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What Was the Last Beer You Drank?


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So, it finally feels like summer her in Portland. Time to head out to the back patio to BBQ some hamburgers, and of course........... beer!


Perfect way to end the day.


Next we'll go with my personal favorite IPA. Inversion IPA from Deschutes Brewery.


Yum. Hamburgers are looking nice and cheesy good.


Baby isn't so much into working.


Very refreshing on a hot day after work.


Ah, Curve Ball. A nice seasonal brew.


Sandi can clean the BBQ =) I'll feed my fish and have a nice cold...........


Just need to do a little cleaning as this baby hasn't been fired up in a while.

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^ Awesome, Inversion IPA! I love Deschutes!!! Have you ever been to the actual brewery in Bend?


Tonight, I painted the town red!!!


But this one was really good! It had a good balance and bitterness to it so it wasn't too malty sweet for me!


Hoptown's Paint The Town Red. ABV 5.5% This was a dry-hopped red ale, that was pretty hoppy. Most reds I've tried are a little too much on the malt side for me.

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Classic BBQ night, I BBQ'd some tri-tip and we had some Artichokes from the Artichoke capital in the world, Castroville. We also had some baked potatoes!


For dessert, I tried 2 new beers.


Next up, Marin Brewing's San Quentin Breakout Stout, 7.0% ABV. A very nice well balanced stout that isn't very roasty, but has some coffee type flavors and is pretty dry, I liked this one quite a bit.


The Samuel Smith Organically Produced Ale. Definitely can tell it's English. It's pretty malty and a bit sweet, the first sip almost reminded me of Martinelli's

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So yesterday was the first day since I moved into the new digs, where I could finally do a little shopping, and sit on my rear. It was raining, so a day a brew drinking took place. Here's the two highlights....or lowlights.


Nice blueberry taste. A little too carbonated for my taste, but a nice foo foo beer.


I'm screwed if this tastes like strawberries to me.


This batch not so much. My tastebuds fail at life.


Sunset Wheat, I swear there be blurberries in there! :)

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Well, it's been a while but I've been drinking stuff that's not really "Worthy" of mentioning on here!

However, an unexpected visit to Asda produced some great results with a nice pair (wa-hay!) from the Hook Norton Brewery finding their way into my basket!


"A fruity & full-bodied ale".


Next, it's Old Hooky at 4.6%.


They say "A pale, dry English bitter".


First up, 303ad. Apparently named after "The Year Of Saint George" & weighing in at 4.0% ABV.


A lovely pair!

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Lots of stuff to catch up on from this past weekend's trip to Virginia. First up, Saturday after visiting Kings Dominion we were off to Richmond's Capital Ale House:


and we left Larry with some Eisbock and told him to work on his expressions


Heath then went with the Hefeweizen


Larry tried the Stout and a "Confused Derek face", but he pretty much failed


For me, the Eisbock looked enticing. Pretty strong stuff, yum!


Plenty of other stuff for us to try...


and Whoa!! even Larrygator joined us today, enjoying a Hefeweizen he is


Heath went with the Stout


First up for me, the Pale Ale


Next up, Richmond's own Legend Brewing Co, right on the river


mmmm, beer


Another cool place to pick up beers


We could buy this, but why would we??


Next up, some singles shopping in some of the better places to go in Richmond


Their beer menu may not have been updated that day, but the Capital Alehouse in Richmond was definitely an awesome place. Looking forward to going back


The bartender was impressed with our knowledge of beer, so he kept giving up samples of combos he's mixed up, like Young's Double Chocolate and Lindeman's Framboise


Heath finishes up with some Cask Storm King from Victory. Why we never got this at the brewery, no idea!


Next up for me, some Bell's Two-Hearted IPA. Poor Matt, this update must really hurt you, knowing that your entire town's supply of Bells has been redirected to Virginia indefinitely


While Heath goes with the Stone Ruination IPA


Next for me, the Cask IPA from St. George


Heath goes with the Bear Republic Racer 5 IPA, and even Kim gets in on the action with a Bell's Amber of her own


First up for me, Bell's Amber Ale.


One cool thing about this bar, the ice tray to help keep your beer cool


30 taps of great beers from all over the world, including lots of micros from here in the states


#10 on the top places to have a beer in America, Capital AleHouse in downtown Richmond.

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Sunday we went to Busch Gardens. Of course that could mean only 1 thing, a trip to the Brewmaster's Club for some freebies!


Even Spiderman needs to sit down and kick back a round or two in the Festhaus every once and a while


And Kim goes for the Blueberry Pomegranate Peels


Larry is still working on those faces while enjoying the new Mid-Atlantic region limited release, the Skip Jack Amber


I decided to try ABs Chinese lager, the Harbin


Hey it's Williamsburg's own ChloroFluoroCarbon, Chuck! He'd be enjoying the Stone Mill Pale Ale


Now you don't get prearranged "flights", you pick and choose your 4. Heath went with the Bud Extra, an energy beer with caffeine as one of his choices


BGE now has 2 of these instead of beerschool. But we still like the original location back in the Festhaus. Make reservations early!

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and finally today, good old Memorial Day, a Monday that pretends it's a Sunday, meaning lots of people are out on the roads and not working. For us it meant a drive home from Virginia, but not before a stop at the other Capital Ale House in Innsbrooke.


oh sweet great microbrewed beer in grocery stores, why do you taunt us Pennsylvanians so!?


But before we could leave Virginia, may as well do our grocery shopping


and Heath went with an awesome barleywine, Avery's Hog Heaven


And to conclude our time in Virginia, Breckenridge's Avalanche Amber for me, finally making its way out from Colorado


The REAL Stone Pale Ale, no Mill needed, sorry AB


Did Heath just rip one, or is that just my Cask Stinky IPA from Starr Hill


Heath wanted to roll with the homeys with his malt liquor, Rogues own Dad's Little Helper


So we stick to draft. For me, Lagunitas' Dogtown Pale Ale. Really fruity and fizzy, almost like champagne


and loads of bottled stuff that costs a lot


Getting here at opening had it's advantages, like no one else in the place! This place has even more taps than the Richmond location


#14 on the list of top places to have a beer in the US

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Hey it's Williamsburg's own ChloroFluoroCarbon, Chuck! He'd be enjoying the Stone Mill Pale Ale


Well, destroying the ozone layer is thirsty work, you know, what with global warming and all.

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Awesome Virginia stops! I wish there were crazy beer stores like that here... Maybe there are and I've yet to find them.


Tonight I tried Bear Republic's XP Pale Ale.


The verdict is in, this beer kicks ass! I've really enjoyed all of the offerings from Bear Republic thus far. Looking forward to finding more.


Profile Shot!!! ABV 5.5% Mmm, a nice hoppy American Pale Ale... Probably my favorite style overall right now.

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Thought that I would try and clear some old stock out of the fridge tonight. Bad idea.


She says "At least one of us had a decent beer tonight!"


Not to be outdone, Kim chimes in with a beer of her own. And I think she made the better choice in the form of an Abita Rootbeer.


OK, maybe not. Actually this may have been decent a few months ago but now it's kinda blah with some off flavors. I guess I should have drank it sooner!


Something new from the Ruth Brewing Company. Their fantastic porter!

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^Haha! That's what you get for waiting so long for such fantastic brews. There's a reason why it's called Southern Tier, and it's not because of the river


And yeah, Juggler, we've been getting Young's here for years; actually there were quite a few English beers that I saw down in Virginia this weekend, but after the experiences I had last year over in England with the brews, I tend to ignore them for good stuff


Tonight for me, another Top 100 American Craft Brew that I finally found in Virginia and picked up this past weekend.


an excellent rye IPA, very well balanced between sweet and malty thanks to the rye. Even better when it warms up a bit


Bear Republic's Hop Rod Rye, #40 on BeerAdvocate's Top 100 American list

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I need to get me some of that Derek!!! I've been loving Bear Republic lately.


When my friend Adam makes it back up here from San Diego we're thinking of making a trip up to the Russian River area to go to both Bear Republic's Brewpub and the Russian River Brewpub to try the pliny the elder (i don't think the younger will be brewed there within the next few months)


Oh, we're also planning to hit Six Flags Discovery Kingdom to check out the former Marine World we all went to as kids before they had coasters!


Larry, pay close attention to the extreme facial expressions ahead, you could learn a thing or two!


My new favorite stout!!! The flavor is just amazing on this beer. It's complex, has roastyness, coffee flavors, and chocolate, with a tinge of bitterness. It's so well rounded! Finally something good from across the pond!


So interesting, it made me go cross-eyed! The mouthfeel on this stuff is great thanks to the oatmeal!


The last beer of my recent BevMo trip, Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout, missing BeerAdvocate's Top 100 by only a tiny bit. ABV 5.0%

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From the moment I woke up this morning, my beer destiny was calling me. First my random shirt to wear under my scrubs, then my random beer glass being for the same beer as the shirt, it was inevitable that I drink that beer tonight. Fortunately, I had just picked up a 6pack of it down in VA this past weekend!


I'm happy to report that mine is still pretty good. Starting to turn a tad little bit, but the cellaring helps


Next up, I wanted to try some Nugget Nectar since Heath reported that his was going bad


Definitely some awesome stuff, and easier to enjoy when you don't need to drink 2 glasses like you did with the bomber bottles


mmmm, such a wonderful hoppy smell


Tonight's beer, Stone's Ruination IPA, now available in regular sized bottles and 6packs!

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Tonight I decided to break out another beer I picked up in Virginia, one all the way from Wisconsin from one of a contributors favorite places, Lakefront!


YEAH! Once again, Bell's delivers another fine brew, loaded with citrus and grapefruit flavors


Right now I'm thinking this is the best reason for Matt to drive up to Wisconsin, so he can buy more Bell's, like this Two Hearted IPA. His Lakefront just doesn't cut it for me


Matt, dude, I seriously think your Lakefront is a lame microbrewery, almost as bad as Southern Tier. This thing had like no maltiness at all for an ESB, and just a slight hint of citrusy hops


Lakefront's Organic ESB, made with organic hops and barley

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A quick two-day mountain biking trip to Colorado yielded some bruises, scrapes, and great beers. We visited the Rockslide Brewpub in Grand Junction, Co, which had such a great brunch that we returned that night for dinner. The beers tasted so fresh! I have been disappointed lately with stale tasting beers at the local brewpubs, so Rockslide was a great surprise.


The next night we stopped at the Moab Brewery on the way home, which has incredible food. But first, we stopped at a Colorado liquor store to get some "real" beer to take back to Utah. It was so nice to have a great selection, reminded me of BevMo!!


The New Belgium Skinny Dip is a nice, light seasonal. Thought we'd bring home a few old favorites and some new stuff. All have been great!


Thanks, Colorado!!


When you see this, you know you are in Moab, the mountain biking capital of the world. This is The Chile Pepper bike shop, next door to the Moab Brewery.


A nice assortment, I liked the Rabbit Ears Amber


Good Stuff!

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