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What Was the Last Beer You Drank?


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I didn't get a picture of it but I had a good pint of Southern Tier Pumking last night. It was pretty good, but the pizza and wings I had with it were outstanding.


Glad to hear that Southern Tier is spreading out across the country - the brewery is about four miles from my house.


Despite it's popularity, I rarely visit the bar as it is always very crowded now that they have expanded their market. I usually just pick up a couple 6 packs at Wegmans and bring them home to drink.


While I am not a huge fan of Pumking, I do like most of their other beers. I had a ST 2X Rye last night as my last beer.


The other beer in my fridge is a PMX - which is like a new version of Phin & Matt's. Hoppy, but without the bitterness of some of the other Pale Ale's out there.



^^Edit - Bud Light should never be considered beer! It is a water-washed creation that should only be drank if it is the last thing on earth. And in that case, I would probably just kill myself.


Love the 2X Rye!


(Photo courtesy of Southern Tier Brewery)


PMX - not quite as hoppy as the 2X Rye.


(Photo courtesy of Southern Tier Brewery)

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If I was drinking a crappy beer like Bud Light or Miller Lite I probably wouldn't bother posting it here. Anyways back to what I was drinking...


The last two beers I had were both Pumpkin beers.



New Belgium Pumpkick from Fort Collins, CO on Halloween night



Saranac Pumpkin Ale from Utica, NY last night

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^ Three things on the label, that do not fit together, in my head....


- the word "Belgium"


- the US parks ranger hat (it does look like one)


- the word "India"


How did it taste, Chuck?

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