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The Cruise Ship and Cruise Line Discussion Thread!

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Wasn't this a movie? Like exactly the same as some cheesy movie?




Indeed it is. And it's even named Titanic 2. So we should be expecting some sort of TSUNAMI to hurl an ice berg into its path on its maiden voyage.




I wonder why anyone thinks this is a good idea. By today's standards the amenities on the Titanic are abysmal and the size of the ship is nothing impressive by today's standards. I feel like, if somehow magically completed, the first people on board will let out one collective sigh of disappointment upon seeing the actual scale of the interiors that are so famously known such as the grand stair.


That being said, I DO want this to be built, because why not? It's not my money and who knows, maybe this ship, although gimmicky, will somehow be a huge success. Doubt it, but would love to be proven wrong.

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Oh Carnival...




Basically if you don't want to click an 18 year old got so drunk he died on the cruise earlier this week. Shocking that there would be underage drinking and people drinking to excess!


Carnival Cruise Lines year lurches from bad to worse with the news the FBI is investigating the mysterious death of an 18-year-old high school senior board a Caribbean voyage returning to New York.


Initial reports have speculated that Seth Younes, from New York, died after becoming extremely drunk on the last night of the eight day cruise, although where and how he began drinking is not yet clear.


A Carnival Cruise Lines spokesman confirmed that Younes died on board one of their vessels at around 3 a.m. on Tuesday but denied that he was served alcohol by any staff member of the embattled firm.


Edited by robbalvey
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Stories like that one are exactly why Carnival is even still in business in the first place. Booze cruises. I'm sure the kid dying was a combination of careless Carnival employees not checking the ship-passes close enough and his friends buying him drinks.

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Interesting article on how RCL "cleans" the Ipads in their suites as well as the future of connectivity on their ships which include Apps for customer devices which will take over the tasks currently done by these tablets. They also were talking about higher speeds and flat rate pricing (which i think was discussed earlier in this thread).



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^That is awesome. Really interested to see how the tests with the new high speed satellites work out. The CIO is 100% correct in saying that more and more people just expect to be able to get online wherever they are, and they need to find solutions for this. Another reason why RCCL is a great company.



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^Definitely. I imagine that the internet cafe/internet packages available on ships have to be one of the highest grossing things on ships! I know each cruise I've taken that I've checked the internet at least every other day (if not more).

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I'm all for faster internet on cruises. A better price , and faster pricing, can end up being great advertising for the ships. More people will be posting their fun pictures of their vacations.

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^I don't get why they would tell the parents that, usually it is in a cruise line's best interest to keep their passengers alive!


Also, love how Royal Caribbean is on the bleeding edge of tech. I agree with their plan moving forward, and I'd rather use my own device anyway.

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It's being reported that they brought him to the doctor who told the family if he comes in and they treat him it would cost a ton of money, and he should just sleep it off.


Carnival: Experts in the field of triage.

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A friend of mine was on that ship and he said that it really wasn't nearly as bad as the media made it out to be... until they ran out of vodka. Then he was pissed.


How is having to crap in a bag not bad? That alone is freaking awful....I don't care about anything else the media may or may not have exaggerated! Pooping in a bag is never acceptable.

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Full disclosure: he's also a "survival camper" - the kind of guy who goes out in the woods for several days and only takes what's in his pockets. His idea of "not that bad" and ours are likely very different. I was just reporting what he said.

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A friend of mine was on that ship and he said that it really wasn't nearly as bad as the media made it out to be... until they ran out of vodka. Then he was pissed.


How is having to crap in a bag not bad? That alone is freaking awful....I don't care about anything else the media may or may not have exaggerated! Pooping in a bag is never acceptable.

Maybe the friend doesn't have indoor plumping so he's used to it?

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A friend of mine was on that ship and he said that it really wasn't nearly as bad as the media made it out to be... until they ran out of vodka. Then he was pissed.


Maybe you need new friends?

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