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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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2 questions:


1. Why are you yelling?


2. Did you REALLY just refer to this coaster as "Timmy"?!?!?!


I'm not going to entertain your comment. I wrote in caps to express my excitement. Your analyzing things too much.


^^ I hope its topped off today that would be exciting.

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Oh man, this is getting exciting! Just to clear things up for me though, does anybody know if I305 will incorporate the average Intamin looping coaster harness like the kind used on Storm Runner, Kingda Ka, Maverick,... or will it use the shoulder harnesses with the flexible straps? If anyone knows anything, your help would be appreciated.

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Oh man, this is getting exciting! Just to clear things up for me though, does anybody know if I305 will incorporate the average Intamin looping coaster harness like the kind used on Storm Runner, Kingda Ka, Maverick,... or will it use the shoulder harnesses with the flexible straps? If anyone knows anything, your help would be appreciated.


Even John Pagal (KD PR Manager) said he was not completely sure what the harnesses would be like, but most think they will be similar to the coaster in this youtube video.



A new Huge White Crane is up. I wonder if this one is for topping off the lift, as it appears to be bigger than the other two cranes.

Should we give it a name? How about Finish Line.


I'd stay peeled to the webcam for the rest of the day!


I like the name, or considering its color and the events that went on over summer I'd go with Whyte Lightening.

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Oh man, this is getting exciting! Just to clear things up for me though, does anybody know if I305 will incorporate the average Intamin looping coaster harness like the kind used on Storm Runner, Kingda Ka, Maverick,... or will it use the shoulder harnesses with the flexible straps? If anyone knows anything, your help would be appreciated.


Even John Pagal (KD PR Manager) said he was not completely sure what the harnesses would be like, but most think they will be similar to the coaster in this youtube video.



A new Huge White Crane is up. I wonder if this one is for topping off the lift, as it appears to be bigger than the other two cranes.

Should we give it a name? How about Finish Line.


I'd stay peeled to the webcam for the rest of the day!


I like the name, or considering its color and the events that went on over summer I'd go with Whyte Lightening.


Oh okay. Thanks man. That's what I thought they would use too, but I just wanted to check if anyone knew anything else. I'd be glad if they used those, at least there wouldn't be as much head banging! (if there is any.)

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Webcam is getting too blurry to see anything. Hopefully, they will turn the spotlights on soon!


No movement on the Finish Line crane, they must be assembling the last two lift parts on the ground. I doubt any work tonight, they'll probably spend tomorrow getting it right and removing the temp support.

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^Yeah, I'd say at this point you are right. But, who knows, I am still going to watch the webcam from time to time tonight.

Also, wouldn't be too good to take a video/picture for the blog of the "keystone" being assembled tonight. Oh, and maybe Novak can get a video of the topping-off.

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