this ride, myself.


Sorry, I was in a rush, but thanks.

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^^I agree, Steve! Both Millie and Intimidator have 300 foot initial drops. Both have a turn before the first hill. However, Millie's first turn is a raised turn, while Intimidator's is low to the ground. I would guess that Millie's overbank takes more speed from the ride than a ground-hugging turn (though, I could be wrong...as I'm no physicist). Finally, Intimidator's first hill is almost 20 feet lower than Millie's. Given these statistics, and the fact that MF's first hill provides some pretty darned strong floater airtime, I'm thinking that Intimidator's first hill will provide mild ejector airtime at least. Hopefully I'll be able to ride it when it opens and personally test my theory.


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I can't really fault KD for having short coasters. Many of their installations were prototypes.


Volcano- prototype

Shockwave- not "the prototype" but it's identical twin at King's Island was

Flight of Fear- both debuted at King's Dominion/Island same year

Hypersonic- prototype - was the coaster that S&S built at their facility at Utah


Rebel Yell is pretty long.

Hurler and Grizzly are decent, maybe average for woodies

Dominator- isn't this the longest floorless in the world?

Ricochet- pretty standard for a mouse

Avalanche- only bobsleigh I've been on, not sure how this one fares.

Anaconda- about the average length of the other Arrow loopers of it's time.


Granted I'd say I305 isn't a prototype but maybe a second generation giga.


Cut KD some slack.


I don't think they or Cedar Fair/Paramount/Taft set out to make short coasters.

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Remember that appearances can be deceiving, I haven't ridden Millennium Force so I can't really compare the two but from what I see by watching the animated videos of the layout it looks like there could be 7 moments of airtime compared to the three that were apparent when I looked at the layout for the first time.

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Airtime is going to be alright, but the only thing I am really interested in feeling is the positive g's rounding that first corner!!!! It's gotta feel like you are going to go right through the track and shoot out through the back of the park. Hold on tight Ma, we're in for a doozie!!! LMAO

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^ Because NASCAR is well-known for its massive airtime hills...



The coaster is fine layout-wise because its not built to be an airtime-based coaster, but more of a speed-based coaster.


But NASCAR is known for 300 foot lifts and and right handed turns?


Look at Carowind's Intimidator, nearly all floater air hills (typical of the B&M hypers); I'm just saying that most of this ride is the one element I didn't enjoy in Intamin's past coasters - the snappy transitions that toss you around.

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