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What Was the Last Beer You Drank?


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I can't believe I have never posted in this thread before :shock: Anyway the below beer is a Cobra and it is possibly my most favorite. It's an Indian beer and it is just soooooo smooth it's unbelievable. Goes really nice with a nice curry 8)


BTW it's a huge 660ml bottle


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Went on a bit of a bender with my mate's last saturday night for a haloween RPG party, over the night I drank:


Nine can's of Carling.

Two Black Russian's.

Three Tequila Slammer's.

Two pint's of mother's milk (Vodka, mixed with coffee liquer and milk).

Two can's of Special Brew (God help us).

Half a pint of GREEN (2x Archer's, 2x Gin, 2 x Vodka and 1 x Blue Curacao, topped up in a pint glass with Dry Cider).


I was well and truly on my ass by 4 am! Yey celebration's!

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With Oktoberfest way over, and October even past, I thought I'd do my part to help my favorite local bar kick their supply of Sam Adam's Oktoberfest. Here's just one of the 6 I had last night. Boy do I love Happy Hours that last from 6-8 on a Friday night with $1.50 domestic drafts.


Beer GOOD!

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Had a Boddington's tonight, ugh.....think I finally found a beer I don't like. Started okay, but then got really bitter and had a nasty flavor by the time I had finally finished the pint (read: can I poured into a glass). Thing was darn expensive for only 14 or 15 ounces too, freaking $2.70 for crapola, at least Newcastle tastes good!

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Maybe a Monday night isn't the best time to drink this, as its 21% Alcohol with 120 IBUs (what I believe everything should be measured in, not just beer), but after a weekend of fixing up my new house and then working with nagging people, I think I deserve it. Truly a way to start the week. Wake me up in time for the weekend!


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Anchor Steam yesterday on the advise of this forum. Is it $10 a six pack over there too Wally? Both Anchor and Liberty Ale were $10 while the Pyramids were $7.


Because I'm getting ready for the lollarcaust that is 3 exams this week.


The last one. So why is it closed?

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^Yes Ted, it was pretty good stuff. Very heavily alcoholic with different fruit flavors, almost like a Belgian, but extremely hoppy. As for the Church BrewWorks, thats probably my favorite type of church anywhere (much better than the Koln Cathedral). Its also among my favorite brewpubs.


I think 1 bottle of Dogfish Head 120 minute IPA has more alcohol in it than in an entire Anheiser Busch brewery at one time:)

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I think 1 bottle of Dogfish Head 120 minute IPA has more alcohol in it than in an entire Anheiser Busch brewery at one time:)


True, although I have been staying away from the hard stuff ever since I bought a case of Bithering Idiot (11.1%, Weyerbacher). It took me forever to finish that thing. Still, I would really like to get my hands on one of these ...




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