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Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 201 - Iron Menace announced for 2024!

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I started going to the park in the late 80's although only went on the kiddie rides back then. The removal of the older rare rides like the rockets and water skooters was disappointing but at the same time I really like the additions a smaller individually owned park probably wouldn't add like Talon.

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Some B&M coasters seem to have that rattle and Hydra has it worse than some other coasters I have ridden. 1 train seems to be worse than the other. I think it's the one with the new restraints (black restraints and seats) that has less rattle.

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I normally don't say one train provides a better ride over the other, but on Hydra the difference is night and day. Train 2 is the good one, Train 1 has a godawful rattle that makes for an extremely rough and headbangey ride.

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I had two decent rides on Thunderhawk this year, but sitting in the front vs the back of the train is like night and day. The airtime is good and its still rough as hell in the front but the back just feels like a car wreck, injuries and all. Also the trims on the bunnyhops might as well stop the train completely.

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I rode Thunderhawk front seat and middle of back car a couple weeks ago and didn't find the roughness to be the defining feature of either ride. It was actually a lot of fun.


WHy does Hydra have these thru holes in its spine?


2/4. Someday...



^ these ones

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Oh yeah B&M, you were really pushing the limits with that ridiculous oversized hill next to the station. I think you almost feel .9999999 Gs on that thing, better watch out.



I just want to know where this company went wrong... I mean, they built Montu. They built Kumba. Why would they have ever worried about that waste of a hill would need a trim when they didn't use trims before some of the craziest elements ever built on those 2 coasters? 2 coasters (BTW) that are still smoother than Hydra despite those ridiculous forces (Not that I'd call Hydra rough).

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^I don't think you need to be afraid of spoiling it for anybody at this point. What was in it? I'm curious.


Has anyone else seen that commercial for Haunt they've been running all month, with the scary clown? It's not bad, except for the fact that it looks like it was filmed in some church's basement. Couldn't they have filmed it in one of their own walk-throughs and gotten way better results?

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##### semi spoilers!!! ######

##### semi spoilers!!! ######

##### semi spoilers!!! ######


We didn't get any warning that they would be touching us in the Age of Darkness, and considering how every other attraction they tell you that don't touch them they won't touch you it took us off guard.


The grave walkers skeleton key room was done much better at Canada's Wonderland because there was this whole story leading up to it (though not everyone got incinerated like at Dorney). Only one person was chosen but it was much smaller groups. There was really no background at Dorney when we went in and we ended up waiting 45 min for it due to the way it was presented. That being said, of the 3 parks we did, it was the only "repeat" concept which I was amazed all the parks were unique rooms. (this was my first year doing fright lanes). --- No spoilers until after Halloween! And use spoiler tags!

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^I don't think you need to be afraid of spoiling it for anybody at this point. What was in it? I'm curious.

in age of darkness, you are "executed" and your choice of execution is to be hung. it starts out with two actors that grab you and put you on the side of a wall. they then put a bag over your head so you can't see anything. then you feel a rope being put around your neck. after a couple seconds the floor drops with everyone dropping with it and scaring the crap out of me.!


grave walkers which i believe was the same as last year (i wouldn't know because this was my first time getting skeleton key). you go in a room and they make you go into a coffin that looks like you are going to be cremated. they roll you on this board thing in the pitch black coffin and then on the other side the actors bang on the coffin scaring you and making you get out. i loves both!!


but the rooms in trick or treat, cornstalkers, and mansion house were rather dumb. but i loved the story line they made with the desolation room.

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^Oh man that sounds awesome! It seems like haunts in general are getting more bold and "grabby" which I think is a really positive turn for the industry. Just look at the hype surrounding certain "extreme" haunts, there's obviously a demand for it.

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